Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 08-1G5204

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Inquiry #1: The Bid Item list for 08-1G5204 contains Item 27 CSB and Item 28 NRPP. Section 8-1.04C, Contractor Submittals, also contains CSB, BRIP, and NRPP. Section 14, Environmental Stewardship, does not contain any detail pertaining to CSB requirements, nor any information regarding ESAs, SPAs, or Regulated Species. Will CSB requirements be provided via an addendum?
Inquiry submitted 09/08/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration
Response posted 09/15/2021

Response #2:Your inquiry is being reviewed. Unless an addendum is issued addressing your concern, please bid per the current contract bid documents
Response posted 09/16/2021

Response #3:This issue will be addressed under an upcoming addendum.

Response posted 09/17/2021

Response #4:Please see Addendum 1
Response posted 10/04/2021

Inquiry #2: What is the liquid binder for the Hot Mix Asphalt (Type A)?
Inquiry submitted 09/08/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration
Response posted 09/15/2021

Response #2:Refer to Section 39 of the Special Provisions for the grade of asphalt binder. Bid per current bid documents.
Response posted 09/16/2021

Inquiry #3: Please clarify unit of measure for 'End of Queue Monitoring.....CMS. per section 12-4.02C(10)(c) the PCMST system is to be comprised on 2 PCMST, one for each direction of travel, place upstream of the W20-1 signs. The quantity shown on sheet CS-1 for PCMST per sign 'day' is 10 ea. CS-1 also reflects the quantity of W20-1 signs is 35 ea , Does each W20-1 sign require a PCMST system? What is the duration of ' EA' pertaining to PCMST?
Inquiry submitted 09/08/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration
Response posted 09/15/2021

Response #2:-12-4.02C(10)(c) Construction states providing 2 PCMST on each direction of travel, for two-lane conventional highway lane closures. We only need PCMST on the mainline (in front of sign W20-1). Each local road also has sign W20-1 but we don’t need to provide the PCMS or PCMST on the local roads.

-END OF QUEUE MONITORING AND WARNING WITH TRUCK MOUNTED CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGN DAY Based on the Expanded Work Windows for Construction Guidelines 20200610, I use the Two-lane Conventional Highways calculation. The PCMS trucks to monitor traffic conditions for at least the first 5 working days of the expanded work windows in each direction of travel.

Response posted 09/17/2021

Inquiry #4: There is a discrepancy in the quantities on Sheet Q-3, Curb Ramps and Sidewalk Quantities and what is shown on the corresponding C Sheets in regards to the Minor Concrete items. May you please confirm the correct quantities.
Inquiry submitted 09/22/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration
Response posted 09/24/2021

Response #2:Bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 09/29/2021

Inquiry #5: Bid item 39 lists 3 days of prepaving grinding, but according to the special provisions, prepaving grinding should be specified as either full width or partial width segment corrections. Is this to be ammended?
Inquiry submitted 09/27/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration
Response posted 09/27/2021

Response #2:Bid per current contract documents
Response posted 10/05/2021

Inquiry #6: Section 14-6.03A states that "prior to construction start, a qualified bat biologist will conduct a survey to determine if bats are roosting in the project footprint." How far in advance - immediately prior, 3 days, 7 days, 14 days, or some other length of time?
Inquiry submitted 09/29/2021

Response #1:Refer to Addendum 1. Bid per current bid documents.
Response posted 09/29/2021

Inquiry #7: Section 14-6.03D(1) #6 indicates that "Surveys for desert tortoise, roosting bats, burrowing owls, rare small mammals, rare plant species, and rare insect host plants by an authorized contractor-supplied biologist before the start of construction activities following the appropriate field survey protocol". What is the proposed survey schedule for rare small mammals?
Inquiry submitted 09/30/2021

Response #1:See Addendum 1. Bid per current contract documents
Response posted 10/11/2021

Inquiry #8: In regard to the response to bidder's inquiry #5, current contract documents contradict a bid item of prepaving grinding days. Is Caltrans requiring any change in the smoothness specification where prepaving grinding is taking place? Also, is micro milling an acceptable method for prepaving grinding?
Inquiry submitted 10/06/2021

Response #1:To the first question, the response is to bid per current contract documents. To the second question, the response is that It is at the discretion of the bidder to utilize construction methods and means deemed necessary for pre-paving grinding.
Response posted 10/08/2021

Inquiry #9: The Project Special Provisions require that the CSB conduct Desert Tortoise surveys to the 2017 USFWS protocol, which calculates to approximately 465 linear miles of transects through the Action Area. The USFWS produced a 2019 DETO protocol, which if followed, calculates to approximately 100 linear miles of transects through the Action Area. Can the CSB follow the 2019 protocol, or are we required to follow the 2017 protocol?
Inquiry submitted 10/08/2021

Response #1:CSB can follow the 2019 protocol
Response posted 10/11/2021

Inquiry #10: Section 14-6.03A #6 of Addendum No. 1 states that "The exclusionary material will be inspected regularly and maintained during construction activities and will be removed at the completion of construction". Who will be responsible for purchasing, installing, inspecting, and removing the exclusionary material? Will the Bid Item List be amended to include a Bat Exclusion Device bid item?
Inquiry submitted 10/11/2021

Response #1:Bid per current contract documents
Response posted 10/11/2021

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.