Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 08-0Q1204

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Inquiry #1: Inquiry #1: I went to San Bernardino on 11/15/2018 for another project. Caltrans staff in San Bernardino informed us that the mandatory pre-bid meeting for this project has been scheduled for a different date than is shown on the invitation to bid. Please provide a date and time for the Mandatory Pre-bid meeting.
Inquiry submitted 11/16/2018

Response #1:submitted for consideration
Response posted 01/07/2019

Response #2:A Mandatory Pre-bid meeting was scheduled for November 28, 2018.
Response posted 01/09/2019

Inquiry #2: Per Lay-out Sheet L-5 shows Chain Link Fence (Type CL-6) to be temporary fence only. Please clarify if Item #74 - Chain Link Fence (Type CL-6) is temporary fence only and we're suppose to remove it later on. Thanks
Inquiry submitted 12/11/2018

Response #1:submitted for consideration
Response posted 12/11/2018

Response #2:Bid Item #74 regarding the Chain Link Fence (Type CL-6) is for temporary fence only.
Response posted 12/26/2018

Response #3:See Addendum #5.
Response posted 01/09/2019

Inquiry #3: Please clarify unit of measure for item 65: CONCRETE(GUTTER LINING) 430 CY. This is shown in the table on sheet R-2, but this also matches the length of Gutter 430 LF, shown on L-6. It does not seem feasible that the quantity for volume of Gutter is almost as much as Structure Concrete for Wall.
Inquiry submitted 12/13/2018

Response #1:submitted for consideration
Response posted 12/17/2018

Response #2:See Addendum #5.
Response posted 01/09/2019

Inquiry #4: Please review quantity for item 41: Hot Mix Asphalt 9,850 ton. Upon review of quantities shown on page Q-1, the quantities appear to include the new 0.70' structure and full depth AC at the median(reflected as 9589 ton) but does not reflect the 36,715 SY of 0.20' AC overlay( 4800 ton). This is more than an increase of 25%.
Inquiry submitted 12/14/2018

Response #1:submitted for consideration
Response posted 12/17/2018

Response #2:See Addendum #5.
Response posted 01/09/2019

Inquiry #5: Per special provision #5-1.25, Automated Machine Guidance is an option to the contractor and per 5-1.24B, the Department will provide staking in the areas where GNSS coverage is inadequate for AMG. Does this mean that if GNSS coverage is adequate, the contract must use AMG on this project? Please clarify.
Inquiry submitted 12/18/2018

Response #1:submitted for consideration
Response posted 12/19/2018

Response #2:The Department has provided staking information. The Contractor has the option of invoking AMG which he should discuss with the Resident Engineer per guidelines stated under Special Provisions Section 5-1.25A General , last paragraph.

Response posted 01/09/2019

Inquiry #6: Is there a Natural Environmental Study for this project available? Are there additional response letters or permits from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board, Bureau of Land Management and/or the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers?
Inquiry submitted 01/07/2019

Response #1:submitted for consideration
Response posted 01/08/2019

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.