Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 05-1F7904

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Inquiry #1: Hello,
We are interested in bidding for bid item#130100: job site management among other items but we are unsure of what this item represents. We would like to request a description of what this item entails for this project. Is there a complete item description for job site management? Thank you.
-Bancroft Construction Services

Inquiry submitted 06/29/2020

Response #1:Please refer to Standard Specification section 13-4 JOB SITE MANAGEMENT
Response posted 06/29/2020

Inquiry #2: Can you please explain the difference between bid item 11 and 16? Can you also provide an explanation to what is included in each of the bid items?
Inquiry submitted 07/28/2020

Response #1:Attention is directed to section 12-4.02C(12) "Construction Work Zone Speed Limit Reduction" of the special provisions.

(Portable Radar Speed Feedback Sign System) is used when there is lane or shoulder closure or both during the work shift. For example, closing the lane or shoulder to setup Temporary Railing (Type K). After the work shift, the Portable Radar Speed Feedback Sign System need to be removed from the jobsite or turn off and cover the signs of the radar.

(Temporary Radar Speed Feedback Sign System) is 24/7. It is used when there is a long term closure of a lane or shoulder. For example, after the Temporary Railing (Type K) is installed on either lane or shoulder, that changed the existing roadway condition. The Temporary Radar Speed Feedback Sign System needs to be turn-on 24/7 until the lane or shoulder returned to the existing condition. Must comply with Temporary electrical system in section 87-20

Response posted 07/28/2020

Inquiry #3: Regarding the CISS piling, Section 49-2.02B(1)(a) of the Special Provisions states that steel pipe piling is to be "Class N". This is extremely unusual for 16" x .500 steel pipe. Typically pipe piling in this size is classified and fabricated as "Class R".
Please advise-

Inquiry submitted 08/03/2020

Response #1:No additional information is available given the bids open today. Refer to Section 2-1.09, "bid item list," of the 2015 Standard Specifications: "Submit a bid based on the bid item quantities the Department shows in the bid item list."

Response posted 08/04/2020

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.