Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 06-0U4604

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Inquiry #1: Bid item #0014 Temporary Fiber Roll is not shown on drawing plans. Please confirm this item will be installed by type 1 or type 2 installation?
Inquiry submitted 05/09/2023

Response #1:Your inquiry has been submitted for review.
Response posted 05/10/2023

Response #2:Attention is directed to section 13-6.03E, “Temporary Fiber Rolls” of the Standard Specifications and Standard Plan T56. The choice of Type 1 or Type 2 installation is at the discretion of the contractor. Please place your bid in accordance with the contract bid documents.
Response posted 05/17/2023

Inquiry #2: Specs section 21 Erosion Control is not shown on the project's specification. Please provide it.
Inquiry submitted 05/09/2023

Response #1:Your inquiry has been submitted for review.
Response posted 05/10/2023

Response #2:Attention is directed to section 21, “Erosion Control” of the Standard Specifications. Please place your bid in accordance with the current contract bid documents.
Response posted 05/17/2023

Inquiry #3: L-28 Layout, Post 27.24 (Station 582+06.46) to PM 27.27 (Station 583+44.75) Not on Quantity Sheet (Q-1)
Effects quantities of Items Items 16,38,46,48,49 and possibly more. Can I get correct quantities or should I bid on what's on quantity sheet now.

Inquiry submitted 05/11/2023

Response #1:Your inquiry has been submitted for review.
Response posted 05/15/2023

Response #2:This inquiry remains under investigation.
Response posted 05/17/2023

Response #3:Attention is directed to Addendum No.1 dated May 26,2023. Please place your bid in accordance with the current contract bid documents.
Response posted 05/26/2023

Inquiry #4: According to Typical Cross Sections X-1, the Cold Central Plant Recycling (CCPR) section over the Southbound Lane & Shoulder is indicated as 1.10', which includes the 0.25' Coldplane and 0.25' HMA Type A section. However, the layout legend on the sheet indicates a 0.85' CCPR section.

I would like to confirm the intent of the design. Is it to first place a 1.10' CCPR section from the existing HMA surface before removing 0.25' of it through cold planing? By doing so, we can avoid any drop-off issues greater than 0.15', avoid the constraint of paving back a ground surface prior to the 7 allowable shifts, and allow adequate time for the CCPR to cure.

However, I have noticed that the additional 0.25' CCPR cubic yardage required for this approach is not accounted for in the Bid Item Quantity or Summary of Quantities. If the intent is indeed to first provide a 1.10' CCPR section prior, could you please incorporate the additional 0.25' CCPR cubic yardage into the Bid Item Quantity and Summary of Quantities? This would amount to approximately 9,500 CY additional.

Inquiry submitted 05/12/2023

Response #1:Your inquiry has been submitted for review.
Response posted 05/15/2023

Response #2:This inquiry remains under investigation.
Response posted 05/17/2023

Response #3:Attention is directed to Addendum No.1 dated May 26,2023.

Attention is also directed to sections 7-1.03, 7-1.04, 9-1.03, & 10-1.02E of the Standard Specifications.

Please place your bid in accordance with the current contract bid documents.
Response posted 05/26/2023

Inquiry #5: Per Standard Specifications Section 19-9.03, it states "Do not place Shoulderbacking containing RAP within 100 feet, measured horizontally from a culvert, watercourse, or bridge." My question is, are both the Blakeley Canal and the Irrigation Ditch that run parallel to the alignment considered watercourses in the context of this project, with regards to the use of RAP for shoulder backing?
Inquiry submitted 05/12/2023

Response #1:Your inquiry has been submitted for review.
Response posted 05/15/2023

Response #2:Blakeley Canal and the Irrigation Ditch are considered watercourses in accordance with section 19-9.03 CONSTRUCTION of the Standard Specifications. Please place your bid in accordance with the current contract bid documents.
Response posted 05/17/2023

Inquiry #6: According to Special Provisions 30-7.03E, after placing the asphaltic emulsion and sand cover on the Cold Central Plant Recycling (CCPR) section, will the state allow traffic to run on it?
Inquiry submitted 05/12/2023

Response #1:Your inquiry has been submitted for review.
Response posted 05/15/2023

Response #2:Attention is directed to section 30-7.03E, “Asphaltic Emulsion and Sand Cover” of the Special Provisions. Traffic can be placed on the CCPR section as long as conditions of this section, and the contract documents have been achieved, & authorization has been granted by the Engineer. Please place your bid in accordance with the contract bid documents.
Response posted 05/17/2023

Inquiry #7: Can the state reassess the requirements stated in Special Provisions Section 30-7.03G regarding the placement of additional CCPR layers? Currently, the need for an additional CCPR layer within the same shift does not align with the specified conditions.
Inquiry submitted 05/18/2023

Response #1:Your inquiry has been submitted for review.
Response posted 05/18/2023

Response #2:This inquiry remains under investigation. Thank you
Response posted 05/19/2023

Response #3:Attention is directed to Addendum No. 1 dated May 26, 2023. Please place your bid in accordance with the current bid documents.
Response posted 05/26/2023

Inquiry #8: Refer to typical cross sections on plans sheet X-1, it shows 2:1 slope at Southbound only. Please verify the Bid item #0014 Temporary Fiber Roll to be install on Southbound or Northbound of the road?
Inquiry submitted 05/31/2023

Response #1:Your inquiry is has been submitted for review.
Response posted 06/02/2023

Response #2:Attention is directed to Addendum No. 2 dated May 26, 2023. Please place your bid in accordance with the current bid documents.
Response posted 06/02/2023

Inquiry #9: Is there any indication of paving fabric in the paving section?
Inquiry submitted 06/01/2023

Response #1:
Response posted 06/02/2023

Response #2:Your inquiry is has been submitted for review.
Response posted 06/02/2023

Response #3:Please place your bid in accordance with the current contract bid documents.
Response posted 06/02/2023

Inquiry #10: Is tack coat required between the 0.85' Cold Central Plant Recycling layer and the 0.25' HMA Layer?
Inquiry submitted 06/02/2023

Response #1:Your inquiry is has been submitted for review.
Response posted 06/02/2023

Response #2:Yes, attention is directed to section 39-2.01C(3)(f), "Tack Coat" of the Standard Specifications.
Response posted 06/02/2023

Inquiry #11: Will tack/asphalt binder be needed between lifts of CCPR layers placed in the same shift?
Inquiry submitted 06/02/2023

Response #1:No, a tack coat between CCPR layers is not specified in accordance with section 30-7 COLD CENTRAL PLANT RECYCLING of the bid specifications.
Response posted 06/02/2023

Inquiry #12: Specification 30-7.03D(1) General
Note #5 does not allow CCPR placement between 30 minutes before sunset and 30 minutes after sunrise for CCPR-EA

Lane closure charts do not provide work hours within a window that complies with these specifications. Please correct this conflict.

Inquiry submitted 06/05/2023

Response #1:Your inquiry has been submitted for review.
Response posted 06/06/2023

Response #2:Attention is directed to Addendum No. 1, dated May 26, 2023, section 30-7.02E, “Recycling Agent” “Use PG 64-10 unmodified binder for CCPR-FA or as approved by the Engineer”.

The placement conditions described in the contract bid documents CCPR-EA is not acceptable for use in this contract.
Response posted 06/06/2023

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.