Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 04-0K6404

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Inquiry #1: According to plan sheet X-1 (page 4 of 454), they show HMA Dike but do not show what paving section is placed under it. Please clarify if the .10'RHMA-G/.15' HMA (Leveling Course) section will extend into the HMA Dike.
Inquiry submitted 09/26/2024

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/26/2024

Response #2:According to Note 1 on Standard Plan A87B the top layer of HMA placed on the shoulder should extend under the dike.
Response posted 09/27/2024

Inquiry #2: On Plan Sheet Q-1 (343/454), Hot Mix Asphalt (Type A) tonnage quantities are shown for Sheet No. L-11, 587.2, 238.6, 325.8, 291.2. What are these quantities of HMA (Type A) for?
There are no dig-outs at those locations and the HMA (Leveling) quantities are shown in the adjacent column. Please clarify what these quantities are for.

Inquiry submitted 10/14/2024

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 10/14/2024

Response #2:Please bid per the Roadway Quantities on Sheet L-11. The HMA (Type A) quantity includes digouts.
Response posted 10/29/2024

Inquiry #3: Reference is made to the item quantity in the special provisions for bid item 51. This quantity does not match the quantity in the table on plan sheet PDQ-18. please revise or clarify the discrepancy. Thank you.
Inquiry submitted 10/18/2024

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 10/18/2024

Response #2:See added Sheet #232A, in Addendum #2. And see replaced item 51 in the bid book, in the bid item list, in Addendum #2

Response posted 11/01/2024

Inquiry #4: See Plan Sheet Q-6 (348/454), "Dikes And Overside Drains". Listed in the HMA (Type A) * column appears to be quantities for Overside Drains only. The HMA-A for the Dikes is missing from this chart, please account for the Dike HMA quantities.
Inquiry submitted 10/21/2024

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 10/21/2024

Response #2:HMA Dike quantities are accounted for with bid item no. 27, 28, 29, & 30.
Response posted 10/23/2024

Inquiry #5: Please verify that HMA (A) quantities shown below on the Summary of Quantities table, Sheet Q-1, are for the 1.0' HMA plug in front of Curb & Gutter or for the Dig Out Repairs? If there are for the Dig Out repairs, please add Dig Outs including numbering to the description.

On Ramp #58, Curb Ramp 8 587.2 TN
Off Ramp #56, Curb Ramp 9 238.6 TN
Off Ramp #57, Curb Ramp 10 325.8 TN
Off Ramp #10, Curb Ramp 11 291.2 TN
Curb Ramp 18 332.8 TN

Inquiry submitted 10/22/2024

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 10/22/2024

Response #2:See replaced Sheets #343, in Addendum #3. And see replaced item 23 in the bid item list, in Addendum #3.
Response posted 11/04/2024

Inquiry #6: What bid item demolition of Concrete and asphalt gets measured for the construction of Minor Concrete and 2' wide HMA plug work?
Inquiry submitted 10/22/2024

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 10/23/2024

Response #2:The removal of concrete and asphalt for the construction of Minor Concrete and 2' wide HMA plug work is included in bid item no. 18, Roadway Excavation.
Response posted 10/23/2024

Inquiry #7: Bid Item #2 "Time Related Overhead" has a quantity of 260 working days. This project is advertised as an A + B bid project. Please either change the bid item #2 quantity to Lump Sum or remove the A + B status of the project.
Inquiry submitted 10/23/2024

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 10/23/2024

Response #2:See Addendum 2, The Time Related Overhead is now Lump Sum.
Response posted 10/30/2024

Inquiry #8: On sheet 4 "Typical Cross Sections X-1" The Route 80 typical ramp section show the 0.50' cold plane and 0.50' HMA reaching the finished surface of the ramp. Is this correct? are these areas not part of the RHMA-G overlay?
Inquiry submitted 10/23/2024

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 10/23/2024

Response #2:Yes, the plans are correct. The digouts are to be placed before grinding and paving the overlay. It is understood that 0.25' of the HMA from the digouts will be sacrificed.
Response posted 10/29/2024

Inquiry #9: Bid item #32 ; The Tack Coat quantity appears to be greatly overstated. There is no tack coat required for the RHMA-G overlay since it is placed on paving fabric. Please correct the Tack Coat quantity.
Inquiry submitted 10/23/2024

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 10/23/2024

Response #2:Per section 39-2.01C(3)(g), of the 2023 Standard Specifications, tack coat may be necessary depending upon the manufacturer’s instructions for the interlayer.
Response posted 10/30/2024

Inquiry #10: Regarding your response to bid inquiry #4: Standard Specifications section 39-2.01D paragraph 5, second sentence states "Payment for the HMA used to construct the dike is not included in the payment for place hot mix asphalt dike". I have not found anything in the special provisions that change this section of the standards. Please reconsider your answer to bid inquiry #4 or direct me to where the State has changed the specifications.
Inquiry submitted 10/23/2024

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 10/23/2024

Response #2:See replaced Sheets #345 & 348, in Addendum #2. And see replaced item 23 in the bid book, in the bid item list, in Addendum #2.
Response posted 10/30/2024

Inquiry #11: Please confirm that only 0.10' of RHMA (G) is required over Geosynthetic Pavement Interlayer (Paving mat). See the following requirement from Tensar fabric manufacturer:
"In all cases, a minimum of 1.5 in. of compacted asphalt must be
installed on top of the interlayer to carry the design traffic. In
projects where rut sensitive asphalt mixes are likely, or there are
areas with high potential for traffic induced rutting, then the
minimum compacted overlay thickness must be increased to 2 in."

Inquiry submitted 10/23/2024

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 10/23/2024

Response #2:See replaced Plan Sheets #4 & #6, in Addendum #3. The PGI is now under the HMA-A (non-leveling).
Response posted 10/30/2024

Response #3:See replaced Sheets #4 & #6, in Addendum #3.
Response posted 11/04/2024

Inquiry #12: Plan sheets MI-1 thru MI-38 , Motorist Information Plan show several Detour signs for the various ramp closures as Portable Construction Area Signs, yet the table shows them as Stationary Mounted Signs with the various post sizes. Bid pricing would differ excessively depending on which method is used.
Are these to be Portable or Stationary Mounted?

Inquiry submitted 10/23/2024

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 10/24/2024

Response #2:The Roadside Sign Quantities shown in the SQ plan sheets are correct. These are stationary mounted signs.
Response posted 10/29/2024

Inquiry #13: Will the temporary construction work zone speed limit reduction be required 24/7 and or for temporary lane closure on the project?
If so how will the Temporary Radar Speed Feedback sign be compensated ? There is not an item for Temporary Radar Speed Feedback signs

Inquiry submitted 10/23/2024

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 10/24/2024

Response #2:See added Item 81, Portable Radar Speed Feedback Sign System in the bid item list, in Addendum #3
Response posted 11/04/2024

Inquiry #14: Per Add #1 the bid date has changed to Nov. 7, 2024 however the files in are not available and therefore we are unable to update the Aashtoware bidding software with the date change. Please advise.
Inquiry submitted 10/29/2024

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 10/29/2024

Response #2:Bid files are now available in
Response posted 10/29/2024

Inquiry #15: Regarding your response to Bidder Inquiry No.2: "Please bid per the Roadway Quantities on Sheet L-11. The HMA (Type A) quantity includes dig-outs."
The Dig-out shading area on plan sheet L-11 is 7,000 SF which requires 260 tons of Hot Mix Asphalt Type A material. There are no "roadway quantities" shown on plan sheet L-11. What is the remaining 1,183 tons of HMA Type A used for?

Inquiry submitted 10/30/2024

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 10/30/2024

Response #2:See replaced Sheets #343, in Addendum #3. And see replaced item 23 in the bid book, in the bid item list, in Addendum #3.

Response posted 11/01/2024

Response #3:See replaced Sheets #343, in Addendum #3. And see replaced item 23 in the bid item list, in Addendum #3.
Response posted 11/04/2024

Inquiry #16: Bid Item 69: Preformed Thermoplastic Pavement Marking

Please provide the dimensions for the Route 80 and Route 505 Interstate Shields. The table on PDQ-18 only provides square footage.

Inquiry submitted 11/01/2024

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 11/01/2024

Response #2:Please refer to California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CA MUTCD) Section 3B.20.
Response posted 11/04/2024

Inquiry #17: With the issuance of addendum #3 this afternoon and the still unanswered bid inquiry questions # 5, 11, 13,15 and 16 will Caltrans please postpone the bid date? The contractors need time to process the changes made in addendum #3 and Caltrans needs to answer these questions.
Inquiry submitted 11/04/2024

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 11/04/2024

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.