Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 11-2N0114

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Inquiry #1: Where is the tack coat applied between the milled surface and the HMA Type A or RHMA-G paid? There is not a bid item for Tack Coat.
Inquiry submitted 04/16/2019

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 04/17/2019

Response #2:The Asphalt Rubber Binder Chip Seal will be placed on the cold planed surface and act as an interlayer for the HMA layer. Please bid per the current contract documents.
Response posted 04/19/2019

Response #3:
Response posted 05/03/2019

Response #4:Please refer to Addendum No. 3, dated May 3, 2019.
Response posted 05/03/2019

Inquiry #2: Will the State allow traffic to be placed on the chip sealed surface? In this scenario, the Contractor would cold plane and place the chip seal in one shift and then open it up to traffic. The Rubber HMA would then be placed in a separate shift. This would also allow the Contractor time to check smoothness prior to placing the final lift of RHMA. If this is allowed, how will the tack coat be paid for?
Inquiry submitted 04/26/2019

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 04/26/2019

Response #2:Please refer to Section 37-2.05A regarding traffic on Chip Sealed surfaces. For the Tack Coat item, see addendum #3.
Response posted 05/03/2019

Inquiry #3: A Tack Coat item is needed for the HMA placement. Per the cross sections, the existing section is thicker than 0.50' therefore the placement of the 1-1/2" HMA will require tack to be placed. Please add a tack coat item of work.
Inquiry submitted 04/27/2019

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 04/29/2019

Response #2:Please refer to Addendum No. 3, dated May 3, 2019.

Response posted 05/03/2019

Inquiry #4: On the advertisement for this project it has " DVBE participation incentive up to $250,000 " I do not see where it states it in the specs,
Please clarify.

Inquiry submitted 04/30/2019

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 04/30/2019

Response #2:This information is located in the 2018 Standard Specifications section, 2-1.15C(2) Incentive Evaluation.

Response posted 04/30/2019

Inquiry #5: there are various locations throughout the project where the new stubout will cross under the entire ADA ramp. In order the replace the stubout the ramp will have to be sawcut through. Does the State expect a new ADA ramp be put in place after the stubout get replaced
Inquiry submitted 05/07/2019

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 05/08/2019

Response #2:No. Please bid per the current contract documents. The electrical details are diagrammatic. Adjustment in the field is directed by the Engineer as referenced in section 87-1.03A of the Standard Specifications.

Response posted 05/08/2019

Inquiry #6: There seems to be some confusion in the industry regarding Bid Item 12 - Asphalt Rubber Binder, Bid Item 14 - Precoated Aggregate (Seal Coat) and the detail on page X-1 showing an ARB Chip Seal. Based on the description of the bid item 14 having "(Seal Coat)" and the description of ARB Chip Seal on the Typical Cross Section, the contractor is directed to section 37-2.04 - Asphalt Rubber Chip Seals. This specification indicates a final wearing course on top of the ARHM. We think that the intent of Caltrans is to follow Section 37-2.05 - Stress Absorbing Membrane Interlayer (SAMI) but no where in the bid items, plans or specifications is a Stress Absorbing Membrane Interlayer indicated. All other previous projects in the Imperial Valley have provided a note on the typical cross section indicating that the a "SAMI" is to be installed. Obviously, with this project not having all of the notes indicating that a SAMI is required, an unfamiliar contractor could bid this project as a traditional cold plane and rubber overlay with an ARB Chip Seal to occur on top of the ARHM. Please clarify this confusion by issuing an addendum and indicating both in the special provisions and the plans that a SAMI in required for this project. Without correcting this confusion, a contractor has no choice but to bid the work under Section 37-2.04 as indicated. The difference in productions is very drastic between the two different specifications.
Inquiry submitted 05/08/2019

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 05/08/2019

Response #2:Please refer to Addendum No. 5, dated May 17, 2019.
Response posted 05/17/2019

Inquiry #7: Per Addendum No.4 this Project has been postponed to Friday May 24th @ 2 PM. This is a Friday before a 3 day weekend, will Caltrans consider postponing it to the following week?
Inquiry submitted 05/13/2019

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 05/13/2019

Response #2:No. Please bid per the current contract documents.
Response posted 05/13/2019

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.