Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 01-0C7504

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Inquiry #1: Item 41 Permanent Erosion Control Establishment Work / Lump Sum
This Item asks for a lump sum bid. Section 21-3 reads that establishment work starts after permanent erosion control work has been completed. The engineer notifies when the establishment works period starts and furnishes weekly statements regarding the number of days credited to the establishment period.
This work consist of weekly inspections of the project site for any deficiencies in erosion control.
Please clarify the following questions to provide a basis for a lump sum bid.

1.) Inspections conducted by whom? ( General Contractor?) (Erosion control contractor?) ( Cal Trans?)
2.) How many weeks for inspection? What is the duration of this Item? A time frame must be provided so as to determine a Lump Sum bid.
3.) Does the Lump Sum bid represent the weekly inspections only? Section 21-3.04 Indicates, work preformed is change order work. Will this be on a bid based on repairs needed or time and materials?
Thank you,
Scott Miller

Inquiry submitted 02/07/2018

Response #1:
Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 02/07/2018

Response #2:
1.) Your attention is directed to the contract Special Provisions section 21-3.01A and 21-3.01C, PECE "work consists of weekly inspections of the project site for deficiencies in erosion control features". "The WPC manager is responsible for the preparation and submittal of the PECE report".

2.) Your attention is directed to the contract Special Provisions Notice to Bidders, paragraph 13 - complete the PECE work within 250 days and section 21-3.01A - PECE period starts after permanent erosion control work has been completed.

3.) Your attention is directed to section 21-3.01A and 21-1.03C of the contract Special Provisions, PECE work consist of weekly inspections and preparation/submittal of inspections. Refer to section 9-1.03 of the Standard Specifications for payment of change order work.
Response posted 02/08/2018

Inquiry #2: In reviewing the staging plans for this project we have questions concerning stage 3 construction. Within stage 3 there appears to be the need for several sub stages to accommodate traffic flow during construction. In addition, there appears to be the need for temporary paving, striping and signage not show on the plans during these sub stages.

Will Caltrans provide additional staging plans which detail how to handle traffic during this work?

How will the temporary paving, striping and signage needed during these sub-stages be paid for?

Inquiry submitted 02/15/2018

Response #1:
Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 02/15/2018

Response #2:
An addendum has been issued to address this bidder inquiry. Please refer to Addendum No. 2, issued on Thursday, February 22, 2018.
Please bid per the current contract documents.
Response posted 02/22/2018

Inquiry #3: I have questions regarding the Geosynthetic reinforcement on page 27 of the spec book . It is showing an (LTAS) and we want to clarify because we believe this is a typo and should be shown as ( LTDS)
Inquiry submitted 02/16/2018

Response #1:
Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 02/16/2018

Response #2:
Your attention is directed to the Revised Standard Specification in Section 19-6.01C (page 50 of 263). Please bid per the current contract documents.
Response posted 02/20/2018

Inquiry #4: Also there is a quantity for a no pay base reinforcement geogrid 100 /SY on drawing C-12 and we would like to know if there is a spec on that particular item that we can reference
Inquiry submitted 02/16/2018

Response #1:
Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 02/16/2018

Response #2:
An addendum has been issued to address this bidder inquiry. Please refer to Addendum No. 2, issued on Thursday, February 22, 2018.
Please bid per the current contract documents.
Response posted 02/22/2018

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.