Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 12-0P9204

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Inquiry #1: Landscape Detail LD-2 Note 1 describes that rocks shall be placed to minimize mortar exposure to the top of surface. but the rock blanket detail does not show any mortar. Does this mean mortar is not required?

Inquiry submitted 01/25/2022

Response #1:Pending
Response posted 01/26/2022

Response #2:Contractor shall perform construction quality as shown in plans.
Response posted 01/31/2022

Inquiry #2: Is this project subject to a PLA (Project Labor Agreement), a PSA (Project Stabilization Agreement), a CBA (Collective Bargaining Agreement), a CWA (Community Workforce Agreement), or anything of that nature?
Inquiry submitted 02/11/2022

Response #1:Contractor shall make bid based on the Plans, Specification, Special Provision and Contract documents provided.
Response posted 02/16/2022

Response #2:Contractor shall make bid based on the Plans, Specification, Special Provision and Contract documents provided.
Response posted 02/16/2022

Inquiry #3: Landscape Detail LD-2, Rock Blanket Note No. 7 says that for Type "B' rock blanket, minimum 3 crushed rocks shall be placed at 18" O/C in each SQYD area with sharp tip placed upward. What should be the size of the crushed rocks? If one crushed rock is placed at 18" on center, there should be 4 crushed rocks in each square yard area.
Inquiry submitted 02/11/2022

Response #1:Bid as you see it.
Response posted 02/11/2022

Inquiry #4: Bid item 54 Roadside Paving has 6" thick class 2 aggregate base, but it is not included in 430 CY of class 2 aggregate base in Landscape Quantities LQ-1. Which bid item will pay for the 6" thick class 2 aggregate base under the roadside paving?
Inquiry submitted 02/12/2022

Response #1:The 6” thick aggregate base under the Roadside Paving (Miscellaneous Areas), item code #394095, shown in detail plans is included in the item code #394095 measured by SQYD.
The items code# 260203, class 2 aggregate base 430 CY, is to pay for Maintenance Access Road as shown in the plans.

Response posted 02/14/2022

Inquiry #5: No bid item is shown for roadway excavation for this project. Please confirm that required excavation and related costs for installation of rock blankets, gravel mulch, minor concrete and roadside paving areas is part of the specified items.
Inquiry submitted 02/21/2022

Response #1:Contractor shall perform construction works per Plans, Specification, and Special Provision and documents provided.
Response posted 02/22/2022

Inquiry #6: Per bid item 50 description and irrigation conduit quantity table on sheet IQ-2, 60 LF of PVC schedule 40 sleeve for lateral line is suppose to be shown on sheet IP-5. However, it is not shown on sheet IP-5. Please provide the location of 4'' sleeve.
Inquiry submitted 02/21/2022

Response #1:Contractor shall make bid based on the Bidder’s Note, Plans, Specification and Special Provision and Contract documents provided.
Response posted 02/22/2022

Inquiry #7: Confirm that no clearing and grubbing is required for this project since no bid item is shown or provided.
Inquiry submitted 02/21/2022

Response #1:Contractor shall make bid based on the plans, specification, special provision, notes and contract documents provided.
Response posted 02/22/2022

Inquiry #8: The wrought iron fence detail on sheet LD-3, shows 12" concrete security edge under the fence detail. Clarify if this concrete edge is new as part of fence installation or it's existing and not part of this project construction. If the specified concrete edging is new, provide more information and detail for installation and a bid item if the cost is not included as part of the wrought iron fence installation.
Inquiry submitted 02/21/2022

Response #1:Contractor shall make bid based on the Plans, Specification, Special Provision and Contract documents provided.
Response posted 02/23/2022

Inquiry #9: No bid item is shown for the irrigation system flow sensor. Please advise.
Inquiry submitted 02/21/2022

Response #1:Please see special provision section 20-2.06B.
Irrigation flow sensor is included in the unit price of irrigation controller item code#202922

Response posted 02/22/2022

Inquiry #10: Will Caltrans provide a stockpile location on-site for excavation materials?
Inquiry submitted 02/21/2022

Response #1:Contractor shall perform works based on the plans, specification and special provision provided.
Response posted 02/22/2022

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.