Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 07-304504

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Inquiry #1: Clarification is requested for lane closure charts N1 to N4. What does “slab number replaced” column mean? What does slab number 6 represent?
Inquiry submitted 12/03/2019

Response #1:The Engineer determines the exact location and number of slabs to be replaced based on the condition of the existing concrete slabs. The N1 to N4 lane closure charts refers to freeway lanes that need to be closed to allow for individual concrete slab replacement.
Response posted 12/03/2019

Inquiry #2: Will long term closure charts for ramp and lane closures be provided for various stage and phase long term closures?
Inquiry submitted 12/03/2019

Response #1:Attention is directed to the 1st paragraph of Section 12-4.02(1) "Work that interferes with traffic is limited to the hours when closures are allowed except for work shown on the stage construction and traffic handling plans."
Response posted 12/03/2019

Inquiry #3: 3. Will the ROW area within the Tonner Canyon Rd NB 57 Loop Off Ramp be available as area for contractor use on this project?
Inquiry submitted 12/03/2019

Response #1:This area has a pending lease agreement and is being used by Caltrans Maintenance. This area is not available at this time.
Response posted 12/03/2019

Inquiry #4: Reference is made to drawings THD-13 and THD 14 and special provisions 12-3.37. Under what item are radar speed feedback signs paid for?
Inquiry submitted 12/03/2019

Response #1:Please refer to the "(N) Not a separate pay item, for information only. Payment included in Traffic Control System" in the Speed Reduction Locations tables on THD-13 and 14 (sheet no. 457 and 458) of the advertised set and bid per contract documents.

Response posted 12/03/2019

Inquiry #5: Please clarify what scope bid item #94 is for. We have not been able to locate a corresponding quantity on the plan sheets.
Inquiry submitted 12/03/2019

Response #1:Item #94 "Minor Concrete (Minor Structure)" is used for the anchor blocks. These anchor blocks are called out in the layout plans at various locations. In addition, Construction Details Sheet C-9 and C-10 show the details of the concrete anchor block.
Response posted 12/03/2019

Inquiry #6: Bid Item #105: 18" Slotted Corrugated Steel Pipe (0.79" Think). Can not located the grate height of the Slotted Drain. i.e. 2-1/2" or 6" Grate Height.
Inquiry submitted 12/09/2019

Response #1:The standard grate should be 6".
Response posted 12/09/2019

Inquiry #7: There appears to be an error on Summary of Quantities Sheet Q-3 for Layout sheet L-9. Please review Engineers quantity for Bid Item 80 Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement. Our takeoff indicates quantity for JPCP is overstated by about 10,000 CY.

Inquiry submitted 12/16/2019

Response #1:Please refer to Addendum No.3, dated January 7, 2020.
Response posted 12/16/2019

Inquiry #8: Reference revised standard plans RSP P31A and RSP P32 issued with addendum 1, and project layout plans. On sheet 27 a terminal joint would be required in lane 2 NB at station 267+00, and expansion joints would be required 28’ and 14’ from the terminal joint. In lane 3 NB a terminal joint would be required at station 269+25, and expansion joints would be required 28’ and 14’ from the terminal joint. There are additional staggered joints on sheets 29, 30, and 31. Are separate sets of CRCP expansion joints required at staggered terminal joint locations?

Inquiry submitted 12/16/2019

Response #1:For all the expansion joint and terminal joint in question at the specified stations for CRCP, please see detail "Terminal Joint Type G" (For Existing CRCP) per RSP P31A. Please bid per contract documents.
Response posted 12/16/2019

Response #2:For all the expansion joint and terminal joint in question at the specified stations for CRCP, please see detail "Terminal Joint Type G" (For Existing CRCP) per RSP P31A. Please bid per contract documents.
Response posted 12/16/2019

Inquiry #9: Addendum 1 sheet DP-5 shows 18" RCP for DS 33a, however on sheet DQ-15B, this element is counted as 24" RCP. Please confirm pipe size for this drainage element.

Inquiry submitted 12/18/2019

Response #1:Please refer to Addendum No.3, dated January 7, 2020.
Response posted 12/18/2019

Inquiry #10: Are there cross sections for "A" Line? If so, please provide them.
Inquiry submitted 12/18/2019

Response #1:Design cross sections are not required for ?A? Line. Please bid per contract documents.
Response posted 12/18/2019

Inquiry #11: Sheet G-1 does not show contour grading for the infiltration trench (1a) shown on W-1 at station 107+00. However the infiltration trench appears to be located at an existing slope. Please clarify.
Inquiry submitted 12/19/2019

Response #1:The infiltration trench (1a) is shown at the correct location per Sheet W-1. Please bid per contract documents. Thanks.
Response posted 12/19/2019

Inquiry #12: Please clarify the specific location and limits of the joint seal type B as the quantity appears to be grossly over stated. See bid item 84 and RSP 32

Inquiry submitted 12/20/2019

Response #1:Please refer to Addendum No.3, dated January 7, 2020.
Response posted 12/20/2019

Inquiry #13: Per bid item 25, the contractor is required to remove existing concrete on the existing shoulder at SB A Line Sta. 224+07.50 and Sta. 208+86.50. Please clarify the thickness and reinforcing, if any, located within these slabs.Provide details of the existing concrete slabs to be removed.

Inquiry submitted 12/20/2019

Response #1:At Sta. 224+07.50, there is a concrete removal approximately 7' x 8' with no reinforcing. At Sta. 208+86.50, there is a concrete removal approximately 0.7' x 5' with no reinforcing. This existing concrete is a curb transition between the existing AC dike. The removal will be paid under (item #25) "Remove Concrete (Miscellaneous)" SQFT.
Response posted 12/20/2019

Inquiry #14: Please provide X-sections and details for infiltration trench BMP-1.

Inquiry submitted 12/20/2019

Response #1:There is a profile of the Infiltration Trench, Drainage System 1, which is shown on Profile Sheet WP-01. The detail for Infiltration Trench are sheets WD-13, WD-14.
Response posted 12/20/2019

Inquiry #15: Please clarify square footage area of rock blanket, bid item 35, between "C" Line & "A" Line.

Inquiry submitted 12/20/2019

Response #1:The square footage areas for the rock blanket are shown on the Irrigation and Planting Plan (IPP-1 thru IPP-6).
Response posted 12/20/2019

Inquiry #16: Please clarify the class required for the Rock Blanket outlined in bid item 35.

Inquiry submitted 12/20/2019

Response #1:No class required for the Rock Blanket.
Response posted 12/20/2019

Inquiry #17: What nominal RSP class are we using under Method B outlined in bid item 121?

Inquiry submitted 12/20/2019

Response #1:Type of class depends on situation of RSP location.
For concreted RSP, generally RSP class I/II is preferable for BMP.

Response posted 12/20/2019

Inquiry #18: Please clarify the pipe size and elevation for bid item 118

Inquiry submitted 12/20/2019

Response #1:Bid item 118, which is Remove Pipe. We do not specify the size of pipe to be removed. The pay item is for Remove Pipe.
Response posted 12/20/2019

Inquiry #19: With the holidays approaching, many companies are not open, making it difficult to schedule an effective DBE outreach meeting. Please consider pushing the bid opening an additional 2 weeks to allow more time to solicite DBE companies and meet the required goals.

Inquiry submitted 12/20/2019

Response #1:Bid per contract documents. Project will be bid as scheduled.
Response posted 12/20/2019

Inquiry #20: Does item #96(F) Bar Reinforcing steel apply to other improvements beyond the Austin Vault quantities shown on sheet WQ-4? If so, on what plan sheets can additional quantities be found for this item?
Inquiry submitted 12/20/2019

Response #1:Bid item 96F, which is Reinforcing Bar Steel. There are no other drainage systems on the layout sheets, other than the 2 AVSF's, where this pay item is required.
Response posted 12/20/2019

Inquiry #21: Plan sheet 78 (W-4) appears to be missing details for system 7. Please provide updated sheet, showing location of system elements.

Inquiry submitted 12/20/2019

Response #1:Please refer to Addendum No.3, dated January 7, 2020.
Response posted 12/20/2019

Inquiry #22: Please confirm method of payment for 18" pipe shown in 60W barrier on sheet DD-7. Is this pipe paid with the barrier rail or with Bid Item 105 - 18" Slotted Corrugated Steel Pipe?

Inquiry submitted 12/20/2019

Response #1:The 18" 60W pipe is paid with the Barrier.
Response posted 12/20/2019

Inquiry #23: Addendum 1 added sheet THQ-1. This quantity sheet includes 15,692 LF of Temporary Railing Type K and 322 Crash Cushions. The quantity sheet references sheets D-16 thru D-31 for the location of the K-rail and crash cushions to be installed. Sheets D-16 thru D-31 do not show location, layout, direction of travel or stage for the use of the K-rail and crash cushions. Sheet THQ-1 also has a large quantity of pavement delineation that references sheets D-16 thru D-31 for the location of this work. Sheets D-16 thru D-31 do not show location, layout, direction of travel or stage for the installation of pavement delineation. Please provide details for additional work added under Addendum 1, sheet THQ-1 so that the Contractor can price appropriately.

Inquiry submitted 12/23/2019

Response #1:Please refer to Addendum No.3, dated January 7, 2020.
Response posted 12/23/2019

Inquiry #24: There is an adding error in the Structural Concrete, Drainage Inlet and Miscellaneous Iron & Steel Columns on Sheet DQ-10. Please revise sheet totals and bid item totals with the correct sums.

Inquiry submitted 12/23/2019

Response #1:Please refer to Addendum No.3, dated January 7, 2020.
Response posted 12/24/2019

Inquiry #25: Sheet W-4 does not show drainage system 7. Please provide a new sheet with drainage system 7 and its unit (A-H).
Inquiry submitted 12/23/2019

Response #1:Please refer to Addendum No.3, dated January 7, 2020.
Response posted 12/24/2019

Inquiry #26: The Reinforced Pipe Encasement Detail on DD-5 & DD-6 shows #13 rebar, please confirm that it is Caltrans intent to use #13 rebar to encase the 12" plastic pipe.
Inquiry submitted 12/23/2019

Response #1:Please refer to Addendum No.3, dated January 7, 2020.
Response posted 12/24/2019

Inquiry #27: Drainage Sheets D-3 & D-4 indicate that system 5 has existing 18" CMP Slotted Pipe to be removed; however this removal is not quantified with Bid Item 118 Remove Pipe. Please confirm that this section of existing 18" CMP Slotted Pipe is to be removed and update the quantity for bid items 118.
Inquiry submitted 12/23/2019

Response #1:Please refer to Addendum No.3, dated January 7, 2020.
Response posted 12/24/2019

Inquiry #28: The total quantity for "Remove Asphalt Concrete Dike" is understated, will the State consider revising the total bid quantity?
Inquiry submitted 12/23/2019

Response #1: Please refer to Addendum No.3, dated January 7, 2020.
Response posted 12/24/2019

Inquiry #29: The Water Pollution Control Plan is missing the AVSF on sheet W-4, please advise.
Inquiry submitted 12/23/2019

Response #1:Please refer to Addendum No.3, dated January 7, 2020.
Response posted 12/24/2019

Inquiry #30: Sheet WD-6 calls out for an optional gutter around the Austin Vaults. Please indicate if it is the engineers decision to place this gutter and if so what bid item will this work be paid under.
Inquiry submitted 12/23/2019

Response #1:The AVSF does not require any gutter around the top. The gutter is required when the slope is greater than 2:1.

Response posted 12/24/2019

Inquiry #31: Sheet SC-22 cross section and D-16 refers to plan sheet SCD-2, which was not provided with bidding plans. Please provide sheet SCD-2
Inquiry submitted 12/23/2019

Response #1:Please refer to Addendum No.3, dated January 7, 2020.
Response posted 12/24/2019

Inquiry #32: Addendum 1 added a significant amount of drainage located in the existing shoulder. Majority of the existing shoulder pavement is concrete pavement and currently there are no call outs for replacing these shoulders. Please clarify the limits / depth of pavement removal and replacement and how the State plans on paying the Contractors for the pavement at these locations.
Inquiry submitted 12/27/2019

Response #1:Pavement section during construction of drainage system will be paid per the unit price for the roadway pavement item.
Response posted 12/27/2019

Inquiry #33: How does "Seal Random Cracks & Repair Failed Areas" per repair work shown on plan sheet C-24, get paid?
Inquiry submitted 12/31/2019

Response #1:The "Seal Random Cracks & Repair Failed Areas" will be paid under the bid item #66 "Crack Treatment". For Crack Treatment quantities, see Q-14 under "Roadway Quantities".
Response posted 12/31/2019

Inquiry #34: How does "Seal Random Cracks & Repair Failed Areas" per repair work shown on plan sheet C-24, get paid?
Inquiry submitted 12/31/2019

Response #1:The "Seal Random Cracks & Repair Failed Areas" will be paid under the bid item #66 "Crack Treatment". For Crack Treatment quantities, see Q-14 under "Roadway Quantities".
Response posted 12/31/2019

Inquiry #35: Does Bid Item 84 "Compression Joint" get installed over Bid Item 85 " Isolation Joint" ? If so, why isnt the quantity the same? Is there other areas that recieve Compression Joint? If so, where?
Inquiry submitted 12/31/2019

Response #1:Please see Quantity Sheets in Addendum #3 and the Pavements details of 2018 Standard Plans and bid per contract documents.
Response posted 12/31/2019

Inquiry #36: Can Caltrans identify the locations to receive the various types of Terminal Joints on the plans?
Inquiry submitted 12/31/2019

Response #1:Please see Addendum #3 for RSP P31A for location of terminal joints and bid per contract documents.

Response posted 12/31/2019

Inquiry #37: Addendum sheets D-16 through D-33 reference Note #2 “Temporary drainage must be constructed prior to stage 1. See sheet SCD-2 for typical detail to facilitate temporary drainage construction”. Temporary drainage is not shown on original plans or addendum plans, please provide plan sheets for temporary drainage and sheet SCD-2.
Inquiry submitted 01/03/2020

Response #1:Please refer to Addendum #7 dated April 2, 2020.
Response posted 01/03/2020

Inquiry #38: Sheet SC-21 & SC-22 reference “see SCD-2 for K-Rail connect to existing conc barrier”. We have not been able to locate plan sheet SCD-2, please advise.
Inquiry submitted 01/03/2020

Response #1:The note on SC-21 & SC-22 ?SEE SCD-2 FOR KRAIL CONNECT TO EXISTING Conc BARRIER? is a typo. There is no SCD-2 Sheet per Contract Documents. Thanks.

Response posted 01/03/2020

Inquiry #39: Clarification is request for Lump Sum Bid item # 70 “ Data Core”. Please indicate where data cores are required or how many are required on the project? Are data cores required in areas where HMA or RHMA paving is not the surface course? For example, on mainline paving where HMA is the bond breaker.
Inquiry submitted 01/06/2020

Response #1:Please see Section 39-2.01 C(17) Data Cores in the 2018 Standard Specifications and bid per contract documents.
Response posted 01/07/2020

Inquiry #40: Is the drainage added in Addenda 1 (D-16 thru D-33) considered the temporary drainage? Is this considered pre-stage 1 work?

Inquiry submitted 01/06/2020

Response #1:Please refer to Addendum #7 dated April 2, 2020.

Response posted 01/07/2020

Inquiry #41: Will Addendum #3 Be posted soon or is it in another section than the existing 2, as it was referenced in an earlier bidder inquiry on the 3rd but has yet to be uploaded to the project. thank you
Inquiry submitted 01/07/2020

Response #1:Please refer to Addendum No.3, dated January 7, 2020.
Response posted 01/07/2020

Inquiry #42: Bid item 97(F) 560218 FURNISH SIGN STRUCTURE (TRUSS) - Are walkways required on these overhead sign structures? The specials and drawings do not clearly call out if they are needed or not but it appears there are some existing sign structures that are getting the walkways removed under this project.
Inquiry submitted 01/07/2020

Response #1:No walkways are needed.
Response posted 01/07/2020

Inquiry #43: Sheet Nos. Q-7 & Q-8 appears to be missing the quantities for Midwest Guardrail System. Please check and provide updated sheets showing the said quantities. Thanks
Inquiry submitted 01/07/2020

Response #1:Quantities for Midwest Guardrail System (MGS) are located on Q-9 thru Q-13.
Response posted 01/07/2020

Inquiry #44: The response to inquiry # 37, "Please see Addendum #3 and bid per Contract Documents", does not answer inquiry # 37. Referenced sheet SCD-2 in not included in addendum # 3, please provide.
Inquiry submitted 01/07/2020

Response #1:There is no SCD-2 sheet in Addendum #3 or the contract plans. There was a typo on the plans that refer to Sheet SCD-2, but all this was clarified on Addendum #3.
Response posted 01/07/2020

Inquiry #45: The Traffic Staging Plans require extended freeway closures to perform work. There are eight phases occurring within three stages. Each phase requires restriping, K-Rail placement, misc TC Devices, Excavation, Base, LCB RS, JPCP RS, then striping restoration and K-Rail/TC Devices removal,, the majority of the phases will require more than extended closure. Will Caltrans pay for performing temporary striping, Setting Traffic Control Devices, Setting K-Rail , and removing the same for each time this is required within the same phase?

Inquiry submitted 01/08/2020

Response #1:The work should be completed with the allotted extended weekend closures provided in the contract documents. Please bid per contract documents.
Response posted 01/08/2020

Inquiry #46: **Please consider a 2 week extension to the bid date in light of the additional changes in scope with Addendum 3.
Inquiry submitted 01/09/2020

Response #1:Please refer to Addendum #6, dated February 26, 2020, for Bid Opening Date and bid per Contract Documents.
Response posted 01/09/2020

Inquiry #47: Addendum # 1 & 3 added additional drainage. The additional drainage adds several weeks of work to the schedule. The contract duration has not been increased to account for this work. Please modify the contract duration to account for this additional work
Inquiry submitted 01/09/2020

Response #1:Please refer to Addendum #7 dated April 2, 2020.
Response posted 01/09/2020

Inquiry #48: **Please extend the question deadline to allow additional time for review and questions for the revisions in addendum 001.
Inquiry submitted 01/09/2020

Response #1:Please refer to Addendum #6, dated February 26, 2020, for Bid Opening Date and bid per Contract Documents.
Response posted 01/09/2020

Inquiry #49: Reference Specification Section 90-1.01B. Please clarify which structures require Contractor Quality Control for this project.

Inquiry submitted 01/10/2020

Response #1:CIP structural concrete members require quality control. Refer to the definition of CIP structural concrete members in section 90-1.01B of the revise standard specifications.

Response posted 01/10/2020

Inquiry #50: RSP P31A and RSP P32 issued with addendum 1 call out a support slab. What bid item is the support slab paid under?
Inquiry submitted 01/11/2020

Response #1:There is no bid item for support slab. It should be full comp under the bid item #79 Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement.

Response posted 01/13/2020

Inquiry #51: Upwards of 1,000 temporary signs have been counted on a multitude of plans. CS Sheets, MI Sheets, SC Sheets, TH plans, THD plans and funding signs per the special provisions. Can you confirm all these signs are paid under the CAS item or are they to be paid in other items?
Inquiry submitted 01/13/2020

Response #1:The temporary signs is paid under the bid item #4 Construction Area Signs.
Response posted 01/13/2020

Inquiry #52: Will Caltrans extend the bid date for this project due to the amount of information in the Addendums and the time required for contractors to review this information and disperse the information to subcontractors, especially DBE contractors.
Inquiry submitted 01/14/2020

Response #1:Please refer to Addendum #6, dated February 26, 2020, for Bid Opening Date and bid per Contract Documents.
Response posted 01/14/2020

Inquiry #53: Good morning you took the item away for removal of temp traffic stripe tape item 196 , are we supposed to include the removal in the installation price?
Inquiry submitted 01/15/2020

Response #1:Please refer to Addendum #7, dated April 2, 2020, and bid per Contract Documents.
Response posted 01/15/2020

Inquiry #54: When can we expect and additional addendum for this project?
Does Caltrans anticipate the bid date changing again?

Inquiry submitted 02/13/2020

Response #1:Please refer to Addendum #7, dated April 2, 2020, and bid per Contract Documents.
Response posted 02/13/2020

Inquiry #55: The response to Inquiry #32 stated that the pavement repair for the drainage systems on the shoulders would be paid per the unit price for the roadway pavement. Please clarify what pavement section is to be used as the typical existing section is PCC/LCB or CTB/AB and the project does not have a new section that matches the existing.
Inquiry submitted 02/18/2020

Response #1:Please refer to Addendum #7, dated April 2, 2020.
Response posted 02/18/2020

Inquiry #56: Related to Inquiry 32, will the removals of the existing pavement to install the new drainage systems be paid in the drainage items or in Bid Item 86?
Inquiry submitted 02/18/2020

Response #1:Please refer to Addendum #7, dated April 2, 2020.
Response posted 02/18/2020

Inquiry #57: Per Standard Plan T3B, the median temporary k-rail is to be staked on each side for 2 way traffic with no minimum offset shown. If traffic is more than 2' away from the k-rail on either side, does the k-rail need to be staked? Will the Contractor be required to stake the median k-rail on both sides during the Extended Weekend Closures? For the k-rail that crosses a bridge, will the same method of staking the k-rail be required?
Inquiry submitted 02/24/2020

Response #1:Please bid per contract documents and per Standard Plans Plan T3A and T3B. For pinning (stake) requirements for the K-rails, please see Notes #1 thru #5 on Standard Plans T3B. For pinning (stake) requirements for K-rails on bridge deck, see Standard Plans T3A and Note #3.

Response posted 02/24/2020

Inquiry #58: Caltrans just issued Addendum #6 on February 26th, extending the bid once again with zero explanation as to why. Can you please provide some sort of update as to why Caltrans continues to extend this bid? We cannot continue to waste time, resources, and money on a moving target with zero understanding as to why. We politely request an update ahead of another future addendum.
Inquiry submitted 02/27/2020

Response #1:Please refer to Addendum #7, dated April 2, 2020.
Response posted 02/27/2020

Inquiry #59: The response to inquiry # 11 regarding contour grading for the infiltration trench (1a) shown on W-1 at station 107+00 is not sufficient. The infiltration trench is located at an existing slope and extends beyond the existing slope. Please provide contour grading plans to estimate the amount of fill needed to build the infiltration trench.
Inquiry submitted 04/08/2020

Response #1:Please bid per contract documents
Response posted 04/08/2020

Inquiry #60: Construction Detail 25 (C-25) states "JPCP-RSC to be placed monolithically with adjacent pavement"; however, the detail also shows an isolation joint with tie bars. Please clarify if the JPCP-RSC is to be placed monolithically without an isolation joint or if individuals pours will be allowed to install the isolation joints and tie bars.
Inquiry submitted 04/08/2020

Response #1:Please bid per contract documents
Response posted 04/08/2020

Inquiry #61: Note 3 on Drainage Sheets (D 16 - D 33), references sheets THD-17, THD-18, and THQ-1 to facilitate construction of drainage systems 23 - 28. Please clarify if this note is a typo and was intended to include drainage systems 23-48.
Inquiry submitted 04/08/2020

Response #1:Note #3 on Plans D-16 to D-33 and DP-1 to DP-13 is a typo and should read the following:

Response posted 04/08/2020

Inquiry #62: The contract documents do not provide enough information to determine the locations of the individual slab panel replacements. Without this information, the lane closure requirements, i.e., number of lanes to close and durations, cannot be adequately quantified and bid properly. Please provide an estimated number of lane closures such that all bidders are submitting pricing based on the same information.
Inquiry submitted 04/20/2020

Response #1:Bid per contract documents.
Response posted 04/20/2020

Inquiry #63: DS 5-8, 12-14 and 20-22 include 18"SCSP with a 1.0' offset from center line and portions adjacent to Type 60W rail. Standard Plan D99A indicates a minimum offset of 2.0'. Please provide a detail showing how the 18" SCSP is to be constructed partially under the barrier rail.
Inquiry submitted 04/20/2020

Response #1:Inquiry disregarded.
Response posted 04/20/2020

Inquiry #64: Please disregard the prior inquiry. Thank you.
Inquiry submitted 04/20/2020

Response #1:Inquiry disregarded.
Response posted 04/20/2020

Inquiry #65: The Gradation chart in Section 26-1.02C, Class 3 Aggregate Base, shows a 1.5" max and a .75" max. Please specify which Gradation Max is to be used for the project.
Inquiry submitted 04/20/2020

Response #1:Bid per contract documents.
Response posted 04/20/2020

Inquiry #66: Addenda 7 plan sheets 22 through 26 have a note which refers to construction detail C24-A. No such detail was included in the plans. Is this a typo? Should the note refer to plan C25?

Inquiry submitted 04/21/2020

Response #1:Please refer to Construction Detail sheet C-25 and bid per contract documents.
Response posted 04/21/2020

Inquiry #67: Sheet Q-5A under the Individual Slab Replacement column, there is a call out for Lean Concrete Base Rapid Setting with a total quantity of 714 cy's. There is all an asterisk (*) next to the total quantity that takes you to a note that states Included in Grand Total Quantities. This same asterisk is next to the total quantity (4,508 cy's) for Lean Concrete Base Rapid Setting. Bid Item 64 quantity is 4,510 CY. It does not appear that the 714 cy's for Individual Slab Replacement are included in the Owners quantity for Individual Slab Replacement. Please clarify or update the bid quantity for Bid Item 64.
Inquiry submitted 04/22/2020

Response #1:Lean Concreter Base rapid setting is estimated quantities based on field condition that is determined by the Engineer, that if is in good condition, Engineer might request to replace only top PCC pavement top panel without the need for base replacement, however it is paid as field measured quantity. Bid per Contract Documents.
Response posted 04/23/2020

Inquiry #68: The answer to Bidders Inquiry #35 is not properly answered. The plans have been updated by adding an (N) next to Joint Seal (Performed Compression) and the bid sheet has removed this bid item. Should Contractors include in their bid the price for Joint Seal (Performed Compression) and if so, where? Even further, where is this seal required to be installed? Please remove the callout for Joint Seal (Performed Compression) on the Quantity sheets to help resolve confusion.
Inquiry submitted 04/22/2020

Response #1:Joint Seal (Preformed Compression) (N) is not a separate pay item and is shown as information only. Bid per contract documents.
Response posted 04/23/2020

Inquiry #69: Where can I find mechanical schedule/plans???
Inquiry submitted 04/27/2020

Response #1:The project does not have mechanical work, therefore, no schedule is provided.
Response posted 04/27/2020

Inquiry #70: WHAT SIZE ARE PLANT GROUP "A" and "M"??
Inquiry submitted 04/27/2020

Response #1:Bid Per Contract Documents.
Response posted 04/27/2020

Inquiry #71: There is no size showing in plans/bid documents for Plant Group "A" & "M"?? 15 Gallon, 5 Gallon???
Inquiry submitted 04/27/2020

Response #1:Due to the late submittal of the inquiry, and time constraints, please bid according to the contract plans and specifications.
Response posted 04/28/2020

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.