Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 09-360704

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Inquiry #1: Will the Department Biologist be conducting nesting bird surveys throughout nesting bird season, or just once prior to construction start?
Inquiry submitted 11/30/2020

Response #1:The Department Biologist will be conducting the pre-construction nesting bird surveys prior to construction. The Department Biologist will also periodically visit the site during the nesting bird season to make sure nothing has moved in.
Response posted 12/01/2020

Inquiry #2: Bid item 46, Compost Sock. Erosion Control Quantities table stste the station location but not where they are placed. The placement location is not marked on the plans. Are the Compost Sock placed at the toe of the slope on midway on the slope? Please clarify.
Inquiry submitted 01/07/2021

Response #1:Placement of compost sock shall conform to Caltrans Standard Plan H52, which shows placement relative to top and toe of slope. Placement shall also conform to Section 21-2.03Q, “Compost Socks,” of the Standard Specifications, which references Section 21-2.03, “Fiber Rolls,” of the Standard Specifications, where spacing is specified for slopes of varying steepness. Combined with the project plans, these documents provide complete information on the placement locations of compost sock.

Response posted 01/11/2021

Inquiry #3: It refers to having qualified Archeologist on site at several times. Will it the Archeologist be a Caltrans employee or a contractor. I didn't see a bid item form it.
Inquiry submitted 01/12/2021

Response #1:The archaeologist will be a Caltrans employee or consultant. The archaeologist will not be supplied by the contractor.
Response posted 01/13/2021

Inquiry #4: Does the Cable Railing B11-47 and Alternative Crash Cushions need to be Natina as well?
Inquiry submitted 01/15/2021

Response #1:Per the special provisions, Alternative Crash Cushion and Cable Railing are not Natina.
Response posted 01/15/2021

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.