Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 08-1L9504

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Inquiry #1: Legend on Roadside Clearing Plan RC-1 says that remove all vegetation and exist wood mulch. It is found that there are a lot of existing wood mulch on site. Should the existing wood mulch be disposed to off-site or could they be spread to the bare ground on site?
Inquiry submitted 05/06/2022

Response #1:Remove mulch per plan.
Response posted 05/13/2022

Inquiry #2: There are two new water meters furnished by the City. Who is supposed to hot-tap and install the water meters?
Inquiry submitted 05/06/2022

Response #1:Per project SSP 5-1.02E, hot-tap and installation of water meters is the responsibility of the contractor.
Response posted 05/13/2022

Inquiry #3: Please show existing water line locations to be hot-tapped for two new water meters. If the water lines are in the roadway, please show the thickness of AC paving and aggregate base and hot-tapping details.
Inquiry submitted 05/06/2022

Response #1:Contractor to coordinate with water purveyor, the City of Banning, Public Works Department.

Response posted 05/13/2022

Inquiry #4: I sent 3 inquiries on May 6, but nothing is shown here. Please see our 3 inquires below:

Legend on Roadside Clearing Plan RC-1 says that remove all vegetation and exist wood mulch. It is found that there are a lot of existing wood mulch on site. Should the existing wood mulch be disposed to off-site or could they be spread to the bare ground on site?

There are two new water meters furnished by the City. Who is supposed to hot-tap and install the water meters?

Please show existing water line locations to be hot-tapped for two new water meters. If the water lines are in the roadway, please show the thickness of AC paving and aggregate base and hot-tapping details.

Inquiry submitted 05/11/2022

Response #1:Please see responses to Bidder Inquiries 1-3
Response posted 05/17/2022

Inquiry #5: Please specify the model # for the new irrigation controller enclosre cabinets.
Inquiry submitted 05/16/2022

Response #1:Please bid per current contract documents
Response posted 05/17/2022

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.