Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 04-1A6614

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Inquiry #1: Does the Small Business Preference apply to a Joint Venture if only one of the partners is a Certified Small Business with DGS?
Inquiry submitted 06/26/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 06/29/2020

Response #2:Both businesses would need to be a certified Small Business to receive the preference.
Response posted 06/30/2020

Inquiry #2: Hello,
We are interested in bidding for bid item#130100: job site management among other items but we are unsure of what this item represents. We would like to request a description of what this item entails for this project. Is there a complete item description for job site management? Thank you.
-Bancroft Construction Services

Inquiry submitted 06/29/2020

Response #1:See Section 13-4 JOB SITE MANAGEMENT of the Standard Specifications. You can find the link for the 2018 Standard Specifications below.

Link -
Response posted 06/30/2020

Inquiry #3: Reference Note 18 on Sheet 113. Please clarify if it is acceptable to stain the deck surface to obtain the dark gray color or if the deck concrete is to be an integral color.
Inquiry submitted 07/07/2020

Response #1:Submitted fro consideration.
Response posted 07/08/2020

Response #2:Per SSP 73-4.01A, the concrete should be colored using a dry shake color hardener. We are not using an integral color.
Response posted 07/08/2020

Inquiry #4: Please clarify if metal stay in place forms can be used for the bridge soffit formwork
Inquiry submitted 07/07/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 07/08/2020

Response #2:Metal stay in place forms may not be used.
Response posted 07/08/2020

Response #3:Bid per the current contract bid documents.
Response posted 07/18/2020

Inquiry #5: Reference Sheet 142 of 175 "Girder Elevation-Auxiliary Spans", details a transition from end block to I-section of 10.75" which is the transition for a Bulb Tee section. The typical transition length for an I-Girder as specified is 6". Please update the plans to avoid costly steel form modifications.

Better still, it would be better to remove the end block entirely to reduce the girder weight as cranes erecting the precast will most likely utilize existing bridge and reducing girder weight will reduce crane size and loading on existing structure.

Inquiry submitted 07/09/2020

Response #1:a) Unless an addendum is issued, bid per the current contract documents.

b) Please bid per the current contract documents.

Response posted 07/23/2020

Response #2:Regarding Sheet 142, refer to Addendum No. 2 dated August 3, 2020.
Response posted 08/04/2020

Inquiry #6: Is there a Foundation Report for the Corte Madera Creek Pedestrian Bridge?
Inquiry submitted 07/10/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 07/10/2020

Response #2:Yes, refer to item 12 of the first row of the table in Section 2-1.06B of the special provisions.
Response posted 07/21/2020

Inquiry #7: A tunnel classification was provided for the project but there are no construction joints requiring entry on the project. Since a classification has been issue, is the contractor obligated to notice Cal-OSHA Mining and Tunneling even though access is not required?
Inquiry submitted 07/10/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 07/10/2020

Response #2:Yes, contractor must follow the directions in the tunnel classification.
Response posted 07/26/2020

Inquiry #8: There is a disconnect between the casing tip elevation and the minimum rock embedment length. Is it by plan to include the 3" embed into rock as rock socket length or is the minimum embedment required beyond the tip of the casing?
Inquiry submitted 07/10/2020

Response #1:Submitted consideration.
Response posted 07/10/2020

Response #2:Refer to Note 2 in the "Pile Data Table" on sheet 118 of 175 of the contract plans. Refer to the Limits of Payment for the CIDH Concrete Piling (Rocket) and Note 4 on sheet 123 of 175 of the contract plans.
Response posted 07/20/2020

Inquiry #9: Is there a pipe classification for the permanent casing?
Inquiry submitted 07/10/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 07/10/2020

Response #2:Refer to section 49-3.02A(1), CAST-IN-DRILLED-HOLE CONCRETE PILING in the Standard Specifications, and 49-3.02C(6), Permanent Steel Casing Installation of the Standard Specifications.
Response posted 07/23/2020

Inquiry #10: The spiral splice detail on Sht 123 / 175 will interfere with tremie pipe placement into the CIDH rebar cage. Can something else be done with this termination point?
Inquiry submitted 07/10/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 07/10/2020

Response #2:Bid per the current contract documents.
Response posted 07/23/2020

Inquiry #11: Please confirm if Section 90-1.02H applies to CIDH Concrete.
Inquiry submitted 07/10/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 07/10/2020

Response #2:Refer to paragraph 1 of section 90-1.02H of the special provisions.
Response posted 07/30/2020

Inquiry #12: The Klikusa LED is a 24W LED fixture and it is inserted into a .96 pre drilled hole into the handrail. You are adding an OSRAM OT96W/24V/UNV/DIM to provide the 24V at each location, but how do you insert this driver that is 1.68" x 1.17" x 9.48" into the handrail.

Also, by mounting the Junction box on the outside of the rail, maintenance will have to lean over between the handrail posts to service. In the event that you will need to install the 24W drivers in these junction boxes .

Inquiry submitted 07/14/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 07/15/2020

Response #2:Question withdrawn.
Response posted 07/15/2020

Inquiry #13: Disregard previous questions. Confused by Note 22 that says it is 120V and the spec for this fixture 77-2302B shows the 24V XFMR as a part of the LED Handrail POD Luminaire. Note 22 should be 24V and driver should be shown as remote in the specs as it is shown on the drawings (Note 25)
Inquiry submitted 07/14/2020

Response #1:Noted.
Response posted 07/15/2020

Inquiry #14: Due to the complexity and timing of this bid, we would like to request a two week bid extension until Wednesday, August 12.
Inquiry submitted 07/15/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 07/15/2020

Response #2:See Addendum 1 for new bid opening date.
Response posted 07/30/2020

Inquiry #15: On the Klikusa fixtures, who is responsible for drilling the fence rail, and is there a layout of the exact position of each lite. On a Fence layout it shows in mid span of a fence panel, but will that get you the 13' distancing. Per Klikuse installation video, it shows the hole is drilled at manufacturer. thank you
Inquiry submitted 07/15/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 07/15/2020

Response #2:The holes are to be drilled by the rail manufacturer. Since the rail posts are spaced at 6.5-ft, the 13-ft c.c spacing can be maintained by keeping the light at the center of each bay.
Response posted 07/22/2020

Inquiry #16: Bid Item 4 (Dispute Resolution Advisor, Onsite Meeting)
Bid Item 5 (Dispute Resolution, Hourly offsite)

The specs do not address how these items pay, and whether DRB costs will be shared by Contractor and CalTrans for these items. Are we bidding our 50% of advisor costs here for the engineer's quantity, or are we bidding 100% of advisor costs here for the engineer's quantity?

Inquiry submitted 07/20/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 07/20/2020

Response #2:The bid items have fixed unit price items as defined in the contract documents and bidders have no control over changing unit prices.
Response posted 08/21/2020

Inquiry #17: Seconding a prior question not answered yet by CT:
This is a complicated job to estimate.....Can the bid date be delayed a minimum of one week to allow more time for bid preparation?

Inquiry submitted 07/20/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 07/20/2020

Response #2:See Addendum 1 for the new bid opening date.
Response posted 07/30/2020

Inquiry #18: Precast Girders Erection Over Corte Madera Creek:
Setting of precast girders from land from Bent G-12 to Bent G1-2 looks to be problematic without a trestle or derrick water access. Derrick water access is limited by (E) narrow train trestle width and is not an option. A temporary trestle does not appear to be an option given the State's ROW and ESA areas shown on L-1.
Please advise if CalTrans will allow the erection of precast girders from a crane located on the (E) northbound off ramp bridge under a full ramp closure. Bidding contractors absolutely need to know if this construction approach will be allowed on this project for the installation of precast pedestrian bridge elements.

Inquiry submitted 07/20/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 07/20/2020

Response #2:We anticipate the contractor to set girders using cranes staged on the off-ramp structure during the closure windows specified in Section 12 of the SSPs.
Response posted 07/22/2020

Inquiry #19: Sheet 36 of 65 calls for HS Thread Bar plates, nuts and washers to be hot dipped galvanized. What, if any coating is required on the HS bar, plates, nuts and washers shown on sheets 16 - 18 of 65?
Inquiry submitted 07/20/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 07/20/2020

Response #2:Refer to section 75-1.02B of the Standard Specifications.
Response posted 07/26/2020

Inquiry #20: Sheets 16 - 18 of 65 show holes drilled in the existing bent caps to receive HS bars. Must each hole be grouted after the HS bars are stressed?
Inquiry submitted 07/20/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 07/20/2020

Response #2:Refer to the Elevation detail on sheet 16 of 65 and section 50-1.03B(2)(d) of the Standard Specifications.
Response posted 07/22/2020

Inquiry #21: Question 1 -- Bid Item 76 -- 42" Permanent Steel Casing @ 455'
There are no 42" Permanent Steel Casings on this job to our knowledge. This appears to be a typo as there is currently no bid item on the schedule for the 24" Permanent Steel Casings. Please clarify or revise bid schedule accordingly

Question 2 -- Quantities for Bid Item 75 & 76
Per the Pile Data Table on plan sheet 1119, we come up with the following below permanent steel casing lengths. It appears that the State's takeoff for Bid Items 75 & 76 requires revision
24" casings -- 224 LF
36" casings -- 453 LF

Inquiry submitted 07/21/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 07/22/2020

Response #2:1) Reference Section B-B on sheet 123 of 175 of the contract plans for the oversized 42" permanent steel casing.

2) Bid per the current contract documents.

Response posted 07/28/2020

Inquiry #22: Please clarify the location and limit of road side clearing.
Inquiry submitted 07/23/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 07/23/2020

Response #2:See Addendum 2.
Response posted 08/03/2020

Inquiry #23: According to sheet PL-1 - Planting Area Quantities table, the quantity of organic fertilizer is 158 lb, however, item 37 - Organic fertilizer on bid item list states 410 lb, please confirm organic fertilizer for plant establishment will be paid in item #37.
Inquiry submitted 07/23/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 07/23/2020

Response #2:Confirmed. Item will be paid in Item #37.
Response posted 08/03/2020

Inquiry #24: According to sheet IP-1, irrigation conduit at location BP-1: 148+89-149+22 will be constructed by others. Please verify who will take responsibility this conduit. Besides that, please clarify which will be connected to the mainline in this conduit at the south side.
Inquiry submitted 07/23/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 07/23/2020

Response #2:Ownership is City of Larkspur at this location.
Response posted 08/03/2020

Inquiry #25: There are some conflicts about irrigation supply pipes in conduit. According to Irrigation conduit quantity table on sheet IQ-1:
1/ Station "BP1" 152+37: the table shows 2 each of supply lines, however, on irrigation plan, there is only one supply line inside this conduit.
2/ Station "BP1" 162+00: the table shows one 1" supply line & one 1.5" supply line, however, on irrigation plan, there are one 1.25" & one 1.5" inside this conduit.
Please clarify.

Inquiry submitted 07/23/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 07/23/2020

Response #2:Item 1- At Station 152+37, 1" pipe only.

Item 2- At Station 162+00, 1.5" pipe and 1.25" pipe in conduit.

Response posted 08/03/2020

Response #3:Please install irrigation supply lines as shown on Irrigation Conduit table for "BP1" 152+37: (140 LF of 1" PVC and 140 LF of 1.25" PVC).

Please install irrigation supply line as shown on Irrigation Conduit table, as modified under Addendum No. 3 for "BP1" 162+00.
Response posted 08/20/2020

Inquiry #26: Does supply line across BP1 at station 152+16 need irrigation conduit?
Inquiry submitted 07/23/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 07/23/2020

Response #2:Conduit not needed in this location, under bridge structure and within gravel mulch area.
Response posted 08/03/2020

Inquiry #27: There are some conflicts about valve size:
1/ Legend in sheet IP-2 indicates Wye strainer will be 11/2” size, however Its model (LCRBY 200D) indicates 2” size. It’s the same for quick coupler valve, legend show ¾” size, model (44NP) is 1”.
2/ Legend indicates Ball valve will be 11/2” size, however, irrigation quantities table on sheet IQ-1 indicates 11/4”. Same as with Backflow preventor, legend indicates 11/4” size, however, irrigation quantities table states 1”.

Please clarify.

Inquiry submitted 07/23/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 07/23/2020

Response #2:Item 1-
- Wye Strainer - 1-1/2" LCRBY 150D
- Quick Coupling Valve - 1" 44NP

Item 2-
- Back Flow Assembly - 1" size
- Ball Valve - 1-1/2" size
Response posted 08/03/2020

Inquiry #28: Section 20-2.01B(7) indicates valve boxes must be precast concrete. However, remote control valve detail (ID-1), quick coupler valve detail (ID-1), master valve detail (ID-2) indicate plastic valve box. Please clarify.
Inquiry submitted 07/23/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 07/23/2020

Response #2:See Section 5-1.02 CONTRACT COMPONENTS of the Standard Specifications to determine which contract component governs in case of discrepancies.
Response posted 08/03/2020

Inquiry #29: There are some conflicts about material of pipe & model of valves:
1/ Legend on sheet IP-2 indicates PVC class 315 mainline pipe. However, there is no class 315 supply line item on bid item list.
2/ Section 20-2.10B(10)(b) indicates remote control valve with flow sensor is WTF3150DNO. However, legend in sheet IP-2 indicates WFT3-150, PDFL.

Please clarify.

Inquiry submitted 07/23/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 07/23/2020

Response #2:Item 1- Mainline is Schedule 40 per IQ-1.

Item 2- Model in Section 20-2.10B(10)(b) is correct.
Response posted 08/03/2020

Inquiry #30: 1/ Please provide the size for schedule 80 electrical conduit for CNC wire & flow sensor cable as shown on sheet IP-1.
2/ Please provide the size & material for electrical conduit for flow sensor cable.

Inquiry submitted 07/23/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 07/23/2020

Response #2:Unless shown, the minimum size electrical conduit to be used should be:

- 2" for CNC
- 1" schedule 80 for flow sensor cable
Response posted 08/03/2020

Inquiry #31: The sawcutting details shown on Sheet 163 do not reflect the staged demolition work. Are these sawcuts required? As the areas shown to be sawcut are either refinished with Polyester or covered by the deck drain, sawcutting appears to be unnecessary. Please comment.
Inquiry submitted 07/23/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 07/23/2020

Response #2:Unless an addendum is issued, bid per the contract documents.
Response posted 07/28/2020

Response #3:Refer to Addendum No. 2 dated August 3, 2020.
Response posted 08/14/2020

Inquiry #32: Cross Sections of Pedestrian Bridge approaches show Roadway Embankment however there is no such bid item provided. Under which bid item is the Embankment paid for?
Inquiry submitted 07/29/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 07/30/2020

Response #2:Embankment is paid for as "ROADWAY EXCAVATION" per section 19-2.04 of the standard specifications.
Response posted 08/03/2020

Inquiry #33: Summary of Quantities shows considerable Roadway Excavation at the Ped Bridge approaches. However per sht 170, the majority of excavation at the approaches is classified as Structural Excavation. Please clarify?
Inquiry submitted 07/29/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 07/30/2020

Response #2:Bid per the current contract documents.
Response posted 08/03/2020

Inquiry #34: I'm seeking further clarification for the scope of work involved in Bid Item 137 (Reset Conduit). Sht 165 indicates the 6" AT&T conduit is currently resting on or abutting the 20" abandoned sewer which is to be removed by contractor. Drawing also indicates the 6" AT&T conduit is to be "reset" and new bracket supports provided. Specifications indicate "Maintain continuous operation of the telecommunications conduit and provide safe, temporary support for the conduit throughout construction. The conduit must be kept intact."

Please clarify what is meant by "reset". Please confirm that this AT&T conduit/cable is to remain live and in place at all times including during demolition of overhead barrier rail and during removal of abandoned sewer?

Inquiry submitted 07/29/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 07/30/2020

Response #2:The 6" AT&T conduit is to be removed from its current supports and set onto new supports as detailed on page 165. Per 78-7.03 of the specifications, temporary supports must be provided for the conduit while it is being reset. The 6" AT&T Conduit is to remain live and operational during all phases of construction.
Response posted 08/21/2020

Inquiry #35: Contract drawing 138 of 175, Navigation span detail, and 144 of 175, Section BB.

Will the EOR revisit the section BB coupling details? The “pre-fabricated epoxy coated” rebar coupling detail in the precast beams may not work for ASTM A994 (purple) epoxy since the entire coupler needs to be shrink wrapped after the slab CIP rebar is threaded in at the job site. The detail shown is highly improbable to be built per specification. Please clarify.

Inquiry submitted 07/29/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 07/30/2020

Response #2:Bid per the current contract documents.
Response posted 08/06/2020

Inquiry #36: It appears we are repaving the existing Air Space Parking Lot area? Are we to demolish the existing paving? If so, how is that paid for? Is that covered in Bid Item 74?
Inquiry submitted 07/31/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 08/04/2020

Response #2:The work is paid as Bid Item 27 Roadway Excavation.
Response posted 08/21/2020

Inquiry #37: How is the asphalt removal shown on sht # 18 of 175 paid for?

Inquiry submitted 07/31/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 08/03/2020

Response #2:The work is paid as Bid Item 27 Roadway Excavation.
Response posted 08/24/2020

Inquiry #38: Special Provisions indicate that no work can take place in ESA 4 except between June 15 to October 15. However, it appears the existing stairs (to be demolished) near Bent G-7 is in conflict with the new ped bridge. To demolish the stairs adequately, debris containment systems/booms will need to be placed within ESA-4. Please clarify staging/phasing conflict.
Inquiry submitted 07/31/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 08/03/2020

Response #2:Bid per the contract documents.
Response posted 08/12/2020

Inquiry #39: I'm trying to deduce the limits of Roadway Ex vs Structural Ex based on the very limited amount of info provided on sht 170 of 175. Please confirm that all excavation for the Bio Retention Basin U-Channels and L-shaped wall structures (minor concrete) are considered Roadway Ex as shown on Section A-A .
Inquiry submitted 08/10/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 08/10/2020

Response #2:Excavation for minor structures is included in the cost for minor structure work per See section 51-1.01A of the Standard Specifications. Roadway Excavation includes additional excavation required to satisfy the details shown on sheet EC-1, ECD-1, and ECD-2.
Response posted 08/12/2020

Inquiry #40: Assuming we can erect from the existing bridge, what is the load rating of this bridge. We need this to size the crane along with the weight of the precast girders being erected.
Inquiry submitted 08/14/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 08/14/2020

Response #2:Refer to section 2-1.06B of the Standard Specifications and bid per the current contract documents.
Response posted 08/19/2020

Inquiry #41: Question 1: Refer to inquiry #25, 1"pipe only is inside conduit at station "BP1" 152+37, at station "BP1" 162+00, there are 1.5" pipe & 1.25" pipe. However, according to Irrigation conduit quantity table on sheet IQ-1, both station "BP1" 152+37 and station "BP1" 162+00 have (2) pipes 1" & 1.25". Please clarify.

Question 2: There are some conflicts about irrigation supply pipes in conduit. According to Irrigation conduit quantity table on sheet IQ-1, station "BP1" 149+40 shows one 1" supply line & one 1.25" supply line, however, on irrigation plan, there are one 1" & one 1.5" inside this conduit. Same as station "BP1" 150+46 shows one 1.25" supply line only, however irrigation plan shows one 1.5" pipe. Please clarify.

Inquiry submitted 08/19/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 08/19/2020

Response #2:See response to Bidder Inquiry #25.
Response posted 08/21/2020

Inquiry #42: Can the State provide clarity on the minor concrete bid items, what items are included in the minor concrete bid items, and verification of the State's minor concrete bid quantities?
There are two minor concrete bid items on the bid schedule to account for the following minor concrete items & approximate takeoffs:
RCB 151 & 161 -- 200 CY
Bioretention Concrete Footings & walls -- 65 CY
Retaining Curbs & Mow Bands -- 30 CY

Items provided by CalTrans
Bid Item 87(F), Minor Concrete (Minor Structure) -- 83 CY
Bid Item 129, Minor Concrete Misc Construction @ 31 CY

Please clarify the State's takeoff quantities, plus please state which minor concrete items pay in the respective bid items 87(F) and 129

Inquiry submitted 08/24/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 08/24/2020

Inquiry #43: Can the State provide clarity on the minor concrete bid items, what items are included in the minor concrete bid items, and verification of the State's minor concrete bid quantities?
There are two minor concrete bid items on the bid schedule to account for the following minor concrete items & approximate takeoffs:
RCB 151 & 161 -- 200 CY
Bioretention Concrete Footings & walls -- 65 CY
Retaining Curbs & Mow Bands -- 30 CY

Items provided by CalTrans
Bid Item 87(F), Minor Concrete (Minor Structure) -- 83 CY
Bid Item 129, Minor Concrete Misc Construction @ 31 CY

Please clarify the State's takeoff quantities, plus please state which minor concrete items pay in the respective bid items 87(F) and 129

Inquiry submitted 08/24/2020

Response #1:Same question as above (BI#42).
Response posted 08/24/2020

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.