Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 04-1J9704

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Inquiry #1: Which lining methods are allowed to be used for the 15" to 30" alternative pipeliner items (item nos. 92 - 96)?
Inquiry submitted 02/09/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 02/12/2021

Response #2:The pipeliner allowed on the project are Spiral Wound Plastic Liner (this is the type in the standard specs) and cementitious pipeliner (which is the SSP that I had provided for you to include in the special provisions).
Response posted 03/15/2021

Inquiry #2: There is approximately 32,000 LF of MBGR removal and replacement on this project, but there is only 27,400 LF of k-rail. I feel that we would need k-rail at each MBGR removal/replacement locations. Would you please review?
Inquiry submitted 02/11/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 02/12/2021

Response #2:Some of the MGS can be removed and replaced same night with appropriate traffic control system, no K-rail needed for such case.
Response posted 02/16/2021

Inquiry #3: The typical cross sections pages (X-1 thru X-4) indicate paving section #1 on the mainline from Sta 127+50 thru Sta 471+16, and paving section #5 from Sta 475+77 to Sta 714+84. A number of the layout sheet indicate differently (L-27 Sta 466, L-31 Sta 514, L-31 Sta 522, L-45 Sta 700, L-46 Sta 713).

Is it correct to assume that the paving fabric is only placed on the new mainline pavement north of Highway 85?

Inquiry submitted 02/11/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 02/12/2021

Inquiry #4: Bid Item #135 "Concrete Barrier Transitions" will require temp k-rail to perform the work. I believe the following "Work Location No." will require temp k-rail that is not currently shown on the plans - #3, #5, and #10.

Would you please review?

Inquiry submitted 02/16/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 02/16/2021

Response #2:For all Concrete Barrier Transition work, Temporary railing (Type K) is assigned. Please refer to Traffic Handling Detail (THD-1) page 268, and Traffic Handling Quantities (THQ-1) page 269 of the Plan set.
Response posted 02/16/2021

Inquiry #5: Bid items #69 thru #72 are for "Bridge Removal (Portion)". I am having trouble where Locations A thru D are identified on the plan sheets. Would you please identify the station locations of each demo area?
Inquiry submitted 02/16/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 02/16/2021

Response #2:Refer to special provisions section 60-2.01A for locations A through D. Bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 02/22/2021

Inquiry #6: New type 60M concrete barrier on ramp "N" Sta 452+21 t0 452+46 will require temp k-rail to build. Would you please add?
Inquiry submitted 02/16/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 02/16/2021

Response #2:The inquiry is being reviewed. Unless an addendum is issued addressing the concern, please bid per current contract document.
Response posted 02/17/2021

Inquiry #7: Bid Item #106 "Rock Stain" @ 100 SF - would you please clarify were the staining is located on this project?
Inquiry submitted 02/16/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 02/16/2021

Response #2:The rock stain is used for the Rock Slope Protection (RSPs) at the end of the Bioretention Swales.
Response posted 02/17/2021

Inquiry #8: What is the difference between Item #18 & #26?

What is the difference between item #19 & #28?

Inquiry submitted 02/22/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/10/2021

Response #2:1) Item # 18:- Stormwater Sampling and Analysis is for sampling and analysis of stormwater runoff for pH and turbidity during a qualifying storm event that produces a precipitation of 0.5-inch or more.

Item #26:- Water Quality Sampling and Analysis is for sampling and analysis of the flow in the culvert during culvert replacement. It is needed only when flow presents in the culvert during culvert replacement.

2) Item # 19:- Storm Water Annual Report is to summarize the results of Storm Water Sampling and Analysis that were conducted throughout the whole year. Please see Standard Specifications section 13-3.01C(4) for the requirement of Storm Water Annual Reports.

Item # 28:- Water Quality Annual Report is to summarize the results of Water Quality Monitoring that were conducted throughout the whole year. Please see Standard Specifications section 13-1.01C(4)(d) for the requirement of Water Quality Annual Reports.

Response posted 03/12/2021

Inquiry #9: 1) Bid items #36 & #37 are both for compaction grouting. Why is item #36 paid for by the pound of product used and item #37 paid for by the cubic foot of subgrade improved?

2) Plan sheet C-31 shows the injection holes at 5' centers on the two left details, but at 4' centers on the right detail. Which is correct?

3) When I calculate the pay quantity for item #37 I come up with about 100,000 CF yet the bid item is for 66,900 CF. Is the pay quantity based on 10' or 15' injection depth?

Inquiry submitted 02/23/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 02/23/2021

Response #2:1) Bid Item 36 is NOT compaction grouting. It is high density polyurethane foam injection. It is done by the pound because that is the standard for the high density polyurethane foam.

2) The inquiry is being reviewed. Unless an addendum is issued addressing your concern, please bid per current contract documents.

3) The inquiry is being reviewed. Unless an addendum is issued addressing your concern, please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 03/01/2021

Inquiry #10: Bid Item #38 "Ditch Excavation" - 50 CY:
- Plan sheet DQ-13 (sheet 175 of 519) lists ditch excavation in the Bioretention Swale Table.
- The table implies that ditch excavation is not a pay item (N).
- Is the ditch excavation for the bioretention swales a pay item, and if so should the bid quantity be
210 CY?

Inquiry submitted 02/23/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 02/23/2021

Response #2:See Addendum 2.
Response posted 04/06/2021

Inquiry #11: Item No. 37 Compaction Grouting
Can you confirm that the compaction grout quantities Caltrans is requesting are correct. At both locations the compaction grout quantities seem higher than industry standard.
Can you confirm that the quantities are in CF and not LBS.

Inquiry submitted 02/23/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 02/23/2021

Response #2:The standard for the high density polyurethane foam is in pounds of reagents used not in quantities treated.
Response posted 03/01/2021

Inquiry #12: 1. How is Caltrans intend to pay for the "Excavation" of Vegetation Control and Class 1 Permeable Material (Blanket)?
Inquiry submitted 02/23/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 02/24/2021

Response #2:Excavation is included with the minor concrete work, please bid per current contract document.
Response posted 03/01/2021

Inquiry #13: 1. Where is the work take place on the plans for Bid Item #38 "Ditch Excavation"?
Inquiry submitted 02/23/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 02/24/2021

Response #2:See Addendum 2.
Response posted 04/06/2021

Inquiry #14: The bid quantities for items 63 and 64 appear low. There are 4 locations shown on the layouts but only 2 on the cross sections. Bid quantities for related items 48 and 64 seem to capture the work shown on the layouts. Please confirm that the work is to occur in the locations shown on the layout sheets and confirm the quantities are based on the 1.10' depth shown on the cross sections.

Inquiry submitted 02/23/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 02/24/2021

Response #2:See Addendum 2.
Response posted 04/06/2021

Inquiry #15: Can you please provide the existing smoothness data in PPF Format?
Inquiry submitted 02/24/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 02/24/2021

Response #2:Download zip file below:
Response posted 03/16/2021

Inquiry #16: Drainage System #88:
1) Would you please provide a "Drainage Profile" for this line?
2) There will be two new G2 drain inlets on this line. The Drainage Quantity sheet (DQ-10) does
not include a quantity for the new frame & grates (misc. iron & steel). Would you please correct?

Inquiry submitted 02/24/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 02/24/2021

Response #2:1) Submitted for consideration.
2) Your inquiry is under review. Unless an addendum is issued addressing concern, please bid per current contract document.
Response posted 03/12/2021

Inquiry #17: Is work for Typical Structural Section #4 "0.50' Replace AC Surfacing" on the freeway lanes line must be done from original grade prior to work for Typical Structural Section #1 and #5 ? Please clarify and provide typical details show how 0.50' Replace AC Surfacing being done on the freeway lanes line.
Inquiry submitted 02/24/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 02/24/2021

Response #2:The inquiry is under review, unless an addendum is issued addressing your concern, please bid per current contract document.
Response posted 03/10/2021

Inquiry #18: Drainage System #44-f - New Headwall:
- Plan sheet DQ-13 states the new headwall will be 4 CY. This appears to be a large headwall for an 18" drain line. Would you please provide a detail? Would you also confirm the rebar quantity in bid item #68?

Inquiry submitted 02/24/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 02/25/2021

Response #2:Refer STD D89 for detail. Bid per contract document.
Response posted 02/25/2021

Inquiry #19: This project will require the services of a biologist. Please confirm that Caltrans will bear all the costs to supply the biologist.
Inquiry submitted 02/25/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 02/25/2021

Response #2:Caltrans will have it's own Biologist. Bid per contract document.
Response posted 03/05/2021

Inquiry #20: Re: Bid item #37 Compaction Grouting, we request adding two more bid items for the Compaction Grouting, one for the injection hole casing per lineal foot (quantity is estimated at ~ 6000 LF), and another item for mobilization (Lump Sum).
Inquiry submitted 02/25/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 02/25/2021

Response #2:The cost for the casing should be included within the cost for placing the grout/foam. Bid per plans and specs.
Response posted 03/01/2021

Inquiry #21: Treated Wood Waste Bid Quantity - Sheet Q-6 shows 388,192 LB of treated wood waste and sheet SQ-37 shows 9,450 LB of treated wood waste. The bid quantity for item 31 is only 389,000 lbs. Can you please revisit the bid quantity for item 31, or advise where the treated wood waste for sign posts is paid?

Inquiry submitted 02/25/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 02/25/2021

Response #2:The Treated wood waste from Sign quantity is included on Q-6. It is shown on the third row from bottom of the Guardrail table. Bid per contract document.
Response posted 02/26/2021

Inquiry #22: The CA Department of Fish and Wildlife Streambed Alteration Agreement included with the information handout has multiple items of concern for this project:

Section 2.6 has the following restrictions:
- All sediment and vegetation removals within culverts or drainage ditches is
limited to 10 cubic yards per calendar year across all locations authorized
for work under the terms of this Agreement.

1)With 179 drainage units shown to be cleaned and inspected, it is anticipated that more than 10 CY of sediment will be removed per calendar year. Please confirm that this is authorized.

- All vegetation management actions across all locations authorized for
maintenance actions shall not exceed 3,000 square feet per calendar year.

2) There are many locations that will require clear and grub (under included bid item) to allow for construction of VCMC, culverts, down drains, etc. This will exceed 3,000 sf per calendar year. Please confirm that this work is authorized to occur.

Section 2.9 includes the following project location restrictions:
-No nightwork, or temporary overnight security lighting is authorized to occur
at the Black Road Off-Ramp to the Bear Creek Road Off-Ramp Section of
SR-17 (Exhibit E, Map 5 and 6 of 24).
-No nightwork, or temporary overnight security lighting is authorized to occur
at proposed maintenance locations South of the State Route – 85
Interchange with State Route-17 to the end of the Santa Clara County line
(Exhibit B)

3) The closure charts only allow for closures during the night to perform this work. Please confirm that night work will be allowed to occur South of the SR 17/85 interchange.

4) The Streambed Alteration Agreement outlines extensive pre-contruction surveys, daily clearance surveys, habitat assesments, education, and reporting. There is no bid item for Contractor Supplied Biologist or other associated items. Please confirm that Caltrans will be providing the biologist for these activities.

Inquiry submitted 03/03/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/04/2021

Response #2:1) The restriction is as it reads, so anything over 10 cubic yards would have to wait until the following season or submit a separate LSA notification. This depends on the location submitted, so CDFW could not give an upfront answer. It may be possible outside of an amendment or separate notice but that would depend on the VRF submission and the specifics on the estimated sediment removal dimensions, potential species present, access path impacts, tree removals, etc.

Yes, all vegetation management actions across all locations authorized for maintenance actions shall not exceed 3,000 square feet per calendar year.

2) Submitted for consideration.

3) As it reads no nightwork would be allowed at the Black Road to Bear Creek Off-ramp or south of the SR-17/85 interchange. Again, to change this it would require an amendment to the RMA or require separate LSA notification.

4)Caltrans will be providing the biologist for these activities paying for our own (or consultant) biologists.
Response posted 03/08/2021

Inquiry #23: The response to Inquiry #2 deserves clarification. The call-out for K-Rail is completely random. As an example these locations show no k-rail for MGS work:
NB 253+50-256+00, NB 261+00-265+00, SB 159+00-169+00, SB 310+00-312+50
Sheets L16 through L24 have MGS work on each sheet with no callout for K-Rail on THQ-1.
Stating that K-rail is not required because work can be accomplished with lane closures -- removal, install, end systems and vegetation control > during a lane closure? This does not help us understand where and why k-rail is needed.
The MGS work is the same at all locations, so why is MGS work some done with lane closures, while others get the benefit (and safety) of the k-rail?

Inquiry submitted 03/04/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/05/2021

Response #2:The inquiry is under review. Unless an addendum is issued addressing your concern, please bid per current contract document.
Response posted 03/05/2021

Inquiry #24: Bid Item #14: Where is the temporary radar speed feedback system shown in the plans being installed? How does this differ from a portable radar speed sign feedback system?
Inquiry submitted 03/05/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/10/2021

Response #2:Bid Items 9 and 14 are required per RSP T20 and T21. It is assumed two Temporary Radar Speed Feedback Sign Systems are used during construction. Item 9 is payment per each day the system is in use.
Response posted 03/12/2021

Inquiry #25: Bid Item #14: Where is the temporary radar speed feedback system shown in the plans being installed? How does this differ from a portable radar speed sign feedback system?
Inquiry submitted 03/05/2021

Response #1:Same question as above.
Response posted 03/10/2021

Inquiry #26: Bid Item 111: Where is the Lane Seperation System shown in the project plans?
Inquiry submitted 03/05/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/05/2021

Response #2:Lane separation system is shown on Pavement Delineation plan (PD-12).
Response posted 03/05/2021

Inquiry #27: What is the difference between Bid Item 9 and Bid Item 14? Where is Bid Item 14 shown in the plans?
Inquiry submitted 03/05/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/08/2021

Response #2:Bid Items 9 and 14 are required per RSP T20 and T21. It is assumed two Temporary Radar Speed Feedback Sign Systems are used during construction. Item 9 is payment per each day the system is in use.
Response posted 03/12/2021

Inquiry #28: Can you post the attendees and the slides from the prebid meeting?
Inquiry submitted 03/08/2021

Response #1:Download the zip file below:
Response posted 03/08/2021

Inquiry #29: Plan sheets DD-4 & DD-5 show details for the "Trash Nets". 6 of the 13 Trash Nets will have 6" concrete pads. I feel there should be a "Misc. Concrete" pay item for these 6 concrete pads. Would you please review & respond?
Inquiry submitted 03/08/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/08/2021

Response #2:Unit price of trash net includes all components. Bid per contract document.

Response posted 03/10/2021

Inquiry #30: The "concrete pavement smoothness table" shown at the end of section 40-1.01D(8)(c)(iii) shows 2 locations in the NB 17 #1 lane ("ML" 159+18.58 to 164+19.11 and "ML" 285+91.14 to 291.46.62). Can you please clarify:
1) These locations appear to be existing AC and are shown to receive a .30' cold plane with RHMA paved back. Are these the correct locations for the concrete smoothness table?
2) What is the smoothness requirement for the Individual Slab Replacements (Item 63)?

Inquiry submitted 03/08/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/10/2021

Response #2:1) Yes.
2) Smoothness requirements for Concrete Pavement are described in SSP Section 40. Bid per contract documents.
Response posted 03/12/2021

Inquiry #31: Some of the locations called out to receive VCMC are to be constructed in front of very steep slopes. Sheet C-28 provides a detail in the bottom right corner illustrating a narrow access condition and the installation method to utilize. Can you confirm that all locations will at a minimum have the 6" required behind the guardrail to install the VCMC/Class I Perm Blanket? If not, which items corresponds to the work to build access for the 6" slot of Class I Perm?
Inquiry submitted 03/08/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/08/2021

Response #2:Not all location require a VCMC installation. New VCMC locations are selected depends on existing conditions. Please bid per current contract document.
Response posted 03/12/2021

Inquiry #32: The bottom right corner of sheet C-28 details a VCMC narrow access condition with a 6" wide slot of Class I Perm to be installed behind the guardrail post. This condition assumes no dike is present. What detail is to be referenced when a dike is present at these locations?
Inquiry submitted 03/08/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/08/2021

Response #2:See Addendum 2.
Response posted 04/06/2021

Inquiry #33: The new vegetation control section will generate approximately 4,000 CY of "Roadway Excavation". I feel we need a bid item for this work. Would you please review?
Inquiry submitted 03/09/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/10/2021

Response #2:Excavation is included with the minor concrete work, please bid per current contract document.
Response posted 03/10/2021

Inquiry #34: The responses to Inquiry #21 require additional information.
1) There is approximately 150,000 sf of VCMC to be installed in locations where there isn't existing VCMC. Assuming there is existing vegetation in these locations (hence the VCMC being installed) and the maximum vegetation removal is 3000 SF/year it will take 50 years to complete this work. This does not include vegetation removal required to complete the drainage work. Should the contractors assume that Caltrans will obtain amendments to the sediment and vegetation removal limits to allow for the work to be completed in the 440 working days shown on the NTB?

2) Response #3 confirms that no nightwork will be allowed at the Black Rd. to Bear Creek off ramp or south of the SR-17/85 interchange. This restriction conflicts with closure charts G1, G2, G5, G6, and all connector and ramp charts south of 17/85 interchange, which only allow for work at night. Will Caltrans be revising all closure charts for work south of the SR-17/85 interchange to allow for work during the day to comply with the permit requirements?

Inquiry submitted 03/10/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/10/2021

Inquiry #35: Are dowel bars required at the individual slab replacements? Is standard plan P8 applicable to this work? It is not shown on the standard plans list in the special provisions.
Inquiry submitted 03/10/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/10/2021

Response #2:Your inquiry is under review. Unless an addendum is issued addressing concern, please bid per current contract document.
Response posted 03/12/2021

Inquiry #36: Cross section X-4 and layout sheets L-32 through L-37 indicate that structural section No. 5 will be placed on "ML-17" 536+00 TO 602+73.74 (Camden UC to Campbell UC). This structural section includes GPI (paving mat). The quantity table on sheet Q-1 does not include GPI in this section. The quantity table shows this area representing 101,367 SY. Can you please confirm if GPI is required in this area, and if so update the bid quantity for bid item 55 with the additional 101,367 SY?
Inquiry submitted 03/11/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/11/2021

Response #2:Your inquiry is under review. Unless an addendum is issued addressing concern, please bid per current contract document.
Response posted 03/12/2021

Inquiry #37: Refer to bid item #80 for 12” Corrugated Steel Pipe Downdrain. There is no bid item for an Anchor Assembly. Will the district add a bid item for the Anchor Assembly or will this be included in bid item #80? What kind of system will be used, cable vs stake? Will there be corresponding Anchor Assembly bid items for the 18” and 36” Corrugated Steel Pipe Downdrains as well?
Inquiry submitted 03/15/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/15/2021

Response #2:Anchor assemblies are not needed for downdrains that outfall to a structure (inlet or headwall), in these cases, the downdrain has to be underground; undergrounded downdrains do not need anchor assemblies per the standard plans. For downdrain that ends with TEE, we are reviewing if Anchor Assembly needed. No Cable anchorage needed for this project.
Unless an addendum is issued, please bid per contract document.

Response posted 03/17/2021

Inquiry #38: The drainage profiles, DP-1 to DP-24 do not show Finished Grades, Original Grades, Edge of Travel Way, Edge of Pavement, Alternative Pipeliner profiles, Clean Inspect Prepare Culvert profiles, and Existing Utilities. Please provide necessary information.
Inquiry submitted 03/15/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/15/2021

Response #2:See Addendum 2.
Response posted 04/06/2021

Inquiry #39: The drainage details do not show the excavation or backfill details. Is slurry acceptable in the pavement areas and is AB acceptable in the dirt areas? Is there bedding material in either condition? Please provide detail for structure backfill in pavement and in dirt.
Inquiry submitted 03/15/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/15/2021

Response #2:There is no bedding required as no pipe deflection was observed. Excavation and backfill details are also shown in the standard plans.
Response posted 03/18/2021

Inquiry #40: The drainage details do not show the conditions at the medians or at the edge of pavement. Please provide a trench detail at the median and edge of pavement.
Inquiry submitted 03/15/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/15/2021

Response #2:The inquiry is under review, unless an addendum is issued addressing your concern, please bid per current contract document.
Response posted 04/07/2021

Inquiry #41: Bidders inquiry #1 was asked over a month ago and has not received a response. Please specify an acceptable pipelining type for these bid items. With the bid opening on 3/30 it is imperative to get a liner type specified ASAP to allow for potential subcontractors (including minority subs) a chance to responsibly price this work.
Inquiry submitted 03/15/2021

Response #1:The pipeliner allowed on the project are Spiral Wound Plastic Liner (this is the type in the standard specs) and cementitious pipeliner (which is the SSP that I had provided for you to include in the special provisions).
Response posted 03/15/2021

Inquiry #42: On Plan Sheet Q-1 (427/519), Sheet No. Reference L-31 TO L-32, There is no quantity listed for Rubberized Hot Mix Asphalt (Gap Graded). The plans show this location receiving 0.20’ RHMA-G. Please provide the quantity for this location and revise the bid item quantity accordingly.
Inquiry submitted 03/15/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/16/2021

Response #2:Caltrans is reviewing the Quantity per comment, unless Addendum is provided, please bid per contract document
Response posted 03/18/2021

Inquiry #43: On Plan Sheet Q-2 (428/519), Sheet No. Reference L44 TO L-45, the quantity listed for RHMA-G is 14,670 tons. Our take-off quantity for this location is approximately 1,100 tons. Please review your calculations for this item and revise the bid item quantity accordingly.
Inquiry submitted 03/15/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/16/2021

Response #2:Caltrans is reviewing the Quantity per comment, unless Addendum is provided, please bid per contract document.
Response posted 03/18/2021

Inquiry #44: Regarding Bid Item number 60 “TACK COAT”, please verify that this quantity is correct.
Inquiry submitted 03/15/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/16/2021

Response #2:Quantities are verified, pleas bid per contract document.
Response posted 03/22/2021

Inquiry #45: Please provide Existing Grade or Final Grade information on the drainage profile sheets so that we can accurately take off the depths of the culvert excavations.
Inquiry submitted 03/15/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/16/2021

Inquiry #46: Section 83-2.91 specifies Class II AB to be utilized as backfill for the VCMC. Where is this material to be utilized as backfill? The plans specify class I perm to be utilized underneath the concrete as well as the 6" slot behind the concrete (C-28). Please confirm the location of the Class II AB Backfill.
Inquiry submitted 03/15/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/16/2021

Inquiry #47: I sent an incomplete inquiry, because it was accidentally sent.
what is missing is a request for your response.

Thank you.

Sam Baki

Inquiry submitted 03/16/2021

Response #1:Noted.
Response posted 03/16/2021

Inquiry #48: 19-11 Compaction Grouting

Item 19-11.02B Grout, states" The aggregate must have less than 5 percent passing No. 200 sieve." . Generally, the amount of Clay in the grout mix is limited to 5%, whereas the amount passing No. 200 sieve, which includes Silt and Clay is limited to 30% or 35%. This higher percentage is needed to aid in the pumpability of the grout.
Please change the percentage passing No. 200 sieve to read less than 35%, instead of the 5%.

Thank you.

Sam A. Baki

Inquiry submitted 03/16/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/16/2021

Response #2:NSSP 19-11 is under review, unless an addendum is issued addressing your concern, please bid per current contract document.
Response posted 04/07/2021

Inquiry #49: Typical Structural Section #5 on Plan Sheet X-4 show the Geosynthetic Pavement Interlayer (Paving Mat) is on the entire mill and fill area includes the inside and outside shoulders. Is that true or just for the lanes line? Please clarify.
Inquiry submitted 03/16/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/16/2021

Response #2:Section number 5 includes shoulder as shown on Typical Cross Section X-4. Please bid per contract document.

Response posted 03/18/2021

Inquiry #50: Would you please clarify some questions I have regarding bid items #36 & #37?
1) The Special Provisions for this project (pages 59 thru 64) seems to address "Compaction Grouting" but not "High Density Polyurethane". Where does Caltrans address the spec. requirements for Polyurethane?
2) The specs. imply that Compaction Grouting could be used for both Bid Items #36 & #37. Would Caltrans allow one product to be used for both bid items?

Inquiry submitted 03/17/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/17/2021

Response #2:1) Your inquiry regarding adding Specification for High Density Polyurethane is under review. Unless if an addendum is issued, bid per plans and specs.

2) It is not allowed to use one product for both. Adding a spec for High Density Polyurethane is under review.
Response posted 03/25/2021

Inquiry #51: Does Item 33 cover concrete removal of the existing vegetation control mat underneath the existing guardrail? Or is this item of work for something else. On the layout sheets it shows to remove concrete at guardrail locations.
Inquiry submitted 03/17/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/17/2021

Inquiry #52: Sheet 8 of the concrete barrier transitions detailing location 6 shows the existing wall to be tied in to is CMU block wall but the wall appears to be a CIP Wall when viewing on google earth and in the field. Please confirm the wall type that the transition is tying into and location of the work detailed at location 6.
Inquiry submitted 03/17/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/17/2021

Response #2:Your inquiry is being reviewed. Unless an addendum is issued concerning your inquiry, please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 03/23/2021

Response #3:Refer to Addendum No. 2 dated April 2, Work Location 6 on plan sheet 514.
Response posted 04/08/2021

Inquiry #53: I need to follow up on the answer to Question #1. Caltrans states that they want a "Spiral Wound Plastic Liner". When I read special provisions section 71 it talks only about a liner made of grout or cementitious material. The spiral liner from question #1 is a PVC product. I do not feel the Caltrans specifications for this project clearly address the product required and the construction technique.

Would you please review and clarify what type is required for Bid Items #92 thru #96?

Inquiry submitted 03/17/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/17/2021

Response #2:The specifications for Culvert rehab and Spiral Wound PVC Pipeliner is in section 71 of the standard specifications. Bid per contract document.
Response posted 03/24/2021

Inquiry #54: There are several locations on the Drainage Plans that indicate " Clean and Inspect" that are within the freeway median and currently can not be examined since there is not sufficient room to park a vehicle. Therefore, could you please provide the pipe diameter for the existing drainage lines so we can calculate how much potential sediment may need to be removed and cleaned?
Inquiry submitted 03/18/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/18/2021

Response #2:Download the file below for the pipe diameter information on the existing drainage lines.
Response posted 04/06/2021

Inquiry #55: The drainage plans indicate that Drainage Systems No. 3, 7, 11, 23, 24, 43, 54, 71, 72, 73, 76, 84, 88-93, and 95 all cross travel lanes, it appears that rapid set concrete will be required to backfill these drainage systems. How will the contractor be compensated for rapid set backfill? In previous Caltrans projects a bid item was created for this scope of work with a quantity indicted on the Drainage Quantity Sheets for each particular drainage line? Could you please also provide a detail or indicate which Standard Plan Detail to follow since at times Caltrans requires steel reinforcement as well and the limits of backfill can vary?
Inquiry submitted 03/19/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/22/2021

Response #2:The inquiry is under review, unless an addendum is issued addressing your concern, please bid per current contract document.
Response posted 04/07/2021

Inquiry #56: Can you please provide a trench backfill detail for areas where the new, and/or the remove and replace pipe culverts, enter the existing highway or ramps?
Inquiry submitted 03/20/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/22/2021

Response #2:The inquiry is under review, unless an addendum is issued addressing your concern, please bid per current contract document.
Response posted 04/07/2021

Inquiry #57: There are many instances where the existing roadway structural section includes both asphalt and PCC. If removed for trench excavation, will PCC be required to be put back in these locations? Or will a deep lift asphalt section suffice? If so, how deep?
Inquiry submitted 03/20/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/22/2021

Response #2:The inquiry is under review, unless an addendum is issued addressing your concern, please bid per current contract document.
Response posted 04/07/2021

Inquiry #58: 7. Will trench plates be allowed in trenching areas in the existing roadway pavement?
Inquiry submitted 03/20/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/22/2021

Inquiry #59: On Plan Sheet Q-1 (427/519) Sheet No. Reference L-39, “ML-17” 623+49.61 To 631+75.49 NB/SB, There is no quantity listed for Rubberized Hot Mix Asphalt (Open Graded Friction Course). The plans show this location receiving 0.10’ of RHMA-O. Please provide the quantity for this location and revise the bid item quantity accordingly.
Inquiry submitted 03/20/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/22/2021

Response #2:Quantity is correct, please bid per contract document.
Response posted 03/22/2021

Inquiry #60: Will compaction grouting areas have simultaneous lane closures?

Please clarify if any compaction grouting work is required for north bound on ramp at bear creek road per drawing C-31.

Inquiry submitted 03/23/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/23/2021

Response #2:a) Refer lane closure charts on the special provision. Bid per contract document.

b) Locations of soil densification work are clearly shown on the Layout plans as well as Construction detail plans. Bid per contract document.
Response posted 03/24/2021

Inquiry #61: Has the AASHTO M-326 culvert rehabilitation method been considered for this project for bid items 92, 93, 94, 95, 96?
Inquiry submitted 03/24/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/25/2021

Response #2:Please bid per contract document.
Response posted 03/26/2021

Inquiry #62: Due to the current conditions, most of the existing storm drains that need to be removed and replaced are not visible, nor accessible, and a lot of clearing will be needed. Can you please provide clear and grub locations and limits for the various storm drain items?
Inquiry submitted 03/25/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/25/2021

Inquiry #63: I have a question regarding Bid Item #65 "Grind Existing Concrete Pavement". It appears that this item is for grinding the newly installed concrete pavement (Item #63), therefore should this item read "Grind New Concrete Pavement"?
Inquiry submitted 03/29/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/30/2021

Response #2:There is no “Grind New Concrete Pavement” standard Caltrans Item. Please bid per contract document.
Response posted 03/31/2021

Inquiry #64: In light of the unprecedented fires throughout California and California’s emphasis to build “resilient” infrastructure, will Caltrans follow its own High Design Manual Section 850-34 dated December 30th 2015 which warns against installing plastic pipe in areas with a potential for fire? This project lists Alternative Pipe Culvert in the Bid Schedule which includes plastic pipe as an acceptable product.
Inquiry submitted 03/30/2021

Response #1:The inquiry is under review, unless an addendum is issued addressing your concern, please bid per current contract document.
Response posted 04/06/2021

Plan sheets #518 & 519 call for "Salvage Steel Removal" of some existing Bridge Approach Guard Railing tubing.
Section 60, "Existing Structures", of the Specials calls for concrete removal only.
Under what Item is the Salvage Steel Removal to be paid?

Inquiry submitted 04/01/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 04/01/2021

Response #2:Refer to sheets 518 and 519 and the bid item list in Addendum No. 2, dated April 2, 2021. This work is paid for under bid item 162 for salvage metal bridge railing.
Response posted 04/06/2021

Inquiry #66: There are two pressure cutoff criteria, 1,000 psi and 500 psi, provided in specification 19-11.03D Grouting. Please indicate which pressure value will be used to terminate a grout stage for pressure cutoff.
Inquiry submitted 04/01/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 04/01/2021

Response #2:Use 500 Psi.
Response posted 04/06/2021

Inquiry #67: Addendum 2 shows 4 additional locations called out for bridge removal (E, F, G, H). Only 3 of the locations appear to be identified on the plan sheets. please provide the location for bridge removal location H.
Inquiry submitted 04/02/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 04/02/2021

Response #2:Refer to Addendum No. 3 dated April 8, 2021, section 60-2.01A.
Response posted 04/08/2021

Response #3:Refer to Addendum No. 3, dated 4/8/2021, section 60-2.01A.

Response posted 04/12/2021

Inquiry #68: Addendum 2 did not address the question in inquiry #36 regarding the placement of fabric from Sta 536+00 to 602+73.74. The revised layouts also show structural section #5 in this area, but the revised quantity table does not include GPI between these stations. The quantity table shows this area representing 101,367 SY. Can you please confirm if GPI is required in this area, and if so update the bid quantity for bid item 55 with the additional 101,367 SY?
Inquiry submitted 04/05/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 04/06/2021

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.