Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 04-2K1404

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Inquiry #1: In Section 39-3.04A of the Special Provisions, it first states that cold planing and HMA placement should take place in the same shift, then immediately after it states that for locations not listed above, schedule cold planing activities such that not more than 24 hours elapse. Which of these statements is correct for this project?
Inquiry submitted 03/04/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/04/2020

Response #2:Please bid per plan unless addendum is issued.
Response posted 03/06/2020

Inquiry #2: Can Caltrans please provide PPF files of the existing roadway so a proper smoothness analysis can be done prior to bidding?
Inquiry submitted 03/04/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/04/2020

Response #2:See link below:
Response posted 03/05/2020

Inquiry #3: In regards to the 2 plus miles of electrical trenching on this project to install the new conduit, is the department going to allow the "Trenching-In Pavement" method per section 87-1.03B (6) to be utilized for new conduit installation. Due to the excessive amount of rock i don't see any other way to to install the new conduits, there is just to much rock. Please advise.
Inquiry submitted 03/05/2020

Response #1:Submitted fro consideration.
Response posted 03/06/2020

Response #2:Please see the Standard Specification Section 87-1.03B(3). Trench-in-pavement method is not allowed under freeway lanes. Directional drilling method is preferable method. Trench on the dirt is second preferable method. As a last resort if there is no other option work, Trench in pavement method for conduit installation under shoulder may be considered.
Response posted 03/10/2020

Inquiry #4: Bid item 48 Metal Roadside Signs 340 lbs, there is no detail or notes on the plans for the metal roadside signs.
We need to know if they are barrier mounted, sound wall mounted, rail mounted, or unistrut.
If there are one of thee examples, we will need a detail.

Inquiry submitted 03/05/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/06/2020

Response #2:Roadside signs W1-8(Rt) are to be mounted on face of the existing median barrier. Holes shall be drilled into barrier. Insert threaded rod, secure with epoxy. Signs should be bolted on the face of barrier.

Sample of the mounted sign seen below.

Response posted 03/10/2020

Inquiry #5: Bid Item 33 is for a 48" diameter by 16' deep CIDH pile. There is not bore log for this location. There is a bore log from the site investigation report across the highway that indicates good drilling soils and no groundwater, however there looks like there is rock on the pile side of the highway.

We need a bore log for this foundation in order to bid this work.

Inquiry submitted 03/07/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/10/2020

Response #2:Addendum 1 changed the location of the 48" diameter CIDH pile to Sta. “C1” 72+00 Lt.
Response posted 03/12/2020

Inquiry #6: Sign Structure (truss) at station 66+00, when installed, will be fully over the slow lane and partially over the fast lane. How is this structure to be installed when one lane must be left open? We cannot pick a load with a crane over live traffic.
Inquiry submitted 03/10/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/10/2020

Response #2:Entire overhead sign truss single post(Mod) with VMS will be moved from Sta. "C1" 66+00 to Sta. "C1" 72+00 by Addendum 1. With this new location at "C1" 72+00, cantilever truss parts will not cross over lane No. 1 ( fast lane). Sign truss will be within Lane No. 2 (slow lane). Truss installation can be done by lane closure-lane No. 2.
Response posted 03/12/2020

Inquiry #7: Regarding the use of the "Trench-in Pavement Method" , section 87-1.03B allows the use if the delay to vehicles will be less than 5. minutes. The "Trench-in Pavement Method" is prohibited for use under freeway lanes or freeway to freeway connector ramps.

As i understand it US State Route 17 (SR 17) is a State Highway and is not designated a Freeway. So the choice or option to utilize the "Trench-in Pavement Method" should be left up to the contractor. Unless a response to our inquiry is received we will plan on utilizing the Trench-in Pavement Method" for conduit installation and we will discard the Departments response to Bidder inquiry 3. Please advise.

Inquiry submitted 03/11/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration,
Response posted 03/12/2020

Response #2:The Departments response to Bidder inquiry # 3 is still valid. This project is on the segments of State Route 17, which is designated as State Conventional Highway. Still, the choice of trenching options will be based on site conditions and the Department's preferences. Both directional drilling and trenching on the dirt are acceptable methods. With regards to trench in pavement method, the Contractor shall prove to RE that they could not or have a big difficulty to trench on dirt before using trench in pavement method.
Response posted 03/13/2020

Inquiry #8: The existing guardrail has Vegetation Control weed mat under the locations. Caltrans does not show this in the quantity nor does Caltrans have a bid item for this work.
Inquiry submitted 03/17/2020

Response #1:All vegetation control will be with minor concrete, which are covered with item no. 55 and item no. 23.
Response posted 03/19/2020

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.