Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 08-1G0004

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Inquiry #1: Please clarify;
On Sheet No. 102 “Stage Construction Typical Cross Sections Stage I & II | SC-1” states a Detail 3 [.45’HMA (TYPE A) over .35’ AB CLASS 2]. Is Detail 3 intended to be used for temporary work mentioned in Sheet No. 106 “Traffic Handling Plan | TH-1”? If so, please provide an updated summary of quantities accounting for the temporary work mentioned in the project plans.

Inquiry submitted 09/23/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration
Response posted 09/23/2020

Response #2:Q1. On Sheet No. 102 “Stage Construction Typical Cross Sections Stage I & II | SC-1” states a Detail 3 [.45’HMA (TYPE A) over .35’ AB CLASS 2]. Is Detail 3 intended to be used for temporary work mentioned in Sheet No. 106 “Traffic Handling Plan | TH-1”?

A1. No, it is permanent pavement, Detail 3 is for typical shoulder widening.

Q2. If so, please provide an updated summary of quantities accounting for the temporary work mentioned in the project plans.

A2. Quantities for shoulder widening are included, refer to sheet No.10 typical cross section sheet X-9.

Response posted 09/28/2020

Inquiry #2: Will the NBP mentioned in Section 2.57 of the 1602 permit in the Information Handout be made available prior to the bid date of October 14th, 2020?
Inquiry submitted 09/28/2020

Response #1:Your inquiry is being reviewed. Unless an addendum is issued addressing your concern, please bid per the current contract bid documents.

Response posted 09/29/2020

Response #2:Please refer to Addendum #2
Response posted 10/09/2020

Inquiry #3: Will the NBP mentioned in Section 2.57 of the 1602 permit in the Information Handout be made available prior to the bid date of October 14th, 2020?
Inquiry submitted 09/29/2020

Response #1:Your inquiry is being reviewed. Unless an addendum is issued addressing your concern, please bid per the current contract bid documents.
Response posted 09/29/2020

Response #2:Please refer to Addendum #2.
Response posted 10/09/2020

Inquiry #4: Clearance surveys for Desert Tortoise, Burrowing Owl and other regulated species must be completed by the Contractor Supplied Biologist within the "project area" (14-6.03D(1) Item 1 in Special Provisions). Is the project area limited to grounds within the TFESA for the twenty (20) Culvert Replacement and Rock Slope Protection areas and two (2) Staging Areas identified in Project Plans.
Inquiry submitted 09/30/2020

Response #1:Clearance surveys for desert tortoise must follow the protocol outlined in Chapter 6-CLEARANCE SURVEY PROTOCOL FOR THE DESERT TORTOISE - MOJAVE POPULATION. Clearance surveys for Burrowing Owl must follow the 2012 CDFW Staff Report no Burrowing Owl Mitigation section on "Take Avoidance Surveys" in Appendix D. Surveys for both species should be within the TFESA for the twenty (20) Culvert Replacement and Rock Slope Protection areas and two (2) Staging Areas identified in Project Plans, and also extend beyond those areas in an effort to detect potential individuals and active burrows that may be adjacent to the construction areas, and thus could still be vulnerable to "take," which is prohibited by law
Response posted 10/01/2020

Inquiry #5: Section 2.50 of the 1602 Permit within the Information Handout states that "the Designated Biologist(s) and/or Biological Monitor(s) shall conduct pre-construction clearance surveys for desert tortoise, using the methods described in the most recent United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Desert Tortoise (Mojave Population) Field Manual (hereinafter referred to as USFWS Field Manual).". Is this statement referencing only the protocol outlined in Chapter 6-CLEARANCE SURVEY PROTOCOL FOR THE DESERT TORTOISE - MOJAVE POPULATION?
Inquiry submitted 09/30/2020

Response #1:Yes
Response posted 10/01/2020

Inquiry #6: Section 12-4.02C(3)(k) Conventional Highway Lane Requirements on page 22 states that Reverse Traffic control can be done from 600 to 1800.
Section 12-4.02C(3)(k) Conventional Highway Lane Requirements on page 23 states that Reverse Traffic control can be done from 2100 to 500 the next morning
This leaves a gap from 500 to 600 in the morning and from 1800 to 2100 in the evening where both lanes of traffic need to be opened up.
To perform the work identified the closure will need to be in place the full 24 hour period while the work is taking place. It is not practical to open 2 lanes of traffic in the morning and evening with the Traffic control identified.
Please revise the tables to account for 24 hr. reverse traffic control.

Inquiry submitted 10/05/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration
Response posted 10/05/2020

Response #2:Your inquiry is being reviewed. Unless an addendum is issued addressing your concern, please bid per the current contract documents.
Response posted 10/07/2020

Response #3:Please refer to Addendum #3.
Response posted 10/09/2020

Inquiry #7: In the newly released Nesting Bird/Burrowing Owl Plan (included in the new IH document published in Addendum 2), Section 3 clearly states that: "Caltrans will retain a Designated Biologist (DB) who is responsible for ensuring Project compliance with applicable permit conditions and requirements to protect natural resources".

1. Based on this statement, is there still a need for a Contractor-Supplied Biologist (CSB)?
2. If there is still need for CSB, what will be the responsibilities of the CSB if there is a Caltrans Designated Biologist to ensure project compliance?
3. If there is still need for CSB, will the CSB be responsible for:
a) Desert Tortoise
b) Botanical surveys
c) General compliance
d) Western Yellow-Billed Cuckoo
e) Nesting Birds and BUOW
f) All of the above, or some combination (please specify)

Inquiry submitted 10/08/2020

Response #1:Q. 1. Based on this statement, is there still a need for a Contractor-Supplied Biologist (CSB)?

A. Yes, the Designated Biologist is the Contractor-Supplied Biologist (CSB).

Q. 2. If there is still need for CSB, what will be the responsibilities of the CSB if there is a Caltrans Designated Biologist to ensure project compliance?

A. The CSB will follow everything described in the contract specifications regarding CSB duties, as well as the Nesting Bird/Burrowing Owl Plan.

Q. 3. If there is still need for CSB, will the CSB be responsible for:

A. f) All of the following: a) Desert Tortoise b) Botanical surveys c) General compliance d) Western Yellow-Billed Cuckoo e) Nesting Birds and BUOW

Response posted 10/08/2020

Inquiry #8: The corrugated steel pipe items have all been designated .138 bituminous coated. My initial reaction was to bid this as polymer coated steel (which has been an 'equal to' bituminous coating for several years. However, I have just discovered that .138 polymer coated steel is not available. Would it be acceptable to bid this as .109 poly coated steel?
Inquiry submitted 10/12/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration
Response posted 10/13/2020

Response #2:No. Please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 10/13/2020

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.