Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 01-0A1314

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Inquiry #1: Did Caltrans finalize the Eel River Bridge Replacement Project EA 01-0A131 / EFIS 0117000223 Onsite Revegetation Plan? Can it be made available to the bidders for cost-estimating purposes? Thank you.
Inquiry submitted 01/25/2023

Response #1:(BI#1)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 01/25/2023

Response #2:(BI#1)-Please Bid Per Current Contract Documents.
Response posted 01/25/2023

Inquiry #2: Sheet 92 Pile Detail (elevation) shows #14 bars bundled. Section F-F shows #14 Main Reinforcing, Tot 27. Please clarify whether there are 27 each #14 bars (not bundled) or 54 each #14 bars (bundled).
Inquiry submitted 01/31/2023

Response #1:(BI#2)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 01/31/2023

Response #2:(BI#2)- There are 27 #14 unbundled bars as shown in Section F-F of the contract plan sheet 92/108. Refer to item 2 in the second paragraph of section 5-1.02 of the Standard Specifications regarding when a discrepancy exists.
Response posted 01/31/2023

Inquiry #3: Section 14-6.05 discusses Invasive Species Control, but there is no corresponding bid item in the list. Will this item be added?
Inquiry submitted 02/01/2023

Response #1:(BI#3)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 02/01/2023

Response #2:(BI#3)-An addendum has been issued to address this bidder inquiry.
Response posted 02/02/2023

Inquiry #4: See sheet 33/108. Please confirm Misc. Iron & Steel quantities.

Quantities listed do not match sum total.

Inquiry submitted 02/02/2023

Response #1:(BI#4)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 02/02/2023

Response #2:(BI#4)-An addendum has been issued to address this bidder inquiry.
Response posted 02/02/2023

Inquiry #5: Drainage system 2 calls out for 12 cubic yards of Class VI RSP. Per drainage plan D-1 and drainage cross section, there is no RSP for that drainage system. Should the 12 cubic yards of Class VI RSP be attributed to drainage system 4? Please clarify.
Inquiry submitted 02/03/2023

Response #1:(BI#5)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 02/03/2023

Response #2:(BI#5)-Correct there is no RSP for Drainage System No. 2. Attention is directed to sheet 33 (DQ-1) of the plans, 12 cubic yards of RSP (3/8 Ton, Class VI, Method B) is referenced as Drainage Sheet No. D-2 and Drainage System No. 4.
Response posted 02/06/2023

Inquiry #6: Would it be acceptable to drill a 96" hole below the 96" permanent casing instead of the 90" hole ? We have access to a 96" auger but not a 90" auger
Inquiry submitted 02/08/2023

Response #1:(BI#6)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 02/08/2023

Response #2:(BI#6)-Please Bid Per Current Contract Documents.
Response posted 02/09/2023

Inquiry #7: The Roadway excavation quantities are at 15,200 cy in the bid item list and next to it are the embankment quantities at 9,396 cy. If embankment quantities are (n) not a separate bid item, should I add this quantity to the road excavation quantities? Please clarify.
Inquiry submitted 02/09/2023

Response #1:(BI#7)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 02/09/2023

Response #2:(BI#7)-Attention is directed to section 19-2 and 19-6 of the Standard Specifications.
Response posted 02/09/2023

Inquiry #8: Regarding Bid item 0022: Temporary Erosion Control Blanket - where is this product going? Is it one of the RECP (Nettings) shown on the plans? Erosion Control 1 or the BioSwale
Could you please clarify intentions on this item as well as type?

Inquiry submitted 02/09/2023

Response #1:(BI#8)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 02/09/2023

Response #2:(BI#8)-Temporary Erosion Control Blanket, refers to California’s Construction General Permit (CGP) SWPPP requirements for inactive disturbed soil area stabilization.
Attention is directed to 13-1.03, 13-5 Standard Specifications, Standard Plan T54 and Addendum #1. The stormwater professional QSD (Qualified SWPPP Designer) for the contractor is responsible for determining location and timing for implementation to meet or exceed California CGP regulations for temporary water pollution control items.

Response posted 02/10/2023

Inquiry #9: For Bid Item 30 Temporary Reinforce Silt Fence, is Type 1 or Type 2 to be used?
Inquiry submitted 02/10/2023

Response #1:(BI#9)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 02/10/2023

Response #2:(BI#9)-Please Bid Per Current Contract Documents.

Response posted 02/13/2023

Inquiry #10: Are the 3" conduits and saddles a part of this contract? Where are they to be paid?
Inquiry submitted 02/10/2023

Response #1:(BI#10)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 02/10/2023

Response #2:(BI#10)-Please Bid per the current contract documents.
Response posted 02/14/2023

Inquiry #11: Does the existing bridge need to be removed to the limits shown on the plans (Sheet 82) or is 3' below finished grade acceptable? Piers 1 and 4 are somewhat deep and would require additional effort that does not appear to be necessary.
Inquiry submitted 02/13/2023

Response #1:(BI#11)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 02/13/2023

Response #2:(BI#11)-Please Bid Per Current Contract Documents.

Response posted 02/14/2023

Inquiry #12: Specifications do not reference Rock Excavation. Please confirm rock excavation or blasting is not required.
Inquiry submitted 02/15/2023

Response #1:(BI#11)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 02/15/2023

Response #2:(BI#12)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 02/21/2023

Response #3:(BI#12)- An addendum has been issued to address the Bid inquiry#12.
Response posted 02/21/2023

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.