Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 07-323404

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Inquiry #1: Could you please provide the CAD files for the project grading, with the existing and proposed surfaces and geometry?
Inquiry submitted 11/29/2021

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 12/01/2021

Response #2:Please refer to addendum No.2 issued on 1/13/2022
Response posted 01/18/2022

Inquiry #2: The Foundation Report and Geotechnical Design Report in the Information Handout are missing. Please provide these documents.
Inquiry submitted 11/29/2021

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 12/01/2021

Response #2:Please refer to addendum No.2 issued on 1/13/2022
Response posted 01/18/2022

Inquiry #3: Please provide mineralogy information on the rock for the project. Silica content drastically affects the wear and tear on tooling.
Inquiry submitted 11/29/2021

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 12/01/2021

Response #2:Sandstone/Siltstone and Mudstone was logged in the Log of Test Borings.
Following is excerpts from Geologic Map of the Whitaker Peak Quadrangle (Thomas W. Dibblee, JR., 1997):
SANDSTONE facies: medium to fine grained, arkosic, coherent; includes thin interbeds of silty clay Shale (Trr).
SHALE facies: clay shale, claystone and siltstone, micaceous, bedded (Tpv).

Response posted 12/24/2021

Inquiry #4: Please provide core photos of the rock material
Inquiry submitted 11/29/2021

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 12/01/2021

Response #2:Rock cores are not available for this project.
Response posted 12/24/2021

Inquiry #5: SP 28-2.03A states, "do not allow traffic or equipment on the LCB for at least 72 hours after the 1st application of the curing compound and completion of contraction joints." The proposed pavement section Type 2 at Locations 13, 16, 16A, 19, 20, 23, 24, 27 and 28 are to be completed under the freeway lane closure charts provided but cannot be constructed as proposed without leaving an open excavation adjacent to traffic due to the specification restrictions - please advise how the contractor is to complete this scope of work under a temporary lane closure.
Inquiry submitted 11/29/2021

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 12/01/2021

Response #2:The LCB for Type 2 will be LCB-RS, please refer to addendum No.2 issued on 1/13/2022
Response posted 01/18/2022

Inquiry #6: At various locations, clearing and grubbing is required but not included as a bid item; where is clearing and grubbing paid?
Inquiry submitted 11/29/2021

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 12/01/2021

Response #2:Clearing and Grubbing item will be provided, please refer to addendum No.2 issued on 1/13/2022
Response posted 01/18/2022

Inquiry #7: SP 2-1.06B states, "Bridge as-builts drawings are available, submit a request to the Office of Structure Maintenance and Investigations…" The BIRIS office replied back to our Violin UC as-built request stating the request should be sent to the District Culvert Inspection Program. Please provide Violin UC as-builts or the correct information to make this request.
Inquiry submitted 11/30/2021

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 12/01/2021

Response #2:Please refer to the revised SSP Section 2-1.06B in addendum.
Response posted 01/18/2022

Inquiry #8: DP-1: Shows DS 3-1c as 44' x 24" RCP. DQ shows 24" CSP.
DP-4: Shows DS 6-1b as 130' x 18' CSP Downdrain. DQ shows 24" CSP.
DP-7: Shows DS 9-3 f as 68' x 24" RSP. DQ shows 24" CSP.
Please verify.

Inquiry submitted 12/07/2021

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 12/07/2021

Response #2:Please refer to addendum No.2 issued on 1/13/2022
Response posted 01/18/2022

Inquiry #9: Bid #102 - Notes 24" Anchor Assembly. Appears to be for Drainage System 3-1. However in review Drainage System 3-1 the Letter Code i notes Cable System and Letter Code j indicates 18" Anchor Assembly. I believe they should be 24" Anchor Assembly. Also Bid #103 notes Concrete Anchor and Cable Assembly - should this be CSP Anchor and Cable Assembly for Drainage System 3-1?
Inquiry submitted 12/09/2021

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 12/09/2021

Response #2:Please refer to addendum No.2 issued on 1/13/2022
Response posted 01/18/2022

Inquiry #10: Please confirm Seed application rate on EC type 1, 2, 3 legend in sheet ECL-1. Is this 25 PLS LBS/ AC?
Inquiry submitted 12/15/2021

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 12/16/2021

Response #2:The application rate is 26 LB/ Acre as stated in the Seed Mix table on ECL-1.
Response posted 12/24/2021

Inquiry #11: Please confirm how many working days for Permanent erosion control establishment work.
Inquiry submitted 12/15/2021

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 12/16/2021

Response #2:250 Permanent Erosion Control Working Days.
Response posted 12/24/2021

Inquiry #12: Please confirm inch depth for Medium Compost @405 CY/ AC per EC legend/ ECL-1.
Inquiry submitted 12/16/2021

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 12/17/2021

Response #2:2” is the correct depth (and rate by default). The application rate (405 CY/Acre) is wrong and will be deleted.
Please refer to addendum No.2 issued on 1/13/2022
Response posted 01/18/2022

Inquiry #13: Plan Sheet 326 indicates Bonded Joint Seal (MR 2") is paid for by the CF. Please confirm that this item is paid for by the LF.
Inquiry submitted 01/04/2022

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 01/05/2022

Response #2:Item No. 82 BONDED JOINT SEAL (MR 2”) is paid for in LF as listed on the Bid Item List in the Special Provision.
Response posted 01/13/2022

Inquiry #14: Please provide the Foundation Report and Geotechnical Design Report for the project (which were missing from the Information Handout). We need time to review the information provided and bid date is approaching. If the information is not readily available, please consider pushing the bid date to allow contractors time to review the geotechnical information once it is made available.
Inquiry submitted 01/05/2022

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 01/05/2022

Response #2:Please refer to addendum No.2 issued on 1/13/2022
Response posted 01/17/2022

Inquiry #15: Bid items number 150 & 151 are calling for 6" Traffic Stripe (Warranty). Can you please provide specification for these bid items, what type of warranty is required and for how long?
Inquiry submitted 01/05/2022

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 01/07/2022

Response #2:Please refer to addendum No.5 issued on Feb 1, 2022.
Response posted 02/02/2022

Inquiry #16: Please provide staging plans for the outside shoulder reconstruction work shown on sheets L-10, L-12, L-13, L-16, L-17, L-18, L-19, and L-21. It is currently impossible to construct pavement structural section 2 in these locations as there is not enough time allowed for curing of the 0.45' LCB.
Inquiry submitted 01/06/2022

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 01/07/2022

Response #2:Please refer to addendum No.2 issued on 1/13/2022
Response posted 01/17/2022

Inquiry #17: Please confirm the correct use of construction note #3 on plan sheet 266 by station 9+00 on Templin Hwy. If correct, provide the estimated run length.
Inquiry submitted 01/09/2022

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 01/10/2022

Response #2:The approximate run length is 200 ft.
Response posted 01/18/2022

Inquiry #18: Refer to note 4 on plan sheet 265. Please confirm the "no longer needed" is upon the completion of each identified stage/phase of work as noted in the respective plan sheet of work. If not, please provide clarification.
Inquiry submitted 01/09/2022

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 01/10/2022

Response #2:This is correct. The “no longer needed” implies that, at the completion of each stage, the temporary lights will be removed.
Response posted 01/18/2022

Inquiry #19: There are protective measures for temporary stationary structures in the work shown on plan sheets 275 and 276 (or other applicable locations) from traveling public traffic. Would it be necessary for K-rail or a closed shoulder be required for public safety?
Inquiry submitted 01/09/2022

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 01/10/2022

Response #2:The temporary stationary structure (Temporary wood pole and generators) will be behind Temporary Railing (Type K). Please refer to addendum No.5 issued on Feb 1, 2022.
Response posted 02/02/2022

Inquiry #20: Where does the contractor get paid for structure exc and backfill at the box culvert? There is a 5ft overex called out on sheet 347. Thank you
Inquiry submitted 01/10/2022

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 01/10/2022

Response #2:Reference Special Provision 51-1.01A. Earthwork, including overexcavation and backfill of overexcavation, is paid under STRUCTURAL CONCRETE, BOX CULVERT.
Response posted 01/24/2022

Inquiry #21: Sheets C-10 thru C-12 denotes the embedded length for the Geosynthetic Reinforcement. The top several steps generally have an embedded length of approximately 31 to 37 feet. These lengths indicate that geosynthetic reinforcement is to be placed under the number 3 and 4 lanes and shoulder. Stage Construction Plans SC-19 thru SC-28 show the shoulder and number 4 lane being closed in Stage 2 – Phase 2 and the number 3 lane being closed with split traffic on the number 4 lane in in Stage 2 – Phase 3. Please verify geosynthetic reinforcement embedded lengths as this appears not to be constructible with current traffic handling plans.
Inquiry submitted 01/12/2022

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 01/12/2022

Response #2:Please bid per contract documents. The embedded length is only under lane#4 and shoulder and slope and not lane #3.
Response posted 01/17/2022

Inquiry #22: Due to the scope and complexity of the remaining unanswered questions, we are requesting a minimum of a two-week extension to the bid date
Inquiry submitted 01/12/2022

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 01/12/2022

Response #2:Bid opening has been extended to 02/08/2022
Response posted 01/24/2022

Inquiry #23: We would ask for bid extension to analyze the information that hopefully will be provided to clarify the work required.
Inquiry submitted 01/12/2022

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 01/12/2022

Response #2:Bid opening has been extended to 02/08/2022
Response posted 01/24/2022

Inquiry #24: What is the required treatment for the Timber lagging Bid item 87 item code 575004?

Inquiry submitted 01/13/2022

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 01/13/2022

Response #2:Reference standard specifications 57-2.02B: Timber members must be preservative-treated.
Response posted 01/14/2022

Inquiry #25: • Please provide a detail for the Rock Scaling.
Inquiry submitted 01/13/2022

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 01/13/2022

Response #2:Please refer to addendum No.5 issued on Feb 1, 2022.
Response posted 02/02/2022

Inquiry #26: Regarding Bid item 48 - Which specification should be followed for the primary and secondary geosynthetic reinforcement. Nothing was found in the special provisions.
Inquiry submitted 01/13/2022

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 01/13/2022

Response #2:Please refer to standard specification and SSP Section 19-6.
Response posted 01/17/2022

Inquiry #27: We request that the bid date be postponed at least two weeks. Caltrans has provided a great amount of information in addendum 2 (CADD files, significant changes to plans and specs, and a 725 page information handout). More time is needed to study this addendum and incorporate it in to our proposal.

Further, there are questions about the constructability of the project which have yet gone unanswered.

The project is impossible to bid without more time and more information.

Inquiry submitted 01/13/2022

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 01/14/2022

Response #2:Bid opening has been extended to 02/08/2022
Response posted 01/24/2022

Inquiry #28: Addendum #2 was just issued today @ 3:30. With Monday 1-17 being a holiday for many people we only have two working days to analyze and distribute addendum #2 with the bid date staying 1-19. Can the bid date be extended so that we may have a reasonable amount of time to incorporate addendum #2 into our bids?

Inquiry submitted 01/13/2022

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 01/14/2022

Response #2:Bid opening has been extended to 02/08/2022
Response posted 01/24/2022

Inquiry #29: Foundation Report For Soldier Pile Wall shows a corrosive environment and corrosion resistant material should be used in the wall. On that, is there a SP coming out to address the concrete and slurry backfill requirement for the soldier piles in a corrosive environment? Will the grout for the ground anchors be addressed also?

Inquiry submitted 01/14/2022

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 01/14/2022

Response #2:Unless an addendum is issued, bid per the current contract bid documents.
Response posted 01/19/2022

Response #3:Please refer to addendum No.5 issued on Feb 1, 2022.
Response posted 02/03/2022

Inquiry #30: How is the contractor compensated for the earthwork at Violin UC? There are no bid items for structure excavation (including the required overexcavation), structure backfill, or geogrid.
Inquiry submitted 01/14/2022

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 01/14/2022

Response #2:Reference Special Provision 51-1.01A. Earthwork, including overexcavation and backfill of overexcavation, is paid under STRUCTURAL CONCRETE, BOX CULVERT.
Response posted 01/19/2022

Inquiry #31: • Please provide the rebar details for the concrete box girder.
Inquiry submitted 01/14/2022

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 01/14/2022

Response #2:There is no concrete box girder in this project. For rebar details for Violin UC concrete box culvert, reference plan sheet 349 of 350 and standard plan D80.
Response posted 01/19/2022

Inquiry #32: • The staging for the box culvert gives 2’ between the existing structure and the new structure, with the shoring in place there is not enough room to lap splice the reinforcement between the subsequent stages. Should mechanical splicing or drill and bond be used for connecting the 3 stages? If so, please provide a method of payment.
Inquiry submitted 01/14/2022

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 01/14/2022

Response #2:Reference standard specifications section 52 for reinforcement splicing specifications.
Response posted 01/19/2022

Inquiry #33: [Item 128654 Temp. Automated End Of Queue Warning System (Type 1) Day] Could you please provide some additional detail on system schedule/phasing or if multiple systems will be utilized simultaneously? If only one system is to be utilized could you provide detail on anticipated schedule or number of relocations? Thank you!
Inquiry submitted 01/16/2022

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 01/17/2022

Response #2:
Automated End Of Queue Warning System (Type 1) Day is required when using either Table A or Table B and also required 24/7 at the location where there are only 3 lanes open to traffic.
If Contractor chooses to complete work at the location requiring the long-term closure first before moving into the slab replacement work, only one end-of-queue system is needed and can be relocated and repositioned where the work zone is.
During long term closure, one end-of-queue system setup can be used for all the Stage-Phase construction work.
During slab replacement, the number of relocations is dependent on the Contractor’s work scheduling, the number of times Tables A & B are used, and dependent on the Contractor’s production rate. Contractor can schedule work in a way where only one end of queue system is needed and can also control the number of times it needs to be relocated which is again dependent on the production rate or process. The peak hour period for this freeway segment begins at 0500 in the southbound direction and at 0600 in the northbound direction on weekdays (Mon-Thu).
Response posted 01/24/2022

Inquiry #34: The quantity of Bid item # 71 "Ground Anchor (sub horizontal)" doesn't match what is in the drawing. Please advise if the qty in the bid list will be revised to 116 each instead of 115 each.
Inquiry submitted 01/17/2022

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 01/17/2022

Response #2:Refer to Bid Item List in the Special Provision and Plan sheets 328, 330-332 of 350. Quantity for Item No. 71 GROUND ANCHOR (SUBHORIZONTAL) in the Bid Item List will not be changed.
Response posted 01/27/2022

Inquiry #35: At the Violin UC, there appears to be no temporary construction easement on the western side. Due to the depth of the required over excavation and the lack of a TCE, shoring would be required to prevent excavation outside of the ROW, adding considerable expense to the work. Please confirm there is no TCE agreement in place for that location.
Inquiry submitted 01/17/2022

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 01/17/2022

Response #2:There is no TCE work should be done within the Right of Way.
Response posted 01/24/2022

Inquiry #36: There are 35 bidder inquiries for this project with the vast majority of them unanswered with one day to go to bid day. Is the state going to push out the bid date and provide answers?
Inquiry submitted 01/18/2022

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 01/18/2022

Response #2:Bid opening has been extended to 02/08/2022
Response posted 01/24/2022

Inquiry #37: Item No. 117 Chain Link Fence (Type CL-6) has an Item Code 800360, which is typical Caltrans Chain Link Fence (Type CL-6). Summary of Quantities show this fence to be installed at TRCKINSRMP line. Sheet No. L-19 refers to Construction Details. The Construction Detail C-3 is calling and showing this fence as "CL Fence (Type 6) which is showing it to be a Chain Link Railing. Is this fence to be Chain Link Fence (Type CL-6) or Chain Link Railing (Type 6)? Please verify.
Inquiry submitted 01/18/2022

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 01/18/2022

Response #2:It should be Chain Link Railing (Type 7), please refer to addendum No.5 issued on Feb 1, 2022.
Response posted 02/02/2022

Inquiry #38: Section 14-11.08 appears to prohibit on-site burial of ADL-contaminated material. Please confirm that on-site burial is prohibited, and that the contractor is to transport and dispose of ADL-contaminated material at a Class I disposal facility.
Inquiry submitted 01/25/2022

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 01/25/2022

Response #2:Yes, all material classified as Type Z-2 as described in SSP 14-11.08 and shown on the plans is to be disposed of at a Class I facility. Do not reuse on site.
Response posted 01/26/2022

Inquiry #39: Per the response to inquiry #32, the splicing for the box culvert rebar shall follow section 52 of the standard specification. In section 51-5.02D(5) for Box Culverts it states, “Splices in circumferential reinforcement must be lapped.” Per section 52-6.03B Lap Splicing, the length of lap splices for #4 bars must be at least 22.5”. The space between the existing in place structure and the new construction of the culvert is 24”, this leaves no room for the necessary shoring. Please provide direction on how specification section 51-5.02D(5) is being addressed for the splicing for the box culvert for this project, as it is not constructable as currently shown.
Inquiry submitted 01/26/2022

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 01/26/2022

Response #2:Section 51-5.02D(5) does not exist in the contract documents. Section 51-4 includes specifications for constructing precast concrete members. Violin Dr UC (Br. No. 530054006339) is not a precast concrete member. Refer to standard specifications section 52 for reinforcement and splicing.
Response posted 01/31/2022

Inquiry #40: The spec states that CA test 360 is required for HMA/RHMA mixes, with a MAXIMUM loss of 0.4 g/cm2. Is this correct?
The spec states that the MAXIMUM passing number on the LA Rattler test is 25 for HMA/RHMA aggregates. Typically, the allowable passing number is 40. Is 25 the MAXIMUM allowable passing number?
The spec states that the RHMA mix must be developed at 5% air voids(+/- 1.5%), then later states that the mix must be developed at 3.5% air voids (+/-1.5%). Typically, RHMA mixes are developed at 4.0% air voids (+/-1.5%). What is the CORRECT target Air Voids for the RHMA mix?

Inquiry submitted 02/01/2022

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 02/01/2022

Response #2:

Maximum allowable passing is 25

Air voids for RHMA is 4%
Response posted 02/08/2022

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.