Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 12-0P94U4

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Inquiry #1: Is the contractor or the biological firm responsible for plant establishment?
Inquiry submitted 12/22/2020

Response #1:Pending
Response posted 12/22/2020

Response #2:The contractor is responsible for the plant establishments
Response posted 12/23/2020

Inquiry #2: Please confirm the project duration is 1800 working day and is there any break time or non working days to justify this very long duration?
Inquiry submitted 12/30/2020

Response #1:Pending
Response posted 12/30/2020

Response #2:The project has 600 working days and 1200 working days for plant establishment
Response posted 12/30/2020

Inquiry #3: Will the temporary construction entrances be Type 1 or Type 2?
Inquiry submitted 12/31/2020

Response #1:Pending
Response posted 12/31/2020

Response #2:The contractors may choose either type of temporary construction entrances
Response posted 01/04/2021

Inquiry #4: 1) Please clarify Bid Item 85: STAIN GALVANIZED SURFACES to INCLUDE 1,600 Guardrail (Bid Item 102) and that Bid Item 85 also SPECIFICALLY INCLUDES STAINING End Anchor Assemblies (Bid Item 104) and Alt In-Line Terminal Systems (Bid Item 105).
2) Please clarify Bid Item 86: ROCK STAIN is intended to refer to 11,500 staining of CONCRETE, NOT ROCKS
3) Please clarify that Bid Items 87 &88, 103(F) are EXCLUDED from galvanized staining

Inquiry submitted 01/14/2021

Response #1:Pending
Response posted 01/14/2021

Response #2:1) Please refer to Special Provision section 78 "Incidental Construction"
2) Rock Stain is for staining concrete surfaces
3) Bid Items 87 &88, 103(F) are not required for galvanized staining

Response posted 01/14/2021

Inquiry #5: Please confirm the contours on the grading sheets (G-1 through G-3) are final grades. If so, can you please provide existing grades (or vice versa)?
Inquiry submitted 01/15/2021

Response #1:Pending
Response posted 01/15/2021

Response #2:It will be addressed in an addendum
Response posted 01/15/2021

Inquiry #6: Can you please provide profile sheets that match the Layout sheets so we can confirm the roadway excavation/embankment quantities on sheet Q-2? Or please help with how Caltrans quantified these quantities.
Inquiry submitted 01/15/2021

Response #1:Pending
Response posted 01/15/2021

Response #2:Please refer to Information handout for Design Cross Section and Electronic files
Response posted 01/15/2021

Inquiry #7: Can you please add a bid item with proposed quantity for the engineered fill in the ACB drainage ditch?
Inquiry submitted 01/15/2021

Response #1:Pending
Response posted 01/15/2021

Response #2:It will be addressed in an addendum
Response posted 01/15/2021

Inquiry #8: Are there any ProVal files available for this project?
Inquiry submitted 01/16/2021

Response #1:Pending
Response posted 01/19/2021

Response #2:Please bid as you see it
Response posted 01/19/2021

Inquiry #9: Will there be an allowance for Toll Road Fees?
Inquiry submitted 01/20/2021

Response #1:There will not be an allowance for Toll Road fees
Response posted 01/21/2021

Inquiry #10: Per special provision 78-4 will the color requirement for staining rocks (concrete) be for AMS matched color or a mottle tone color?

Thank you for your response.

Inquiry submitted 01/25/2021

Response #1:Pending
Response posted 01/25/2021

Response #2:Please see special provision 78-4.04A(4) Quality Assurance.
Response posted 01/26/2021

Inquiry #11: The response to question 10 in regards to the rock stain does not really spell out an answer. Neither the specs or plans call out for color or multiple colors nor products to be used. The specs also does not mention a referee sample to be matched as is normally the case.
Precise answers to these questions greatly affect the pricing to apply the stain .
How many colors are to be used? Or is there a referee sample to match?
Is the stain to be water based?
More specific guidance would be appreciated.

Inquiry submitted 01/27/2021

Response #1:Pending
Response posted 01/27/2021

Response #2:The concrete stain should be natural looking (or mottle tone color) and must be approved by the engineer/landscape architect
Response posted 01/27/2021

Inquiry #12: Please confirm the estimated bid quantity for Bid Item #78 - Articulated Concrete Block Revetment and provide the method of measurement of pay areas (hypotenuse of slope surface, burial areas, closure pours, etc.).
Inquiry submitted 01/27/2021

Response #1:Pending
Response posted 01/27/2021

Response #2:Please bid as you see it
Response posted 01/28/2021

Inquiry #13: Is the seed cost for Item 62 Bonded Fiber Matrix included in item 62 or item 60 Seed Collection? Referenced plan sheet 76 PL-1 Erosion Control Table and Seed Mix 1 Table.
Inquiry submitted 01/28/2021

Response #1:Pending
Response posted 01/28/2021

Response #2:Please see the Erosion Control table sheet 75, Plant Legend PL-1.
Response posted 01/28/2021

Inquiry #14: Does the Seed Mix 1 Table seed species as listed on plan sheet 76 PL-1 need to be collected from Coastal Orange County location no greater than 25 miles from the project site per Section 21-2.01c(1) and 21-2.02L Seed Collection of the Special Provision?
Inquiry submitted 01/28/2021

Response #1:Pending
Response posted 01/28/2021

Response #2:Please see note #9 " If quantity from Seed Collection are difficult to obtain, substitution are allowed with Engineer approval" sheet 75, Planting Legend PL-1.
Response posted 01/28/2021

Inquiry #15: Is there a minimum bid amount for Item 45 Plant Establishment Work?
Inquiry submitted 01/28/2021

Response #1:Pending
Response posted 01/28/2021

Response #2:No
Response posted 01/28/2021

Inquiry #16: Please verify the limit of work of the bid item 40 - roadside clearing and provide its scope of work. Does the item 40 include grass and shrub removal?
Inquiry submitted 01/29/2021

Response #1:Pending
Response posted 01/29/2021

Response #2:Please see Standard Specifications section 20-1 General (Landscape) and 20-1.03C Roadside Clearing.
Response posted 01/29/2021

Inquiry #17: Please confirm that the temporary irrigation shall be served for the seeding areas without irrigation system as shown on sheet PP-3?
Inquiry submitted 01/29/2021

Response #1:Pending
Response posted 01/29/2021

Response #2:Temporary irrigation is for area as shown and per section 20-2.14
Response posted 01/29/2021

Inquiry #18: There is no bid item for "Contractor Supplied Biologist". Please provide.
Inquiry submitted 02/01/2021

Response #1:Pending
Response posted 02/01/2021

Response #2:Please refer to Addendum 1, information is on page 6 of 14
Response posted 02/01/2021

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.