Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 07-332604

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Inquiry #1: Can the department clarify the required high mast model luminaire for the project?
Inquiry submitted 10/12/2020

Response #1:Please Bid as per Contract Document.
Response posted 10/13/2020

Inquiry #2: Are the high mast luminaires HID? Is this retrofit only? SES-1 only provide specs on the weight of the fixture, but not the performance specs.
Inquiry submitted 10/16/2020

Response #1:High mast luminaires are not HID. It is not a retrofit. Luminaire for high mast light is 6350 W LED, per contract plan sheet E-1.
Response posted 10/16/2020

Inquiry #3: Can city clarify which 6350W high mast luminaire the project references? Sheet E-1 only states the wattages and SES-1 only states the weight and max projected area.
Inquiry submitted 11/02/2020

Response #1:High mast luminaire in the project is within State?s Right of Way and of State?s standard. Bid as per plan. Refer to the wiring diagram on sheet ED-5 and also sheet E-9 to E-12.

Response posted 11/02/2020

Inquiry #4: The Typical Cross Section sheets 2-4 show the Concrete Barrier being placed on the low side on top of structural section 1. The Paving section on the high side then matches the barrier after placement of the said barrier. The Layout Sheets do not reflect the paving section 1 on both side of the rail. When a takeoff of the layout sheets is performed the Bid Item QTY for HMA and RHMA are correct. Please clarify. Will there be paving on both sides of the newly placed barrier? If so please revise the layouts to show the paving as intended and as shown in the Typical Cross Section Illustrations.
Inquiry submitted 11/10/2020

Response #1:Please bid as per contract document. There will be paving on both sides of the newly placed barrier. Refer to Typical Cross Section sheet X-1 to X-3 and Layout sheet L-2.
Response posted 11/10/2020

Inquiry #5: Bid item 55 - 560218 Furnish Sign Structure - Are walkways required on these overhead signs? Drawings do not call them out so it's unclear if walkways are wanted or not?

Inquiry submitted 11/13/2020

Response #1:Please bid as per contract document. Walkways are required for CMS signs, refer to SDS-2. Walkways are not required for overhead signs with retroreflective sheeting (TYPE XI) is used per-standard now.
Response posted 11/13/2020

Inquiry #6: Can the high mast luminaire specs be clarified? It is unlikely that a 6350 Watt luminaire is available in the market. The CCT and distribution distribution is still needed.
Inquiry submitted 11/13/2020

Response #1:Please see Addendum No.1 issued on November 23, 2020.
Response posted 11/15/2020

Inquiry #7: Where does item - 397005 - TACK COAT get paid? There is typically a bid item for this work.
Inquiry submitted 11/23/2020

Response #1:Please bid per contract documents.
Response posted 11/23/2020

Inquiry #8: Typical Pavement Structure Section Section 2; BASE BOND BREAKER (GEOSYNTHETIC), where does this item get paid?
Inquiry submitted 11/23/2020

Response #1:Please bid per contract documents.
Response posted 11/23/2020

Inquiry #9: The number of rain event action plans seems high. Is this the number of expected rain events? or number of plan revisions?
Inquiry submitted 11/23/2020

Response #1:The number of rain event action plan is 19. Yes, this is the number of expected rain events.
Response posted 11/23/2020

Inquiry #10: Could the State please confirm that the Architectural Treatment shown on sheet 70 (C-14) Applies to all Type 60 Barrier on the job. It's calling it out as a typical. This treatment makes the barrier very expensive and requires it to be all done by hand so its important that the State confirms the treatment goes on all Types 60 Barrier.
Inquiry submitted 12/02/2020

Response #1:Please bid as per contract document. Architectural Treatment shown on construction detail sheet C-14 applies to all Type 60 Barrier.
Response posted 12/02/2020

Inquiry #11: Could the State please provide Concrete Barrier offsets for the following Type 60 Barrier Items.

Item 98 - 60MGC = 9,470'
Item 101 - 60MSC = 1,300'
Item 104 - 60MGCF = 780'
Item 105 - 60MGCF Mod = 1,180'
Item 108 - 60MSCF Mod = 720'

Offset are required for all of these items in order to calculate the additional concrete, rebar and labor required to bid the job correctly. This information is important and critical to have prior to bidding. If the State does not have this information the bid date should be postponed until information is provided the liner footage for this work is 13,450'.

Inquiry submitted 12/02/2020

Response #1:Please bid as per contract document. Concrete barrier offsets are shown in Profile Plan Sheets P-1 through P-39.
Response posted 12/02/2020

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.