Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 02-4F2104

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Inquiry #1: the licensing requirement states that The Contractor must have either a Class A license or any combination of the following Class C licenses which constitutes a majority of the work: C-8, C-27. If we are a C-8 Contractor and we have a C-27 sub are we meeting the licensing requirements?
Inquiry submitted 09/21/2018

Response #1:
(#1)- Prime Contractor should have either the A license or both listed C licenses.
Response posted 09/24/2018

Response #2:
Your inquiry was reviewed and has been addressed by addendum No. 1 issued on September 28, 2018.
Response posted 10/05/2018

Inquiry #2: Is it the intent that the polyester concrete overlay on the Butte Creek Bridge and Ash Creek Bridge be placed in two stages (Stages 1 & 3) or can the polyester concrete overlay be placed at the end of Stage 3 for the entire width of the bridges?
Inquiry submitted 09/28/2018

Response #1:
(#2)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/28/2018

Response #2:
Your inquiry is being reviewed. Unless an addendum is issued addressing your concern, please bid per the contract documents.
Response posted 10/04/2018

Response #3:
Refer to Addendum No. 2 dated October 8, 2018. Note 3 has been revised on sheets 74 and 91 of 116.
Response posted 10/10/2018

Inquiry #3: The notice to bidder indicates that “Bids must be on a cost+time basis. Complete the work within the number of working days bid. Do not bid less than 168 working days and not more than 240 working days.” Section 8-1.04C of the special provision indicates that “Start job site activities within 55 days after receiving notice that the Contract has been approved by the Attorney General or the attorney appointed and authorized to represent the Department.” Based on this information it appears that the contract working days would start in January of 2019 and that the contract working days would expire in the winter season of 2019.
Please clarify the following regarding the contract working days. When will the working days count start and will the working day be suspended during winter shut down. If working days are suspended during winter shutdown please provide clarification on when the working day are suspended and when they are activated.

Inquiry submitted 10/01/2018

Response #1:
(#3)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 10/02/2018

Response #2:
Refer to section 8 of the Standard Specifications, RSS and SSPs. Please bid per the contract documents.

Response posted 10/05/2018

Inquiry #4: For Ash creek bridge, the following measurements are for the abutment(s) from bottom of footing to top of deck at/near the “A1” line:
1) From the Elevation view in Sheet 96, per the scale indicated, the abutment appears to be approx. 15’-6” tall
2) From the Section view Sheet 96, per the scale indicated, the abutment appears to be approx. 19’-1” tall
3) Based on the bottom of footing elevation of 4188 shown on Sheet 95 and the top of deck elevations on sheet 91 of between 4207.46 & 4207.2, the abutment(s) appear to be approx. 19’-5” to 19’-2” tall.
4) Based on the bottom of footing elevation of 4188 shown in Sheet 95 and the top of deck elevations on sheet 93 of between 4206.5 & 4206, the abutment(s) appear to be approx. 18’-6” & 18’ tall.
Based on the significant height variations indicated above, it is unclear what the correct abutment height is at the “A1” line, please clarify.

Inquiry submitted 10/01/2018

Response #1:
(#4)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 10/02/2018

Response #2:
Use the deck contours to determine elevations for your calculations. Please bid per the contract documents.
Response posted 10/04/2018

Response #3:
Refer to Addendum 2 dated October 8, 2018. Break lines have been added to the elevation view on sheet 96 of 116. Use the deck contours to determine elevations for your calculations.
Response posted 10/10/2018

Inquiry #5: Contract drawing Sheet 94 “Stage 1 Bridge Removal at Abutments” indicates the existing H-pile in the abutments need to be removed. Please confirm if it is acceptable to remove only the portion of H-pile that conflicts with the new abutment rather than removing the full length of pile.
Inquiry submitted 10/01/2018

Response #1:
(#5)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 10/02/2018

Response #2:
Refer to section 60-2.01C. Please bid per the current contract documents.
Response posted 10/05/2018

Inquiry #6: Based on Butte Creek Bridge As-built Dwg EA02-4F2104 Sheet 4 Abutment plan, the original wingwalls and footings from the 1928 bridge were only partially removed and left in place during the 1983 bridge widening. Please verify whether the complete removal of the remaining original 1928 wingwalls and footings should be included in pricing of BI# 71, or only removal as required to construct the new abutments.
Inquiry submitted 10/01/2018

Response #1:
(#6)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 10/02/2018

Response #2:
Refer to section 60-2.01A of the Special Provisions. Please bid per the contract documents.
Response posted 10/04/2018

Inquiry #7: Section 10-1.03 of the special provision indicates that work below the ordinary High water line may only occur from May 15th to Oct 31st. However, section 14-6.06C of the special provision directs the contractor to install bird and bat exclusion devices during the non-nesting season from September 2nd to February 14th. Please clarify if the contractor will be allowed to enter the stream beds and work below the ordinary high water line at Ash and Butte Creeks to install the bird exclusion devices outside of the May 15th to Oct 31st window.
Inquiry submitted 10/01/2018

Response #1:
(#7)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 10/02/2018

Response #2:
An addendum has been issued to address this bidder inquiry. Please refer to Addendum No. 2, issued on Monday, October 08, 2018.
Please bid per the current contract documents.
Response posted 10/09/2018

Inquiry #8: Section 49-1.01D(4) of the special provision indicates that the department will perform the dynamic monitoring of the first production pile driven in the piers at Ash creek. Per the 2015 Caltrans Standard Specification section 49-1.01D(4) “After the pile has been dynamically monitored: Allow 15 days for the Department to revise the specified tip elevations and to provide bearing acceptance criteria curves”. Will the department consider reducing this 15 day duration to minimize delays to the pile driving operations? If yes how many days will the department require to revise the specified tip elevations and to provide bearing acceptance criteria curves?
Inquiry submitted 10/01/2018

Response #1:
(#8)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 10/02/2018

Response #2:
No, please bid per the current contract documents.
Response posted 10/05/2018

Inquiry #9: Please clarify the frequency of inspection required by the contractor supplied biologist. Is the biologist required to be on site every day that field work takes place or just periodically? If periodically please indicate the minimum days per week or month.
Inquiry submitted 10/01/2018

Response #1:
(#9)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 10/02/2018

Response #2:
Refer to section:
14-6.03D Contractor-Supplied Biologist
14-6.03D(1) General
The Contractor-supplied biologist must:
#8. Be on site during the installation of the bat and bird exclusion devices.

Please bid per the contract documents.

Response posted 10/04/2018

Inquiry #10: Section 7-1.06D(2) of the 2015 Standard Specifications requires small business subcontractors to carry liability insurance in accordance with provided table based on Total Bid Value.

We typically do not require our subcontractors to provide umbrella or excess liability insurance and it may be cost prohibitive or commercially unavailable for some subcontractors, especially DBE’s, to obtain the limits required in the umbrella or excess liability requirement.
Please consider deleting the requirement that subcontractors must provide the insurance limits in the table above and allow the contractor to determine the kinds and amounts of insurance it requires of its subcontractors per their normal and responsible business practices, given that the contractor must indemnify Caltrans for the acts of its subcontractors.

Inquiry submitted 10/01/2018

Response #1:
(#10)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 10/02/2018

Response #2:
Section 7-1.06D(2) specifies insurance requirements for the contractor, not subcontractors.
Response posted 10/08/2018

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.