Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 08-1C29U4

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Inquiry #1: Special Provisions page 20 describes gravel mulch sample for color and gradation. Please provide the list of gravel mulch suppliers for bidders to meet the specifications.
Inquiry submitted 06/14/2019

Response #1:submitted for consideration
Response posted 06/17/2019

Response #2:The State does not provide a list of gravel mulch suppliers. Please refer to the contract special provisions under section 20-5.03C(2) for gravel color and gradation requirements.
Response posted 06/17/2019

Inquiry #2: Landscape layout plans shows excavation areas with a note "Refer to legend on LL-1 for depth soil type Z-2". However, LL-1 does not show the depth of soil Type Z-2. For example, on LL-2, Z-2 excavation area is 60 CY and the area for Z-2 outlined with dotted lines is 32,000 SF approximately. If the depth of Z-2 soil excavation is 1', the Z-2 excavation quantity would be 1,185 CY instead of 60 CY. Please clarify the depth and location for Z-2 soil excavation on landscape layout plans.
Inquiry submitted 06/26/2019

Response #1:submitted for consideration
Response posted 06/26/2019

Response #2:Please refer to Addendum # 2.
Response posted 06/27/2019

Inquiry #3: Bid Item No. 19 Roadway Excavation is 1,680 CY. Which areas or which bid items are included in the road excavation?
Inquiry submitted 06/26/2019

Response #1:submitted for consideration
Response posted 06/27/2019

Response #2:Bid Item # 19 Roadway Excavation comprises all of those areas designated under their call outs "EXCAVATION AREA" in each of the "LL" plan sheets. Please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 06/27/2019

Inquiry #4: Landscape Layout Plans call-out "2 – 10’ Chain Link Gate (CL-6)" and show a double swing gate, please confirm if the gate opening is for a new 10’ with 2 panels gate. If so, most of the existing gates are 13’ single swing, as a result the existing hinge and latch posts will have to be removed and replaced with new posts, double gates, and reconnecting fencing. What will happen if fencing is damaged at new posts?

Inquiry submitted 06/27/2019

Response #1:submitted for consideration
Response posted 06/27/2019

Response #2:Q: Landscape Layout Plans call-out "2- 10' Chain Link Gate (CL-6)" and show a double swing gate, please confirm if the gate opening is for a new 10' with 2 panels gate.
A: The correct gate opening is for 2 - 10' long gates (double swing) at each of the described locations.

Q: If so, most of the existing gates are 13' single swing, as a result the existing hinge and latch posts will have to be removed and replaced with new posts, double gates, and reconnecting fencing. What will happen if fencing is damaged at new posts?
A: Please bid per current contract documents

Response posted 07/01/2019

Inquiry #5: 1. Bid item no. 3, Time-Related Overhead is listed as a LS item. Shouldn't this item be day?

2. Engineer's estimate seems inflated and should not require a TRO item.

3. Gravel mulch areas for bid items 24, 25, 26, and 27 are understated. Will an addendum be issued to revise the sqft?

Inquiry submitted 06/27/2019

Response #1:submitted for consideration
Response posted 06/27/2019

Response #2:Q: 1. Bid item no. 3, Time-Related Overhead is listed as a LS item. Shouldn't this item be day?
A: Please bid per current contract documents

Q: 2. Engineer's estimate seems inflated and should not require a TRO item.
A: Please bid per current contract documents

Q: 3. Gravel mulch areas for bid items 24, 25, 26, and 27 are understated. Will an addendum be issued to revise the sqft?
A: No addendum will be issued. Please bid per current contract documents.

Response posted 06/27/2019

Inquiry #6: Regarding your response to Inquiry #3, there is no excavation area shown on LL-9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 23, 24, and 25. However, Landscape Quantities LQ-1 shows roadway excavation quantities. Are these roadway quantities are for roadside paving, aggregate base, and rock blanket?
Inquiry submitted 06/27/2019

Response #1:submitted for consideration
Response posted 06/27/2019

Response #2: Whereas the term "EXCAVATION AREA" is discontinuous within the plan sheets from LL-9 to LL-25, there are additional locations within the prefaced plans calling for excavation and their respective quantities for: Roadside paving, aggregate base, and rock blanket included in LQ-1.
Response posted 07/01/2019

Inquiry #7: Slope paving per Sheet LL-17 is to be constructed under I-10 bridge #54-0472. What is the existing slope material present under this bridge? (Asphalt? Concrete?)
Inquiry submitted 06/28/2019

Response #1:submitted for consideration
Response posted 07/01/2019

Response #2: The existing slope material is soil.

Response posted 07/01/2019

Inquiry #8: Please clarify the pruning specification for the required tree pruning. A detail shows to raise all trees to 20' above the ground. Will any additional trimming be required?
Inquiry submitted 07/02/2019

Response #1:submitted for consideration
Response posted 07/02/2019

Response #2:Q: Please clarify the pruning specification for the required tree pruning.
A: Tree pruning is covered in the 2018 Standard Specifications under Section 20-3.01C(2)

Q: A detail shows to raise all trees to 20' above the ground. Will any additional trimming be required?
A: No additional trimming will be required

Response posted 07/02/2019

Inquiry #9: There are approximately (90) palm trees on this project. What is the trimming requirement on those? Also, can you provide the specification if the palms are required to be skinned.
Inquiry submitted 07/02/2019

Response #1:submitted for consideration
Response posted 07/02/2019

Response #2:Q: There are approximately (90) palm trees on this project. What is the trimming requirement on those?
A: Please follow the ANSI A 300 part 1 requirements stated under Section 20-3.01C(2) in the 2018 Standard Specifications

Q: Also, can you provide the specification if the palms are required to be skinned.
A: The palms will not be required to be skinned

Response posted 07/02/2019

Response #3:Q: There are approximately (90) palm trees on this project. What is the trimming requirement on those?
A: Please also refer to the second paragraph under Section 20-10.03C(3) of the 2018 Standard Specifications

Response posted 07/02/2019

Inquiry #10: Spec section 2-1.06B states the ADL sample location plans are included in the informational handout. We could not locate the ADL sample plans in the informational handout. Please provide.
Inquiry submitted 07/02/2019

Response #1:Please refer to the plan sheet layouts at locations indicating the presence of Type Z-2 Aerially Deposited Lead.

Response posted 07/03/2019

Inquiry #11: Spec section 39-2.01C(10) "Roadside Paving" includes work for roadway excavation, AB & HMA paving of the miscellaneous areas. Bid item 30 - HMA paving also include payment for the same work. Please advise.
Inquiry submitted 07/02/2019

Response #1:submitted for consideration
Response posted 07/02/2019

Response #2:Bid Item 30 is related to the hot mix asphalt and its placement for the roadside paving (miscellaneous areas), while Bid Item 31 covers the placement of the class 2 AB and excavation of the roadside paving (miscellaneous areas)
Response posted 07/03/2019

Inquiry #12: There is a wood mulch covering the existing ground throughout the project:

1 - Where does the removal of the existing mulch gets paid?
2 - Does the State have a home for the wood mulch?

Inquiry submitted 07/02/2019

Response #1:submitted for consideration
Response posted 07/02/2019

Response #2:Q: 1 - Where does the removal of the existing mulch gets paid?
A: There is no removal

Q: 2 - Does the State have a home for the wood mulch?
A: Not applicable given the prior response

Response posted 07/03/2019

Inquiry #13: Regarding Inquiry #9 - Palm tree skinning. One answer says No Skinning and the other refers to Section 20-10.03C(3) that says to remove ant frond stubs which is skinning.
Please clarify if the Palm trees require skinning.

Inquiry submitted 07/02/2019

Response #1:The Specification related to Section 20-10.03C(3) does not refer to the described action as skinning. The project plans state to prune, defined under ANSI A300 under sections 5.8.1-5.8.3.
Response posted 07/03/2019

Inquiry #14: Inquiry #9- The first response says palm will not be required to be skinned. The second response refers to section 20-10.03C(3) that says remove frond stubs which is skinning.
Please clarify if skinning is required or not required.

Inquiry submitted 07/03/2019

Response #1:submitted for consideration
Response posted 07/03/2019

Response #2:Please refer to the ANSI guideline only. No skinning required.
Response posted 07/03/2019

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.