Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 12-0N5204

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Inquiry #1: Special Provisions, page 25, shows additional data service 9 years for $3,164.00. Which bid item should this service be included under?
Inquiry submitted 01/26/2020

Response #1:Pending
Response posted 01/27/2020

Response #2:Bid Item # 41, "Two-Wire Irrigation Controller"
Response posted 02/06/2020

Inquiry #2: There are three different types of tree well sprinklers are shown on the plans. Irrigation Legend ISS-1 shows riser type III for the tree well sprinkler assembly. Revised standard plan RSP H4, sheet 37 of 39, shows riser type V and 4" perforated drain pipe. Please clarify which type of tree well sprinkler should be used.
Inquiry submitted 01/26/2020

Response #1:Pending
Response posted 01/27/2020

Response #2:Reference plan sheet 37 "Landscape Details".
Response posted 02/06/2020

Inquiry #3: There are three different types of tree well sprinklers are shown on the plans. Irrigation Legend ISS-1 shows riser type III for the tree well sprinkler assembly. Revised standard plan RSP H4, sheet 37 of 39, shows riser type V and 4" perforated drain pipe for the tree well assembly. Please clarify which type of tree well sprinkler should be used.

Inquiry submitted 01/27/2020

Response #1:Reference plan sheet 37 "Landscape Details".
Response posted 02/06/2020

Inquiry #4: Two of the three seed varieties are not available as seed form, they are ornamental grass. They are Muhlenbergia capilloris and Festuca mairel. Please advise.
Inquiry submitted 02/06/2020

Response #1:Please bid per the Contract documents.
Response posted 02/06/2020

Inquiry #5: Reference plan sheet 37 "Landscape Details" shows two different tree well assemblies: Tree well assembly and riser type V diagram, and tree well sprinkler assembly with 4" perforated drain pipe. Which one should be used for the tree well assembly, Type V or 4" perforated drain pipe?
Inquiry submitted 02/06/2020

Response #1:Please look at "TREE WELL SPRINKLER ASSEMBLY" in sheet# 37
Response posted 02/07/2020

Inquiry #6: Is Item 73- Water Meter Charges Only for IRWD Installation costs? or is it also for monthly water bill charges? If so please provide rates.
Inquiry submitted 02/11/2020

Response #1:The item# 73, Water Meter Charges, is only for the IRWD water meter installation.
Response posted 02/11/2020

Inquiry #7: The Rock Blanket called out per plans does not look like it is located on sloped areas, but the detail included for rock blanket is for sloped areas(Which includes rebar). Please clarify
Inquiry submitted 02/11/2020

Response #1:Make your bid as you see on the PS&E.
Response posted 02/11/2020

Response #2:
Response posted 02/11/2020

Response #3:Make bid as you see on the PS&E.
Response posted 02/12/2020

Inquiry #8: Seed species for seed drilling application are very expensive and are not recommended for general seeding method(s).
They require germination in a controlled environment and are container plants.

Please advise

Inquiry submitted 02/12/2020

Response #1:Make bid as you see on the PS&E.

Response posted 02/12/2020

Inquiry #9: The areas calling for Clear and Grub have 4"-6" of wood mulch. Seeing as how there will be new installation of landscape, irrigation, as well as more wood mulch install what is to be done with existing mulch? Leaving it in place would increase the work required to install new irrigation lines as well as new planting. Please Advise.
Inquiry submitted 02/12/2020

Response #1:Make bid as you see on the PS&E.
Response posted 02/12/2020

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.