Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 04-4H2104

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Inquiry #1: Bid item #8 "Temporary Crash Cushion Module'. The standard Caltrans specification section 12-3.22 says that these are sand filled barrels. Does Caltrans want sand filled barrels at all 19 locations?
Inquiry submitted 12/21/2017

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 12/21/2017

Response #2:See Addendum 1.
Response posted 01/26/2018

Inquiry #2: Bid Item #12 "Temp fiber Roll" @ 15,200 LF. The plans do not show where this fiber roll is to be installed. Is it one long run of 15,200 LF of is it 30 individual runs of 500 LF each? Since it is such a large quantity please give us some guidance as to the scope of this work.
Inquiry submitted 12/21/2017

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 12/21/2017

Response #2:Fiber rolls are to be placed on slopes exceeding 10% (downwards) in areas adjacent to shoulder backing placement, guardrail removal, and excavations for concrete barrier transitions.
Response posted 12/29/2017

Inquiry #3: Bid Item #46 "Crash Cushions, Sand Filled" - 4 each. Is this item for four sand barrels or four sand barrels arrays? Please provide more detail for this item.
Inquiry submitted 12/21/2017

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 12/29/2017

Response #2:See Addendum 1.
Response posted 01/26/2018

Inquiry #4: Bid Item #49 "Remove Crash Cushions" - 4 each. Is this item for four sand barrels, four sand barrels arrays, or some other type of system? Please provide more detail for this item.
Inquiry submitted 12/21/2017

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 12/29/2017

Response #2:See Addendum 1.
Response posted 01/26/2018

Inquiry #5: Bid Item #49 "Remove Crash Cushions" - 4 each. Plan sheet Q-4 has a summary for sand filled crash cushion modules. Plan sheet C-17 shows "Remove Crash Cushions" at PM 44.32. This location is not on the summary on sheet Q-4. Is this an error or is the bid quantity 5 each?
Inquiry submitted 12/21/2017

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 12/29/2017

Response #2:See Addendum 1.
Response posted 01/26/2018

Inquiry #6: Reference Bid Item #8, Temporary Crash Cushion Module. Please provide details at each location that indicates which type of crash cushion array is to be installed.

Reference Bid Item #46, Crash Cushion Module, Sand Filled. Please provide details at each location that indicates which type of crash cushion array is to be installed.

Inquiry submitted 01/09/2018

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 01/10/2018

Response #2:Regarding Bid Item #8 - refer to Traffic Handling Plans in Addendum #1, issued Jan 18, 2018

Regarding Bid Item #46 - refer to the Standard Plans A81A, A81B and A81C listed in the Special Provisions. Also, refer to Addendum #1 - to the special provision 83-4.05 Sand Filled Crash Cushions.

Response posted 01/29/2018

Inquiry #7: Reference Bid Item #33, Grind Existing Concrete Pavement. We can find no details that describe this scope of work and how it is to be performed. Please provide all details necessary to construct this scope of work.
Inquiry submitted 01/09/2018

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 01/10/2018

Response #2:On Sheet X-4, the Typical Cross Section for PM R46.3/R47.8 indicates Grind Existing Concrete Pavement

Construction Detail Sheets C-25, C-27 to C-29 delineate the area of Grind Existing Concrete Pavement as per the legend shown on Sheet C-1 (mislabeled as Profile Grind PCC Pavement)

Refer to Section 42-3 of the Standard Specifications as well as the Revised Standard Specifications

Response posted 01/10/2018

Inquiry #8: Reference Revised Std Plan RSP A87B. The various dike types on RSP A87B are all shown sitting on asphalt. This differs from cross sections X-1 thru X-5 which shows the existing dikes sitting on dirt.
Question #1 - Are the existing dikes sitting on dirt or asphalt?
Question #2 - If the existing dikes are sitting on asphalt, is the existing asphalt to be removed during ac grinding and replaced during RHMA overlay?

Question #3 - If the existing dikes are sitting on dirt, is the dirt to be removed and replaced during RHMA overlay?

Inquiry submitted 01/11/2018

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 01/12/2018

Response #2:1) Existing dikes are on asphalt.
2) Yes, the existing asphalt should be removed and replaced.
3) Though existing dikes are on asphalt, the specified replacement dikes may be wider at the base than the existing, therefore causing a need to excavate a wider area to accommodate the new dike as well as placement new asphalt in this wider area.
Response posted 01/18/2018

Inquiry #9: Reference Bid Item #32, Cold Plane AC Pavement, and Bid Item #23, Rubber Hot Mix Asphalt. Is it required to pave back whatever area you have ground out by the end of the same shift? If so, where is this stated?
Inquiry submitted 01/11/2018

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 01/12/2018

Response #2:It is required to pave back areas ground within the same shift. This per the revised standard specifications, the relevant sentence is on page 148 of the project specifications.
Response posted 01/22/2018

Inquiry #10: According to typical cross sections sheet X-2 (plan page 3) Harvey Way (PM 42.03 to PM 42.13) shows that structural section #2 is to be built; however this contradicts with structural section #1 shown to be placed in the same area. Please specify which structural section takes precedence.
Inquiry submitted 01/11/2018

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 01/12/2018

Response #2:Structural section 1 is to be used over the entire area, except for failed sections (i.e., with alligator cracking) identified by the Engineer where section 2 is to be used.
Response posted 01/16/2018

Inquiry #11: According to typical cross section X-2 (plan page 3), Route 1 from PM 41.3 to PM 42.9 shows structural section #2 on the inside shoulders; however, it seems that the structural section should be "existing " structural section #3 instead of the "new" structural section #2. Please specify if these are correct.
Inquiry submitted 01/11/2018

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 01/12/2018

Response #2:As pointed out in the inquiry, the structural section on the inside shoulders should be #3, not #2 to indicate the existing section.
Response posted 01/30/2018

Inquiry #12: Caltrans Standard Specifications 2015, Section 6-1.05 Specific Brand or Trade Name and Substitution states "reference to a specific brand or trade name establishes a quality standard and is not intended to limit competition. You may use a product that is equal to or better than the specified trade name if authorized".

The MSKT is a Caltrans approved in-line terminal and we believe it should be allowed for use on this project.

Please review and clarify why Caltrans will only allow the proprietary Softstop on this project.

Inquiry submitted 01/25/2018

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 01/26/2018

Response #2:SoftStop was specified as it was the only MASH compliant terminal in-line system at the time the project was being finalized.

For approval to substitute any other terminal in-line system that is now MASH compliant, proceed as per Standard Specification 6-1.05.

Response posted 01/30/2018

Inquiry #13: Regarding the response to question #3 of inquiry #8 - what is the quantity of excavation to be performed and how is it paid?
Inquiry submitted 01/29/2018

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 01/30/2018

Response #2:Payment for preparation, excavation, and backfill for placement of dikes are included in the items 25-29 (Place Hot Mix Asphalt Dike -for Types A, C , D, E, and F).
Response posted 02/05/2018

Inquiry #14: Regarding the MGS work & locations. With no layout sheets in the plans and only the quantity summary's to go off of it appears there are multiple guardrail runs combined in general areas. For example between PM 37.90 & PM 42.06 there are 3 End Anchor assembly's type SFT, 2 Alternative Flared Terminal Systems, & 206.3 LF of MGS to install as well as 325 LF of guardrail removal. Due to the end anchors and terminal system quantity's that would indicate 3 separate work areas but with no additional details how would the bidder know specific quantity's for each location?
Inquiry submitted 01/30/2018

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 01/31/2018

Response #2:The quantities of Midwest Guard Railing work to be done is summarized on sheet Q-1. Individual locations and lengths are shown on the construction detail sheets. All locations, except for one, are replacement of existing sections of guardrail. The one exception is on sheet C-14, where a new 75 foot section is to be placed in the median to protect a large tree.
Response posted 02/01/2018

Inquiry #15: The summary quntities for the GR do not show any rail strenthenings for fixed objects. After driving the job, looks like there could possibily be 7 or more. Could Caltrans supply a quantitie so we could bid accordingly.
Inquiry submitted 01/31/2018

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 01/31/2018

Response #2:Payment for strengthened sections would be in payment for the increased linear footage of MGS (wood post) under Item 39. Should the quantity for Item 39 exceed 125% of that in the special provisions, payment adjustment would be as per section 9-1.06 in the Standard Specifications.
Response posted 02/05/2018

Inquiry #16: Will item #18 clear and grubbing also pertain to clearing for the GR. The existing GR has grass and brush growing over it along with many tree limps that are in the way. Once the GR is out, this will have to be cleared to get new GR in. Will this be accidental to the GR items or follow under clear and grub?
Inquiry submitted 01/31/2018

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 01/31/2018

Response #2:Item 18 Clearing and Grubbing is incidental work necessary to properly complete work under any of the other items. The primary need for this item is for the guard rail work, but there may be clearing and grubbing needed to accomplish other contract items.
Response posted 02/01/2018

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.