Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 01-0E7304

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Inquiry #1: Please reference detail A on plan sheet X-1. This detail requires a 4' wide geosynthetic pavement interlayer (GPI); and references a mill of 0.15' and shows the 0.15' of RHMA overlay. The section 1 description on this sheet shows 0.20' of RHMA which appears to be in conflict with the 0.15'. Also the milling of 0.15' shown appears to be contrary to the 0.1' cold plane described in section 1. There appears to be some thickness above the GPI that is not described. Please clarify the intent of this detail.
Inquiry submitted 01/17/2020

Response #1:
(#1)-Your inquiry has been received. However, please be aware due to the short time frame between when this inquiry was received and the bid opening, there may not be time to provide a response. If no additional response is posted please bid per the current contract documents.

Response posted 01/21/2020

Inquiry #2: 1) How is the Bar Reinforcing Steel paid for Headwalls #3k, 4d, 5e, and 6d?

2) What is the sections requirements for the drainage crossings and how is the replacement paid for?

Inquiry submitted 01/20/2020

Response #1:
(#2)-Your inquiry has been received. However, please be aware due to the short time frame between when this inquiry was received and the bid opening, there may not be time to provide a response. If no additional response is posted please bid per the current contract documents.
Response posted 01/21/2020

Response #2:
1) Bar reinforcing steel is included in bid item 510092 "STRUCTURAL CONCRETE, HEADWALL"
Please refer to Standard Specification Section 9-1.03 Payment Scope and Section 51-1.01A Summary.

2) Please bid per current contract documents.

Response posted 01/22/2020

Inquiry #3: Please refer to the question asked previously regarding detail A shown on sheet X-1. Since this work will require cold planning and replacing the asphalt, if it is Caltrans intent to place this one lift below the RHMA per my initial question, is this quantity to be included in the cold planning and HMA-A items or replace AC surfacing? The summary of quantities makes me believe that this work is missed.
Inquiry submitted 01/20/2020

Response #1:
(#3)-Your inquiry has been received. However, please be aware due to the short time frame between when this inquiry was received and the bid opening, there may not be time to provide a response. If no additional response is posted please bid per the current contract documents.
Response posted 01/21/2020

Response #2:
For "REPLACE AC SURFACING" locations, see "ROADWAY QUANTITIES" table on sheet Q-1.
Response posted 01/22/2020

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.