Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 08-1C3004

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Inquiry #1: Landscape Details LD-1 calls for 10" minimum depth excavation for rock blanket. Rock blanket area is 47,000 SF. This means 10" minimum depth excavation will produce 1,450 CY or dirt to be exported from the rock blanket areas. However, there is no bid item for the dirt export. There is no space to spread the excavated dirt on site, either. Please specify where 1,450 CY of excavated dirt could be disposed.
Inquiry submitted 12/02/2019

Response #1:Submitted for consideration
Response posted 12/02/2019

Response #2:Part of the rock blanket work is to spread on site. It's the Contractor's decision on how to handle the excavated soil as it is described as part of the Special Provision 7-1.02K(6)(j)(iii) "Unregulated Earth Material Containing Lead". This specification says to "reuse all soil on jobsite". The excavated material must be addressed in the contractor's "Lead Compliance Plan" and is paid for as part of this Specification. The cost is included in the cost for Rock Blanket
Response posted 12/03/2019

Inquiry #2: 14 Environmental Stewardship, Section 14-6.03A indicates a requirement for a nesting bird survey. Under which line item is this being paid?

Will daily nest monitoring be required if active nesting is found on-site?

Inquiry submitted 12/06/2019

Response #1:Submitted for consideration
Response posted 12/06/2019

Response #2:Q. 14 Environmental Stewardship, Section 14-6.03A indicates a requirement for a nesting bird survey. Under which line item is this being paid?

A. There is no bid item for the pre-con nesting bird clearance survey (the clearance only need occur at one location). It will be conducted by Caltrans staff.

Q. Will daily nest monitoring be required if active nesting is found on-site?

A. Should a nesting bird be present, monitoring will occur in house by a Caltrans biologist.

Response posted 12/09/2019

Inquiry #3: Please approve Enviroflex - Interlocking Concrete Block as an equal to the rock blanket specified.
Enviroflex is approved with Caltrans as a Non-Standard Special Provision.
This will limit the excavation needed.

Inquiry submitted 12/06/2019

Response #1:Submitted for consideration
Response posted 12/09/2019

Response #2:Bid per current contract documents
Response posted 12/09/2019

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.