Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 01-0C5004

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Inquiry #1: This project has 283 plants to plant and no bid item for soil amendment. Please add a soil amendment bid item.
Inquiry submitted 11/15/2022

Response #1:(BI#1)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.

Response posted 11/15/2022

Response #2:(BI#1)-See Plant Quantities Table on sheet 74 (PL-1). Bid per current bid documents.
Response posted 12/12/2022

Inquiry #2: Plan Sheet 13 does not show the new retaining wall @ PM 25.30.
Please clarify.

Inquiry submitted 12/08/2022

Response #1:(BI#2)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 12/08/2022

Inquiry #3: Please provide deck contours for Little Larabee Creek Bridge No. 04-0102.

Inquiry submitted 12/16/2022

Response #1:(BI#3)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 12/16/2022

Response #2:(BI#3)-Structures Response: Attention is directed to the Typical Section detail on plan sheet number 167 of 248. Grade and cross slope of new construction must match the existing grade and cross slope. Please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 12/19/2022

Inquiry #4: A 4" Welded Steel Pipe Casing shows on sheet 167 that carries the 2" electrical conduit shown on sheet 96. The 2" conduit is shown in the Electrical System Quantities on sheet 98 but the 4" casing is not, nor is the casing covered under a Welded Steel Pipe Casing (Bridge) item. What bid item does this casing get assigned to?
Inquiry submitted 12/23/2022

Response #1:(BI#4)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 12/23/2022

Response #2:(BI#4)-Attention is directed Addendum #3, dated February 6, 2023. The steel pipe casing on sheet 167 of 248 has been removed.
Response posted 02/07/2023

Inquiry #5: Is the Stage designation for Abutment 1 of Hely Creek Bridge correct (Sheet 186)? The sheet shows the Soldier Pile Wall portion as part of Stage 1 and all of the other sheets indicate that this work is performed in Stage 2. Please clarify.
Inquiry submitted 01/11/2023

Response #1:(BI#5)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 01/11/2023

Response #2:(BI#5)- Please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 01/18/2023

Response #3:(BI#5)-Attention is directed Addendum #3, dated February 6, 2023. The staging on sheet 186 of 248 has been revised to match with the rest of the sheets.
Response posted 02/07/2023

Inquiry #6: Sheet 203 has a legend for hatching apparently intended to designate limits of Roadway Excavation, Structure Excavation (Type D) and Structure Backfill (Bridge), but no hatching is shown in the Limits Detail. Please provide.
Inquiry submitted 01/11/2023

Response #1:(BI#6)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 01/11/2023

Response #2:(BI#6)-Attention is directed to Addendum #3, dated February 6, 2023. The legend on plan sheet 203 of 248 has been revised to depict structure excavation (Type D) and structure backfill (bridge).
Response posted 02/07/2023

Response #3:(BI#6)-Attention is directed Addendum #3, dated February 6, 2023. The steel pipe casing on sheet 167 of 248 has been removed.
Response posted 02/07/2023

Inquiry #7: Is a horizontal construction joint allowed in the upper portion of the infill walls at Little Larabee Creek Bridge #04-0102?
Inquiry submitted 01/17/2023

Response #1:(BI#7)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 01/17/2023

Response #2:(BI#7)-Structure’s response: Please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 01/17/2023

Inquiry #8: Sheet 165 of 258 footing plan shows a 7’ x 7’ footing on the left side of the detail and a 6’ x 6’ footing with 4ea. piles on the right side. Note 1 states pier 2 and pier 3 footing shown on left. Is the intent to have 7’ x 7’ footings at both sides of piers 2 and 3 and 6’ x 6’ footings with 4 piles each at pier 4? Sheet 160 of 248, while not annotated as such, shows smaller size footings on the right side of each of the three piers with larger footings shown on the left side of all three piers. Please clarify?
Inquiry submitted 01/17/2023

Response #1:(BI#8)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 01/17/2023

Response #2:(BI#8)-Structure’s Response: Refer to the footing plan on sheet 165 of 248 of the contract plans. Yes, the intent is to have 7’ x 7’ footings at both sides of piers 2 and 3 and 6’ x 6’ footings with 4 piles each at pier 4. Attention is directed to item 2 of the 2nd paragraph in section 5-1.02 of the Standard Specifications, “Written numbers and notes on a drawing govern over graphics.”
Response posted 01/18/2023

Response #3:(BI#8)-Attention is directed Addendum #3, dated February 6, 2023. The footing sizes on sheet 160 of 248 have been revised.
Response posted 02/07/2023

Inquiry #9: SP Section 14-6.03A states to remove vegetation between Sept 16 and January 31 and install bat exclusion devices from Sept 15 to Nov 15. SP Section 14-6.06 states to install bird exclusion devices "during the non-nesting season". SP Sect 14-6.03B states the bird nesting season is February 1 to September 15 so the "non-nesting season" is Sept 16 thru January 31. Please confirm whether it is the intent of Caltrans that vegetation removal not start earlier than Sept 16, 2023, that bat exclusion devices get installed no earlier than Sept 15, 2023, that bird exclusion devices get installed no earlier than Sept 16, 2023, and that the first of two in-water work seasons begins June 15, 2024?
Inquiry submitted 01/18/2023

Response #1:(BI#9)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 01/18/2023

Inquiry #10: SP Section 17-3, Rootwads, states "At the Fields Landing Caltrans Dump Yard, rootwads and trunks must be stored in separate groupings based on their final channel location."
This section also provides a list of trees and location to be transported to the Field Landing yard. SP Section 72-8, Streambed Restoration, provides a list of trees to be placed in the channels at Hely Creek and Butte Creek. All of these trees are included in the list of trees in Section 17-3 to be stored at Field Landing. Section 72-8.03B states "If enough material is not available, imported material....may be acquired from within Humboldt and Mendocino Counties." How can a bidder assign a cost to importing log materials if Caltrans does not identify quantities to be imported, if any?

Inquiry submitted 01/18/2023

Response #1:(BI#10)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 01/18/2023

Inquiry #11: Please verify that the X-Section's match the Typical Section Stationing's.
For example, Sheet X-1, has Limits of Cold Plane AC Pavement at 108+38 to 108+88. X-Sections and Summary of Quantities Roadway Quantities show 108+79 to 108+88.

Inquiry submitted 01/19/2023

Response #1:(BI#11)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 01/19/2023

Inquiry #12: Please provide X-Sections for the H1 line.
Inquiry submitted 01/19/2023

Response #1:(BI#12)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 01/19/2023

Inquiry #13: Please provide the expect flow for diversion for Little Larabee Creek.
Inquiry submitted 01/23/2023

Response #1: (BI#13)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 01/23/2023

Inquiry #14: The Stage 1 and Stage 2 Construction callouts on sheets 183 and 186 are conflicting. Please clarify.
Inquiry submitted 01/24/2023

Response #1:(BI#14)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 01/24/2023

Response #2:(BI#14)-Attention is directed Addendum #3, dated February 6, 2023. The staging on “Plan” view of sheet 186 of 248 has been revised.
Response posted 02/07/2023

Inquiry #15: "Add to section 14-6.03A:
For trees:
2.1. Notify the Engineer at least 10 working days prior to working in the structural root zone (SRZ) of a tree. The SRZ is a circular area with a radius of 3 times the tree diameter at breast height (dbh)
2.2. A contractor-supplied arborist must be onsite during excavation work in the SRZ 2.3. Perform excavation within the SRZ with hand tools
2.4. Cut roots cleanly with sharp instruments to promote healing.
2.5. Do not cut roots larger than 2 inches in diameter unless authorized by the contractor-supplied arborist."

No SRZ areas are delineated on the plans. If any work is required under this section it can not be quantified for cost or time. There is an item for arborist that requires quantification to bid. Please clarify.

Inquiry submitted 01/25/2023

Response #1:(BI#15)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 01/25/2023

Inquiry #16: There are multiple unanswered and material bidder inquiries that affect cost and time. Will Caltrans please consider pushing the bid date and issuing an addendum to address these unanswered questions?
Inquiry submitted 01/25/2023

Response #1:(BI#16)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.

Response posted 01/30/2023

Inquiry #17: The ESA 1 boundaries shown on Sheet L-2 along the north side of the highway prevent the ability to construct the planned stream restoration work which generally extends to the R/W line along Hely Creek, as well as to provide a clear water diversion system. The northern ESA 1 boundaries on both Sheets L-1 & L-2 overlap the planned cuts & fills, generally for the length of the location. Can you please verify that ESA 1 boundaries are correct?
Inquiry submitted 01/27/2023

Response #1:(BI#17)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.

Response posted 01/30/2023

Inquiry #18: Has addendum #3 been issued as indicated in addendum #2?
We have not seen it.

Inquiry submitted 02/06/2023

Response #1:(BI#18)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 02/06/2023

Response #2:(BI#18)-An Addendum no:03 has posted.
Response posted 02/06/2023

Inquiry #19: Addendum #3 being posted on 2/6/2023 @ 2:37 pm. The project bids on 2/9/2023 @ 2 pm.
The addendum requires the review of 45 new plan sheets.
Adequate time has not been allowed for a review of this magnitude.
Please extend the bid date.

Inquiry submitted 02/06/2023

Response #1:(BI#19)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 02/06/2023

Response #2:(BI#19)-Bids will be opened as scheduled, February 9, 2023
Response posted 02/08/2023

Inquiry #20: Larabee Creek Bridge

OG Elevation shown on the Developed Elevation are materially different from those shown on the foundation plan and could be misleading. Information below.

Developed Elevation Left Center Right
Pier 2 646.75 648.5 644
Pier 3 628 629.5 627
Pier 4 637.45 636.95 637.2

Foundation Left Center Right
Pier 2 630 629 629
Pier 3 634 635 635
Pier 4 641 643 646

Developed Minus Foundation
Delta Left Center Right
Pier 2 16.75 19.5 15
Pier 3 -6 -5.5 -8
Pier 4 -3.55 -6.05 -8.8

Inquiry submitted 02/08/2023

Response #1:(BI#20)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 02/08/2023

Response #2:(BI#20)-Please bid per current contract documents.

Response posted 02/08/2023

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.