Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 04-0J3804

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Inquiry #1: Project 04-0J3804:

Are cross sections available for this project?

Inquiry submitted 11/08/2018

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 11/08/2018

Response #2:You can download the cross sections below:
Response posted 11/08/2018

Inquiry #2: Please provide PDF cross sections for "LL3" stations 585+59 thru 589+00 showing Original Ground/FG/Cutback sloping (As they were provided for "A3" 616+60 to 626+20). Only staking reports were provided which do not show Original Ground versus Finish Grade.
Inquiry submitted 11/15/2018

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 11/16/2018

Response #2:You download the cross sections below:
Response posted 11/20/2018

Inquiry #3: On Sheet SCQ-1, it shows 5,250 CY of Roadway Excavation Select Material and 5,250 CY of Roadway Excavation, but contractors have no information provided to quantify and verify these excavation volume quantities. Please provide PDF cross-sections and Details/Typicals for work to be performed on "U" line stations 10+40 to 12+80.
Inquiry submitted 11/15/2018

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 11/16/2018

Response #2:You can download the cross sections below:
Response posted 11/20/2018

Inquiry #4: On Sheet SCQ-1, it shows 5,250 CY of Roadway Excavation Select Material and 5,250 CY of Roadway Excavation, but contractors have no information provided to quantify and verify these excavation volume quantities. Please provide PDF cross-sections and Details/Typicals for work to be performed on "U" line stations 10+40 to 12+80.
Inquiry submitted 11/15/2018

Response #1:Same question as above.
Response posted 11/16/2018

Inquiry #5: According to "U" line stations 10+40 to 12+80 cross-sections provided in Bidder inquiry #3 it shows some kind of structural section (AC?/AB?) to be constructed; however, there are no Quantities/Typicals provided to show what is to be built. Please clarify what work is to be performed on "U" line.
Inquiry submitted 11/26/2018

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 11/26/2018

Response #2:Please see Item 20 Item Code 130720 Temporary Construction Roadway and Std Plans T67.
Response posted 11/27/2018

Inquiry #6: Is there a geotechnical report available for the geosynthetic reinforced slope section of this project?
Inquiry submitted 11/26/2018

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 11/27/2018

Response #2:See link below:
Response posted 12/10/2018

Inquiry #7: In response to BI #3, you provided the cross sections, but what are we doing in this area? Are we excavating 10500 CY of material to construct the temporary roadway to the soil nail wall area and then removing the temporary roadway and rebuilding the area to previous conditions? What is the definition of select material on this project specifically?
Inquiry submitted 11/26/2018

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 11/27/2018

Response #2:We are excavating 5250 CY of material to construct the temporary roadway to the soil nail wall area and then removing the temporary roadway and restoring the area to the previous condition using “Roadway Excavation Select Material”. “Roadway Excavation Select Material” is the embankment of the native soil.
Response posted 12/10/2018

Inquiry #8: Can Caltrans provide a description of the work for Bid Item #83? Is there a dollar amount we are to fill in on the Bid Form for this bid item?
Inquiry submitted 11/27/2018

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 12/10/2018

Response #2:Please contact EBMUD, the water supplier.
Response posted 12/18/2018

Inquiry #9: plan sheet 26, SCQ-1, State has 2 quantities for U line, 1500 cy probably for the temp road, and 3750 cy for the same stationing as the 1500 cy. Don't believe there are cross sections for the 3,750 cy. Is that quantity for the square TCE below U line? please clarify?

Inquiry submitted 11/30/2018

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 11/30/2018

Response #2:Bid per Plans and Specs. The TCE square is a Temporary Construction Easement.

Response posted 12/04/2018

Inquiry #10: Please consider an extension for DBE submittals or a postponement of the bid date as this project’s DBE Commitment and Good Faith documentation would be due over the holidays.
Inquiry submitted 12/07/2018

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 12/10/2018

Inquiry #11: Please consider either extending the date that the DBE submittal / good faith efforts are due, or changing the bid date to after the holiday week. Many contractors and subs, including DBE firms, are not working between 12/24 - 12/28 and this makes it difficult to compile the required paperwork with a current due date of 12/26.
Inquiry submitted 12/13/2018

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 12/17/2018

Inquiry #12: There are trees in the slide areas that are marked with an orange "X". Are these trees being removed as part of this project or are they going to be removed as part of the clearing projects that have been done in the 680 corridor prior to construction?
Inquiry submitted 12/14/2018

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 12/17/2018

Response #2:The trees in the slide areas that are marked with an orange "X" will be removed as part of a clearing project prior to construction.
Response posted 12/17/2018

Response #3:The trees in the slide areas that are marked with an orange "X" will be cut as part of a clearing project prior to construction. The tree stumps and roots will remain.
Response posted 12/19/2018

Inquiry #13: The response to Inquiry #12 stated that the trees within the project marked with an orange “X” are to be removed by others on another contract. There are additional trees within Station A3 616+60 to 626+23 that are within the grading area, but are not marked with an orange “X”. Please clarify if these trees are also to be removed as part of another clearing contract, or if they are to be removed as part of this contract.
Inquiry submitted 12/17/2018

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 12/18/2018

Response #2:Additional trees within Station A3 616+60 to 626+23 that are within the grading area, but are not marked with an orange “X” will be cut as part of another clearing contract. The tree stumps and roots will remain.
Response posted 12/19/2018

Inquiry #14: The plant establishment period is listed as 360 working days. Is this supposed to be 360 calendar days ?
Inquiry submitted 12/18/2018

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 12/19/2018

Response #2:Notice to Bidders says, "Complete the plant establishment work, within 365 working days."
Please see Special Provisions, Division 1 General Provisions, 1 General, "Delete item 2.1 in the definition of day in section 1-1.07B."

Response posted 12/20/2018

Inquiry #15: Per general provisions, bid items and applicable sections, information for bid item no.83, irrigation water service charges supposed to be provided in section 5, this information is not shown, please advise
Inquiry submitted 12/19/2018

Response #1:Bid per plans and specs.
Response posted 12/20/2018

Inquiry #16: Irrigation battery controller description is missing the last paragraph or the sentence, when it's referring to the following information at the bottom of that page, please advise.
Inquiry submitted 12/19/2018

Response #1:Bid Per plans and specs.
Response posted 12/20/2018

Inquiry #17: Regarding Bid Item 61, Compost 150 CY. Please clarify its placement other than the 13 CY in the landscaping legend.
Inquiry submitted 12/19/2018

Response #1:Bid per plans and specs.
Response posted 12/20/2018

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.