Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 08-1C6604

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Inquiry #1: On plan page ECL-1 it calls for a 1 step application for the hydroseeding using the seed mix with 500 lbs/ac of wood fiber mulch.
There is no tackifier called for in this step. Is this correct or is there a second application to be used?

Inquiry submitted 03/18/2020

Response #1:This is correct - Tackifier is NOT specified on Plan ECL-1 for the 1-step application of the hydroseeding
Response posted 03/18/2020

Inquiry #2: Hydroseeding areas and hydromulch areas are currently covered with weeds. Should contractor remove the weeds and spray herbicide on the weed areas?
Inquiry submitted 03/19/2020

Response #1:Please refer to the 2018 Standard Specifications under Section 20-1.03C, Roadside Clearing. Bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 03/20/2020

Response #2:Please refer to the 2018 Standard Specifications under Section 20-1.03C, Roadside Clearing. Bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 03/20/2020

Inquiry #3: There are existing drainage inlets that might need to be protected, but there is no bid item for the temporary drainage inlet protection. Aren't they to be protected?
Inquiry submitted 03/19/2020

Response #1:Existing temporary drainage inlets need to be protected. Please refer to the 2018 Standard Specifications under Section 13-4.03E Nonstormwater Management for bid item 8 under "Job Site Management". Please bid per current Contract Documents.
Response posted 03/20/2020

Inquiry #4: There are no bid items for temporary fiber rolls or temporary drainage inlet protection. SWPPP may require the temporary fiber rolls or temporary drainage inlet protection. If they are required, how would contractor be paid?
Inquiry submitted 03/20/2020

Response #1:Payment for temporary fiber rolls or temporary drainage inlet protection is included under bid item 8 "Job Site Management".
Response posted 03/25/2020

Inquiry #5: There are no bid items for temporary fiber rolls or temporary drainage inlet protection. SWPPP may require the temporary fiber rolls or temporary drainage inlet protection. If they are required, how would contractor be paid?
Inquiry submitted 03/20/2020

Response #1:Same as Bid Inquiry #4.
Response posted 03/25/2020

Inquiry #6: 1. What TYPE of sign is W4-1 and G84-2(CA)??
Inquiry submitted 03/23/2020

Response #1:W4-1 is a Warning Sign. G84-2(CA) is a Guide Sign. Please refer to the CA MUTCD for additional sign information
Response posted 03/25/2020

Inquiry #7: Page 7 Specifications shows (12-3.11C(3)(Temporary Traffic Control) indicates the (2) project funding signs are 96 x 60. CS-1 in the plans shows them to be 144 x 90. which is correct?
Inquiry submitted 03/26/2020

Response #1:Please refer to Addendum #2.
Response posted 03/27/2020

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.