Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 03-2J7704

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Inquiry #1: There is only a bid item for the precast panel portion of the Slope Paving work. Is it the States intention to pay for the Concrete Paving, reinforcement, and precast panels all in the same bid item?

If not, please provide additional bid items for the concrete paving and the reinforcement.

Inquiry submitted 04/29/2022

Response #1:(BI#1)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.

Response posted 04/29/2022

Response #2:(BI#1)-Reinforced concrete slope paving and PC panels are included in the bid item SLOPE PAVING (PRECAST CONCRETE PANEL).
The specifications in Section 72-11.01, GENERAL, apply to all other specification sections within Section 72-11, SLOPE PAVING.
Please bid per the current contract bid documents.

Response posted 05/02/2022

Inquiry #2: There is a pay item for a mobile barrier system, but the project specifications fail to provide any information regarding this item.

Please provide additional information regarding the type of system as well as the application.

Inquiry submitted 04/29/2022

Response #1:(BI#2)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.

Response posted 04/29/2022

Response #2:(BI#2)- An addendum has been issued to address this bidder inquiry. Please refer to Addendum No. 1, issued on Wednesday, May 11, 2022. Please bid per the current contract documents.

Response posted 05/11/2022

Inquiry #3: Please verify if there is any conduit for CNC inside PVC pipe conduit (sleeve). If yes, please provide the size & material.
Inquiry submitted 05/06/2022

Response #1:(BI#4)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.

Response posted 05/06/2022

Response #2:(BI#4)-The CNC must be installed per Standard Specification Section 20-2.04. The CNC conduit is included in the cost for the CNC bid item.
Response posted 05/09/2022

Inquiry #4: Good morning,

I am reaching out regarding the construction start and end dates for 03-2J7704. Can you please provide?

Inquiry submitted 05/06/2022

Response #1:(BI#5)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.

Response posted 05/06/2022

Response #2:(BI#5)- Award of the project is anticipated for the end of June 2022, and End construction is expected around June 2023.
Response posted 05/09/2022

Inquiry #5: Please clarify which irrigation sleeve shall be hung under the bridge, which sleeve shall be at the footing structure of the bridge. Please also clarify the type of existing sleeve was under the finish grade, on grade or hung under the bridge.
Inquiry submitted 05/08/2022

Response #1:(#6)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.

Response posted 05/09/2022

Response #2:(BI#6)-Attention is directed to Irrigation Details and Structure Plans for installation of new conduits. Attention is directed to Irrigation Details and the Information Handout for as-built information on existing irrigation facilities. Please bid per the current contract documents
Response posted 05/11/2022

Inquiry #6: The notice to bidders has the total working days listed as 235 Days, yet bid item 3, Time Related Overhead, is only for 175 Days. Typically the TRO bid item unit matches that of the Total Working Days. Please advise.
Inquiry submitted 05/16/2022

Response #1:(BI#7)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.

Response posted 05/16/2022

Response #2:(BI#7)-Refer to Addendum #2, dated May 20, 2022.
Response posted 05/20/2022

Inquiry #7: The Landscape layout plans show trees and shrubs within the limits of the roadside clearing, but there is no indication that the trees or shrubs are to be removed.

Can the state please confirm that the trees and shrubs are to be left in place?

Inquiry submitted 05/18/2022

Response #1:(BI#8)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.

Response posted 05/18/2022

Response #2:(BI#8)-Attention is directed to the plan sheet LQ-1, table Roadside Clearing. Trees and shrubs to remain in place. Please bid per the current contract documents.
Response posted 05/19/2022

Inquiry #8: The quantities shown for Precast Sloped Pavement is more than the actual quantities of the precast panels. Please advise.
What is states' plan for lifting and handling of precast panels?
Is there any connection between precast to precast or precast to CIP?
What is desired color of precast and what is the dosage of color as a baseline pricing?
Please confirm that no sandblasting is required on the precast panels with color concrete.

Inquiry submitted 05/20/2022

Response #1:(BI#9)-Your inquiry has been received.  However, please be aware due to the short time frame between when this inquiry was received and the bid opening, there may not be time to provide a response.  If no additional response is posted please bid per the current contract documents.

Response posted 05/23/2022

Response #2:(BI#9)-Please refer to previously posted Bidders Inquiry response concerning quantity of Slope Paving (Precast Concrete Panel). Refer to section 72-11.04 of the project special provisions for the handling of panels. No further information will be provided. Contractor to bid per the current contract bid documents.
Response posted 05/23/2022

Inquiry #9: Please clarify the type of existing irrigation system controllers. Are they Conventional or 2-wire system controllers?
Inquiry submitted 05/25/2022

Response #1:(BI#10)-Your inquiry has been received.  However, please be aware due to the short time frame between when this inquiry was received and the bid opening, there may not be time to provide a response.  If no additional response is posted please bid per the current contract documents.

Response posted 05/25/2022

Response #2:(BI#10)-Please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 05/26/2022

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.