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Viewing inquiries for 07-238304

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Inquiry #1: Regarding Bid Item #62 and 63. Where is the information location to determined the difference between Type A and Type B Alternative Pipe Culvert?

Inquiry submitted 09/16/2019

Response #1:The information is based on as-built data and what is existing in the field.
The intent is of this designation is to replace the existing Alternative Pipe Culvert with the same type of Alternative Pipe Culvert in the field.

Response posted 09/16/2019

Inquiry #2: For those bubblers installed with Riser Type V are shown on irrigation sprinkler schedule, flexible hose is not made up from steel or not available from manufacturers, preferably to be PVC. Please verify.


Inquiry submitted 09/20/2019

Response #1:Should be PVC or plastic not steel.
Response posted 09/20/2019

Inquiry #3: There is no swing joint type X detail shown in the documents. Please provide.


Inquiry submitted 09/20/2019

Response #1:It should BE III NOT X.
Response posted 09/20/2019

Inquiry #4: Please confirm whether control and neutral conductors required for new remote control valves are existing.
Inquiry submitted 09/23/2019

Response #1:New wire is needed for new valves if there is no existing wire to accommodate the new valves.
Response posted 09/23/2019

Inquiry #5: Please clarify how to run the wire (path of wire) for new valve stations B-25, B-27 to existing controller B as shown on sheet IP-3.
Inquiry submitted 09/24/2019

Response #1:Valves B-25 and B-27 should be connected to the B controller. The wires should go across Colden to the other side of Route 110 to the B controller. This was not shown on the plans.

Response posted 09/24/2019

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.