Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 11-2N0994

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Inquiry #1: Please advise if removal of existing PCC is to be included in item no. 21
Inquiry submitted 03/01/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/01/2021

Response #2:Please bid per current contract documents including sections 41-9.03B and 41-9.04 of the Standard Specifications.
Response posted 03/04/2021

Inquiry #2: Please clarify what depth will be required for the spall repairs (bid item 20)
Inquiry submitted 03/04/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/04/2021

Response #2:Please bid per current contract documents including Standard Plans P6, Section 40-1.03N of the Revised Standard Specifications and Section 41-4 of the Standard Specifications.
Response posted 03/05/2021

Inquiry #3: Bid item 12, Shoulder Backing - 200 TN. The Quantity Chart on Q-6 indicates that Shoulder Backing may be place at the inside or outside shoulder over the full 12 mile length of the project. It is not possible for the contractor to determine factors that affect the cost of this item of work, the number of locations, length of work areas, inside or outside shoulder or traffic control required to support this work. Can you be more specific on the location where shoulder backing is to be placed?
Inquiry submitted 03/16/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/16/2021

Response #2:Please bid per current contract documents including plan sheets X-1, Q-6 and section 19-9 of the standard specifications.
Response posted 03/19/2021

Inquiry #4: The Shoulder Repair shown on Typical Cross Section X-1 does not specify the depth of Cold Plane Asphalt Pavement or the thickness of or the thickness of Rubberized Hot Mix Asphalt. What is the thickness for the Shoulder Repair?
Inquiry submitted 03/16/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/16/2021

Response #2:Please refer to Addendum No. 1, dated March 19, 2021.
Response posted 03/19/2021

Inquiry #5: What is the typical surface area for each location of the spall repairs?
Inquiry submitted 03/16/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/16/2021

Response #2:Please refer to Bidder's Inquiry #2 and bid per the current contract documents.
Response posted 03/17/2021

Inquiry #6: Standard Plan P6 - Spall Repair shows hatched limits for the spall repair which extend a minimum of 2" beyond the sawcut. Section 41-4.04 of the Standard Specification states "the payment quantity for spall repair is the authorized saw cut area". Please confirm the pay limits for spall repairs.
Inquiry submitted 03/23/2021

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/23/2021

Response #2:Please bid per current contract documents including Standard Plans P6, Section 40-1.03N of the Revised Standard Specifications and Section 41-4 of the Standard Specifications.
Response posted 03/24/2021

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.