Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 10-1C9604

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Inquiry #1: Hello, it appears that E Sheet 39 is missing from the plans for there are (2) E sheets marked E-38 and they appear to be duplicates. Thank you.
Inquiry submitted 09/14/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/14/2021

Response #2:Refer to Addendum No. 1, dated September 24, 2021.
Response posted 09/24/2021

Inquiry #2: What are fiber optic spacers? Contractor cannot find any specs on what they are, but they are listed in the construction plans to be used.
Inquiry submitted 09/23/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/24/2021

Response #2:Refer to Addendum No. 1, dated September 24, 2021.
Response posted 09/24/2021

Inquiry #3: If contractor meets DVBE requirement, is contractor still expected to submit good faith effort to be considered responsive?
Inquiry submitted 09/23/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/24/2021

Response #2:There are no Good Faith Effort requirements for DVBE goals. The contractor either meets the requirement or they do not.
Response posted 09/24/2021

Inquiry #4: Section 12-4.02D Payment of the ITB states that the hourly rate for each California Highway Patrol officer providing COZEEP support is $115. Does this mean that we (the Contractor’s) need to carry the cost of COZEEP support in our bids and then that cost will be deducted from our bid item payment when COZEEP is used? Please clarify if we need to include the cost of COZEEP in our bids.
Inquiry submitted 09/23/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/24/2021

Response #2:COZEEP is defined per Revised Standard Specification 12-4.02A(2) Definitions and is a Department-Furnished item as stated in Revised Standard Specification 12-4.02D Payment. The Department pays the cost of the COZEEP separately.
Response posted 09/24/2021

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.