Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 03-1G1904

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Inquiry #1: Reference is made to sheet CS-1 of the project plans. We are seeking clarification for the installation of construction area signs at ramps. Since there are no dimensions given for panels or wood posts and the absence of notes regarding their installation method, it is difficult to estimate accurate costs of labor, equipment and materials. Is it possible to provide sign panel dimensions, and if the panels are stationary mounted, wood post dimensions? Thank you.
Inquiry submitted 02/13/2018

Response #1:
Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 02/13/2018

Response #2:
Your attention is directed to Sections 12-3.11C(2), 12-4.02C(8)(b), and 82-1.01A of the Standard Specifications. Please bid per the current contract documents.
Response posted 02/21/2018

Inquiry #2: This project has 480 +/- lane miles to be completed within 100 working days. For the amount of work to be completed, the working days seem to be unrealistic. We request an addendum increasing the working days from 100 max to 200 max.
Inquiry submitted 02/21/2018

Response #1:
Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. If a response is not posted before bid opening addressing your inquiry, please bid per the current contract documents.
Response posted 02/22/2018

Response #2:
Please bid per the current contract documents.
Response posted 02/23/2018

Inquiry #3: The Departments attention is directed to the cross sectional drawing of the recessed MMA traffic stripe. Water, Ice, Snow, Dirt, Sand and other debris, will accumulate on the surface of the traffic stripe rendering reflectivity ineffective. With the Departments current interest in providing the traveling public with highly reflective wet night traffic stripes, it is suggest to revert back to a "flush-fill" thermoplastic traffic stripe that will shed water and reduce accumulation of debris that restricts retroreflectivty.

Inquiry submitted 02/26/2018

Response #1:
Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. If a response is not posted before bid opening addressing your inquiry, please bid per the current contract documents.
Response posted 02/27/2018

Response #2:
Please bid per the current contract documents.
Response posted 02/27/2018

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.