Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 07-4U0604

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Inquiry #1: Please confirm whether removal of all existing vegetation is required as part of roadside clearing (except trees where noted).
Inquiry submitted 11/28/2018

Response #1:Roadside clearing requires removal of all existing vegetation except existing trees (regardless if the trees have been noted on the plan).
Response posted 11/28/2018

Inquiry #2: We are installing new valves at several locations and the plans show to connect by existing systems. Are there existing extra wires to connect to at this varies points as only a very short run of new wire is shown.
Inquiry submitted 11/29/2018

Response #1:There should already be existing wires at these connecting points. The short run of new wire is to be connected to the existing wires if needed.
Response posted 11/30/2018

Inquiry #3: Roadside Clearing shows areas, but special provisions or revised standards to not indicate what existing plant material is to be removed or is existing shrubs and trees to remain. Including all dead and alive root systems exposed at this time.
Inquiry submitted 11/29/2018

Response #1:Roadside clearing requires removal of all existing vegetation EXCEPT trees.
Response posted 11/30/2018

Inquiry #4: Noticed several homeless areas, who will be responsible for the removal of encampments? Debris
Inquiry submitted 11/30/2018

Response #1:Contractor is responsible for the removal of any debris. If additional assistance is required, maintenance will coordinate with CHP to facilitate the work.
Response posted 11/30/2018

Inquiry #5: Planting plans PP-19 and PP-20 Show new planting areas, but there are no irrigation plans for new or existing irrigation for these areas. Please provide as builts if existing irrigation is to be used or plans for new irrigation these areas.
Inquiry submitted 12/03/2018

Response #1:Proposed planting fits within existing irrigation that are out there. Per standard specification 2-1.07, bidder shall examine the jobsite for current condition.

Response posted 12/03/2018

Inquiry #6: Sheet IP-15 has removal of Valve D2-2? . Also shows removal of existing bubbler heads , but removed valve does not indicate how many bubbler's are on this valve to be removed. Need qty to allow removal time as part of bid.
Inquiry submitted 12/03/2018

Response #1:There are 120 bubbler heads on Valve D2-2 to be removed.
Response posted 12/03/2018

Inquiry #7: Is the state offices going to be open on Wednesday " Day of Morning for Bush" federal closure for the day
Inquiry submitted 12/03/2018

Response #1:YES State Offices will be open. It is a Federal Closure not State Closure.
Response posted 12/03/2018

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.