Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 05-1G2604

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Inquiry #1: Please clarify the planned method of ingress and egress to the Stage 3 work, as each end of the designed work area appears to have a width of approximately 7.00 feet
Inquiry submitted 06/23/2021

Response #1:Your inquiry has been submitted for review.
Response posted 06/23/2021

Response #2:Attention is directed to Addendum No. 1, dated July 12, 2021. Please place you bid in accordance with the current contract documents.
Response posted 07/12/2021

Inquiry #2: Please clarify limits/quantity of CIDH. If the Cutoff Elevations shown on Sheet 92 are used, there will be no Pile Extension work as shown in Concrete Strength and Type Limits and the Bent Pile Detail on Sheet 105. The CIDH quantity appears to be 13' per Bent Pile/Column short. Is the CIDH to be poured to Cutoff and refinished or will the Cutoff Elevations be revised to account for Pile Extension work?
Also, as no construction joint is shown at the drop caps, should this concrete be considered Polymer Fiber?
The Structural Concrete Bridge Quantity looks overstated by around 50%. Please comment.

Inquiry submitted 06/25/2021

Response #1:Your inquiry has been submitted for review.
Response posted 06/28/2021

Response #2:Attention is directed to Addendum No. 1, dated July 12, 2021. Please place you bid in accordance with the current contract documents.
Response posted 07/12/2021

Inquiry #3: Section 12-4.02C of the Special Provisions seems to indicate that End of Queue Monitoring Systems are required .... what Bid Item is this paid under?

Inquiry submitted 07/01/2021

Response #1:Your inquiry has been submitted for review.
Response posted 07/02/2021

Response #2:End of Queue Monitoring is paid under BID Item No. 15 [128658] “END OF QUEUE MONITORING AND WARNING WITH TRUCK MOUNTED CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGN DAY”. Please place you bid in accordance with the current contract documents.
Response posted 07/06/2021

Inquiry #4: In Stage 1 and 2 the krail appears to be placed with zero offset from the proposed bridge work. The abutment excavations are 6.5' deep and with zero offset to the krail there is no room for shoring. The top 1.5' to 2' of the excavation is existing AC--is the States intent to allow a vertical cut here?
Inquiry submitted 07/06/2021

Response #1:Your inquiry has been submitted for review.
Response posted 07/06/2021

Response #2:Please place you bid in accordance with the current Contract Documents and your means and methods of performing the work as described.
Response posted 07/07/2021

Inquiry #5: Do the approach slabs get CTPB under them? What is pay item 55 Aggregate Base Approach Slab for? 6CY of Aggregate Base under the new approach slabs would only be 0.1' thick.
Inquiry submitted 07/07/2021

Response #1:Your inquiry has been submitted for review.
Response posted 07/07/2021

Response #2:Attention is directed to Addendum No. 1, dated July 12, 2021. Please place you bid in accordance with the current contract documents.
Response posted 07/12/2021

Inquiry #6: The legends for the Borelogs provided on shts 81 and 82 are almost illegible (far left side of drawing). Please indicate what the boxed numbers within the borelogs indicate and their associated units.

Inquiry submitted 07/08/2021

Response #1:Your inquiry has been submitted for review.
Response posted 07/08/2021

Response #2:Refer to Section 2.106B Supplemental Project Information of the Standard Specifications, The illegible legends can be read from the As-Built Log of Test Borings.
Response posted 07/09/2021

Inquiry #7: Previous question about illegible legends on the provided borelogs was not adequately answered. Section 2-1.06B simply states that supplemental information will be provided. It doesn't indicate what to do if the information provided is illegible. Response comment "The illegible legends can be read from the As-Built Log of Test Borings" is further confusing since the log borings included on shts 81 & 82 are presumably the "as-builts" of the log borings AND they are the only borelogs I can find in the contract documents. Typically the geotech report included in the Info Handout has borelogs within it ... but that is not the case for this project. My question is not a difficult one, please answer the question directly or else provide a cleaner copy of the borelogs.
Inquiry submitted 07/09/2021

Response #1:Converting the as-built Log of Test Borings to current contract plans has caused the legibility issue. The legends are clear in the original set of as-builts. Please refer to section 2-1.06B of the Standard Specifications (& Revised Standard Specifications) to obtain copies of these as-builts Log of Test Borings.
Response posted 07/09/2021

Response #2:Refer to Addendum #3 dated July 23, 2021, plan sheets 106, 107, 108, and 109.
Response posted 07/27/2021

Inquiry #8: On Plan sheet EC-1 and EC-2 there are required compost berm, but there is no bid item for it. Please advise which bid item should be paid for compost berm?
Inquiry submitted 07/11/2021

Response #1:Your inquiry has been submitted for review.

Please be aware that due to the proximity of the bid opening your question may not be addressed.

Please place your bid in accordance with the current Bid Documents.
Response posted 07/12/2021

Response #2:Attention is directed to the quantity table on plan sheet ECL-1. Bid Item No. 46 "Compost (CY)" will be used to play for this work.
Response posted 07/13/2021

Inquiry #9: Rock Slope Protection Quantity looks off by a factor of 10. Please confirm/revise (if necessary).
Inquiry submitted 07/12/2021

Response #1:Your inquiry has been submitted for review.
Response posted 07/12/2021

Response #2:Attention is directed to Addendum No. 3 dated July 23, 2021.
Response posted 07/26/2021

Inquiry #10: Addendum 1 changed the cutoff elevations of the Bent columns. It's unclear to me if Contractor is to provide a cold joint at the CIDH to "concrete pile extension" interface OR if contractor is allowed to pour the CIDH mix to cutoff elevation, then simply change to structural concrete mix and continue filling the drilled hole. Please confirm that the concrete pile extensions can can be cast against drilled hole AND interface with wet CIDH mix at cutoff elevation without a cold joint.
Inquiry submitted 07/13/2021

Response #1:Your inquiry has been submitted for review
Response posted 07/13/2021

Response #2:Unless an addendum is issued, please bid per current contract document.
Response posted 07/21/2021

Response #3:Attention is directed to Addendum #3, dated July 23, 2021, plan sheet 105.
Response posted 07/26/2021

Inquiry #11: Roadside Clearing: Plan sheet RC-2 contains ESA zones (Ref sheet C-5) within the Roadside Clearing Area 1 limits. No Clear and Grub, Planting or Seeding is shown within the ESA's. These are generally exclusion zones with no access or work. Please confirm if they are included in clearing or excluded.
Inquiry submitted 07/16/2021

Response #1:Your inquiry has been submitted for review.
Response posted 07/16/2021

Response #2:Attention is directed to sections 14-1.02, and section 20 of the bid Specifications, and Bid Item No. 32, “Roadside Clearing”. Please place your bid in accordance with the current contract documents.
Response posted 07/20/2021

Inquiry #12: Please indicate what type of concrete finish is required for the underside of the new bridge deck soffit.

Inquiry submitted 07/23/2021

Response #1:Attention is directed to Section 51-1.03F “Finish Concrete” in particular section 51-1.03F(2) “Ordinary Surface Finish”, of the Standard Specifications. Please place your bid in accordance with the current bid documents.
Response posted 07/25/2021

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.