Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 04-4J2104

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Inquiry #1: Item 36 Soil Amendment has a quantity of 0, is this correct?
Inquiry submitted 09/18/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/21/2020

Inquiry #2: Please refer to SHEET No 43 (ED-1).
Detail "B" calls out for a METER ENCLOSURE with a mounting height of 5' or as required by UTILITY.
Please confirm there is NO METER or connection to any UTILITY.
Please confirm that the referenced MANUAL BYPASS FACILITY is the PEU "TEST SWITCH" referenced on the SERVICE WIRING DIAGRAM.

Inquiry submitted 09/30/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/30/2020

Response #2:Regarding the connection to a Utility - As specified on the Electrical plans, Caltrans opts to utilize back-to-back generators with no connections to any utility. However, per RSS 87-20.03, the Contractor has the option to "make arrangements with the utility company for providing power."

Regarding Manual Bypass Facility - MANUAL BYPASS FACILITY is NOT the PEU "TEST SWITCH". The "referenced MANUAL BYPASS FACILITY" is an option if the Contractor opts to make arrangements with PG&E for an utility connection.

Response posted 10/01/2020

Inquiry #3: Please refer to SHEET No 44 (ED-2).
DETAIL 3 shows an LPT , what size is it supposed to be?
Who is responsible for maintaining fuel in the LPT?
Is there a bid item for the continued fueling?

Inquiry submitted 09/30/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/30/2020

Response #2:Regarding the size of the LPT - The sizing of the "LPT" will be up to the Contractor's discretion. It is the Contractor's responsibility to "Maintain the temporary signal…" as needed. (See RSS 87-20.03J).

Regarding maintaining fuel in the LPT - It is the Contractor's responsibility to "Maintain the temporary signal…" as needed. (See RSS 87-20.03J)

Regarding bid item for fueling - Included in lump-sum bid item #78 /872002 /TEMPORARY SIGNAL SYSTEMS /LUMP SUM
Response posted 10/01/2020

Inquiry #4: Item 53 specifies a prime coat to be installed as part of the project. The bid item references section 39 of the specifications. What product is specified and where can the information and details for this work be found in the special provisions?
Inquiry submitted 10/02/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 10/05/2020

Response #2:See Addendum 2.
Response posted 10/12/2020

Inquiry #5: Please refer to sheet No 44 (ED-2)
Where is detail 1 applicable?

Inquiry submitted 10/04/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 10/05/2020

Response #2:Detail 1 is not utilized in the Electrical Plans; however, per RSS 87-20.02A, Detail 1 was included for completeness for "The components of a temporary system."
Response posted 10/05/2020

Inquiry #6: Regarding the 047315 Composite Girder Strengthening (Bid Item 63) Scope:

Sheet 77, Detail B indicates that a bi-directional carbon FRP material is to be used for the U-wrap structural strengthening application to the beams. Typically, U-wrapping of beams for shear strengthening is accomplished with a uni-direction FRP application (fibers oriented vertically/around the beam). The flexural strengthening has already been accomplished via the bottom uni-directional strip specified. Please clarify/confirm that a uni-directional CFRP product is acceptable for the U-wrap application (assuming all other minimum properties and design value requirements are satisfied).

Inquiry submitted 10/12/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 10/12/2020

Response #2:Bid per the current contract documents.

Response posted 10/14/2020

Inquiry #7: Regarding Bid Item (63) Composite Girder Strengthening: Spec section 60-410 of the Special Provisions, Part 60-410B(2) dictates that "CFRP fiber sheet must be composed of unidirectional continuous carbon fiber." Additionally, there are no bidirectional carbon fabrics listed in the Caltrans / CA DOT Authorized Materials List (AML) from any listed manufacturer. Please confirm that the U-wrap CFRP application to the beams indicated should consist of a unidirectional carbon FRP material installed with fibers oriented in the hoop direction, and not a bidirectional CFRP product as indicated on Sheet 77, Detail B and sheet legend.
Inquiry submitted 10/13/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 10/13/2020

Response #2:No further information will be provided. Please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 10/15/2020

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.