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Viewing inquiries for 04-3K6504

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Inquiry #1: In order to properly bid this job, please include the inertial profiler data so that we may understand the condition of the existing road to meet the smoothness specifications required.
Inquiry submitted 04/04/2018

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 04/05/2018

Response #2:See Addendum 1.
Response posted 04/11/2018

Inquiry #2: On page 148 of the special Provisions. You state add to the end of section 39-3.04A. Schedule cold planning activities such that the pavement is cold planed, the HMA is placed, and the area is opened to traffic during the same shift.
but in the specs on page 494 section 39-2.04A(c)(iii) the state calls out for a I.R.I of 75in/mi or less.
so is the state going to have personal on site to approve the I.R.I on the grind before paving can start per spec.
or is the state going to allow the cars to run on the grind for 2 to 4 days?
Also is the State going to provide the inertial profile of the existing pavement?

Inquiry submitted 04/04/2018

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 04/05/2018

Response #2:See Addendum 1.
Response posted 04/11/2018

Inquiry #3: In the Specials Starting on page 23 the State calls out section 39-2.08
and is calling out the use of intelligent compaction is it the states intent to use this for the RHMA-O that is a method spec compaction?

Inquiry submitted 04/04/2018

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 04/05/2018

Response #2:The intelligent compaction is being used for projects using HMA, including RHMA and OGFC that meet a certain criteria. This project using RHMA meets the criteria for IC and uses IC for method compaction, also stated in the Specials.
Response posted 04/09/2018

Inquiry #4: after review of the inertial profiler test results in addendum 1
there is no way to cold plan 0.1 and make the IRI of 75in/mi this should read (min of 0.1 or max of 0.1 for cold planning).
to be able to produce the results that the state is asking for there should be a pre pave grind item that will allow the contractor to do the pre grinding to meet the ride requirements 7 days before paving is required to go back down.

Inquiry submitted 04/11/2018

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 04/12/2018

Response #2:1. Please bid per the plans and specifications.

2. Prepaving grinding is not applicable to AC surfaces that will be cold planed or milled per section 39-2.01C(3)(e ) of the standard specifications.

Response posted 04/13/2018

Inquiry #5: on page 148 of the special provisions section 39-3.04
reads: ( add to the end of section 39-3.04A
schedule cold planning activities such that the pavement is cold planed the HMA is placed and the area is opened to traffic the same work shift.)
and in section 39-2.01A(I)(iii)
it calls out the HMA Pavement smoothness acceptance criteria of 75 in/mi or less.
if the contractor dose what is called out on the on page 2 of 56 of the plans in the typical cross sections and cold planes 0.10' and places back 0.10' RHMA-O, there is no way of taking the current road surface that has over 24% of the road way that is at a 120 in/mi and greater and get a 75 in/mi with out doing a large portion of profile grinding before or after cold planning of the 0.10'

so if the contractor can comply with section 7-1.03 and not leave a height differential of not more then 0.04' can the contractor pre grind and or cold plane to correct the existing pavement smoothness temp strip and open to traffic. and then cold plane 0.10' and pave the RHMA-O in the same shift.

Inquiry submitted 04/13/2018

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 04/16/2018

Response #2:See Addendum 2.
Response posted 04/24/2018

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.