Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 03-1G3804

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Inquiry #1: In regard to existing pavement markers; there is no item as well as no direction to remove the existing pavement markers. Are the existing pavement markers to be left in place?
Inquiry submitted 01/02/2019

Response #1:
(#1)-Refer to Section 81-8.04 of the Notice to Bidders and Special Provisions & plan sheet PDQ-1, Pavement Delineation Quantities, Note 1.
Response posted 01/02/2019

Inquiry #2: In the specials it calls for the two C47C 144x90 project signs to be mounted to a portable trailer per section 82-3.
There is nothing in section 82-3 for mounting signs to a portable trailer.
There should be a detail provided for the portable trailer and mounting method of the sign panel to the portable trailer.
This detail will need to be provided in order to quote the installation.

Inquiry submitted 01/03/2019

Response #1:
(#2)-Please bid per the current contract documents.
Response posted 01/03/2019

Inquiry #3: In response to inquiry #2, there is no way to bid these sign per the contract document.
These sign panels are 4' wider then a message board and there is no detail or design for trailer to mount this large of a sign panel.
If you mount this sign to a trailer for instance, does the sign panel still have to have a 7' clearance like a post mounted sign?

There is to many variables without a detail or more information to actually provide a quote.
As the wind load on this sign panel mounted on a trailer could be in issue.
Do you have a trailer with two supports, do you provide a box type trailer, what height do you mount the sign panel, how do you move the trailer when the sign panel is wider then lane if it cannot rotate, & what would the engineer except.
These are some of the variables to consider.

Inquiry submitted 01/04/2019

Response #1:
(#3)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 01/04/2019

Response #2:
Please bid per the current contract documents.
Response posted 01/14/2019

Inquiry #4: The project spec allows for the use of a moving lane closure for placement of striping & pavement markers. Will a moving lane closure be allowed for removal of traffic striping & pavement markers? The speed at which the removal is performed is similar to the speed at which striping & markers are installed. This would allow for removal of old striping and placement of the new striping under one operation.
Inquiry submitted 01/17/2019

Response #1:
(#4)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 01/17/2019

Response #2:
Yes, moving closures are allowed for the removal portion of the striping operation.
Response posted 01/22/2019

Inquiry #5: On the sections shown as Detail 22 (Mod) on sheet PDD-1 (Sheet 3) Note #2 says that the existing striping beside the rumble will be removed and the new stripe will be placed over the rumble instead. Will this stripe removal area require a fog seal? The specifications section 84-9.03A does say to fog seal rectangular areas of pavement markings but no mention is made in the previous paragraph about fog seal at stripe removal locations.
Inquiry submitted 01/18/2019

Response #1:
(#5)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 01/18/2019

Response #2:
Please bid per the current contract documents.
Response posted 01/23/2019

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.