Bidder Inquiries
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Viewing inquiries for 06-0X3004
Submit new inquiry for this projectInquiry #1: In accordance with Standard Spec Section 7-1.04 on Public Safety, temporary barrier systems must be installed under specific conditions. These conditions include excavations within 15 feet of an open traffic lane, height differentials exceeding 0.15 feet within the same proximity, except in cases of a side slope with a downhill slope of 4:1 or less.
For Segment 1 Stage 2, Segment 1 Stage 3, Segment 2 Stage 2A, and Segment 2B, excavations are situated less than 15 feet from the edge of an open traffic lane. Consequently, a 4:1 slope must be implemented at the end of each shift to ensure public safety. It's worth noting that this slope requirement may impact work efficiency.
Would Caltrans consider increasing the usage of temporary barrier systems for the above-mentioned stages, as this could potentially enhance safety while maintaining a more efficient work pace.
Inquiry submitted 10/11/2023
Response #1:Your inquiry has been submitted for review.
Response posted 10/11/2023
Response #2:Comply with sections 7-1.03, “Public Convenience”, 7-1.04, “Public Safety”, and 10-1.02, “Excavation” of the Standard Specifications. Attention is also directed to section 4-1.07, “Value Engineering” of the Standard Specifications.
Response posted 10/20/2023
Inquiry #2: Please provide an accurate count of utilities that will need to be lowered/raised in the roadway (i.e. gas valves, water valves, sewer manholes, storm manholes, etc....).
Also, please consider adding bid items to provide for a direct method of payment for this work.
Inquiry submitted 10/12/2023
Response #1:Your inquiry has been submitted for review.
Response posted 10/13/2023
Response #2:Your inquiry remains under review.
Response posted 10/20/2023
Response #3:Your inquiry remains under review.
Response posted 10/24/2023
Response #4:Attention is directed to Addendum No. 3 dated October 27, 2023. Please place your bid in accordance with the current contract bid documents.
Response posted 10/27/2023
Inquiry #3: The cross sections provided from stations 195+00 to 221+00 contain design grades for the NB detour-ep (temporary pavement). Please provide cross sections that represent final grade between stations 195+00 to 221+00. In addition, please also provide cross sections for SB temporary pavement between stations 109+00 to 117+00 and 184+00 to 224+10.
Inquiry submitted 10/19/2023
Response #1:Your inquiry has been submitted for review.
Response posted 10/20/2023
Response #2:Response: Additional Earthwork Cross Sections will not be provided. The information that your requesting can be extrapolated from the Typical Cross Sections (X-2), Construction Detail (C-8) and the quantity of Detour removal is shown on Stage Construction Sheet (SCQ-1) and other plans sheets represented in the contract documents. Please place your bid in accordance with the current contract documents
Response posted 10/27/2023
Inquiry #4: Lane Closure Chart No. K2 does not coincide with Traffic Handling Plan for Segment 2-Stage 1A and Stage 1B. Chart K2 does not allow for any lane closures 6:00AM to 6:00PM, yet the Traffic Handling Plan for Segment 2, 1A/1B show the No. 1 lanes closed during the duration of the work in these Stages. Please Clarify.
Lane Closure Chart No. K2 probably will not work with Segment 2-Stage 2A and Stage 2B with the scope of work you are performing. There are no Traffic Handling Plans for Segment 2-Stage 2A and Stage 2B. Can you please provide these Sheets and/or clarify how you are to construct the No. 2 Lanes in front of the businesses within the Segment 2 limits.
Inquiry submitted 10/19/2023
Response #1:Your inquiry has been submitted for review.
Response posted 10/20/2023
Response #2:RESPONSE a) Lane closure charts specified in section 12-4.02C(3) “Closure Requirements and Charts” of the specifications are used for periodic temporary traffic control or “lane closure” work only. The work described in the Staging plans is considered “Temporary Facilities” subject to section 16 of the specifications when the lane is semi-permanently closed with temporary railing or other types of fixed semi-permanent elements. Within the limits of a semi-permanent closed area section 12-4.02C(3) “Closure Requirements and Charts” of the specifications do not apply. If an area shown on the Staging plan does not have a semi-permanent fixed closure element then the “Closure Requirements and Charts” govern the closing of a lane.
RESPONSE B): Segment 2-Stage 2A and Stage 2B will require the work to comply with section 12-4.02C(3) “Closure Requirements and Charts” of the specifications, along with sections 7-1.03, 7-1.04 and 10-1.02E.
Place your bid in accordance with the current contract documents.
Response posted 10/25/2023
Inquiry #5: Reference Sheet SC-15 Notes 3 and 4. The notes for Stage 1B instruct the contractor to first: complete construction of Saipan Ave, 15th St, 13th St, 10th St, and 8th St intersections before completing 14th St, 11th St, and 9th St. However, the work at 14th St, 11th St, and 9th St are shown on the previous stage 1A. Please clarify when this work is to be completed.
Inquiry submitted 10/19/2023
Response #1:Your inquiry has been submitted for review.
Response posted 10/20/2023
Response #2:Your inquiry remains under consideration.
Response posted 10/25/2023
Response #3:Attention is directed to Addendum No. 3 dated October 27, 2023. Please place your bid in accordance with the current contract bid documents.
Response posted 10/27/2023
Inquiry #6: Please review the bid quantity for item 33, HOT MIX ASPHALT (TYPE A). It appears to be overstated by about 10,000 tons.
Inquiry submitted 10/19/2023
Response #1:Your inquiry has been submitted for review.
Response posted 10/20/2023
Response #2:Your inquiry remains under review
Response posted 10/24/2023
Response #3:Attention is directed to Addendum No. 3 dated October 27, 2023. Please place your bid in accordance with the current contract bid documents.
Response posted 10/27/2023
Inquiry #7: The typical cross sections provided for each stage include the 0.20' RHMA cap as part of the work labeled "CONSTRUCT THIS STAGE". This is not standard construction. With the intersections being constructed separately, it is typical to place only the 0.70' HMA-A during the staging work and later place the RHMA cap all together. This will result in a cheaper cost as it will allow for much more production per shift, while providing a far better product by minimizing the bumps caused by construction joints in the RHMA. Please consider revising the staging plans accordingly.
Inquiry submitted 10/25/2023
Response #1:Your inquiry has been submitted for review.
Response posted 10/25/2023
Response #2:Your inquiry remains under review.
Response posted 10/27/2023
Response #3:Attention is directed to Addendum No. 5 dated November 6, 2023. Please place your bid in accordance with the current bid documents.
Response posted 11/06/2023
Inquiry #8: The staging plans for Segment 2 Stage 2A and 2B show a 3' buffer in between the construction joint and NB/SB traffic. In many cases, this 3' buffer is not possible as the the construction joint is about 12' from the face of the existing median concrete curb. In order to construct these stages, traffic will need to be detoured to the opposite side of the roadway. Please provide a traffic handling plan applicable to this work, or revise the staging so that the job is safely constructable.
Inquiry submitted 10/26/2023
Response #1:Your inquiry is under review
Response posted 10/27/2023
Response #2:The intent of the planned work in Segment 2 Stage 2A and 2B is to remove the existing structural section and place the "planned" structural section in one shift. At the end of the shift there shall not be a difference in elevation between the Lanes, and lane & gutter of more than of 0.15'. If there is a grade elevation difference of greater than 0.15' the contractor must comply with section 7-1.03, & 7-1.04. Comply with Temporary Traffic Control Systems Standard Plans and section 12. Please place your bid in accordance with the contract bid documents.
Response posted 10/29/2023
Inquiry #9: Thank you for the detailed response 2 to inquiry 8. However, the inquiry was not about differences in elevation between lanes. The inquiry is about horizontal spacing of the roadway. There are multiple areas where the 3' buffer between the work area and NB traffic is not possible to maintain.
For instance: reference sheet SC-19. At NB 33 just beyond 12th St there is only 12' between the face of the median barrier and the proposed pavement limit for stage 2A. Yet, the cross section for stage 2A on Sheet SC-18 shows 3' buffer between the 12' wide NB traffic and the pavement limits. Please describe, how is the contractor to set it's traffic control devices and maintain a safe work area without the 3' buffer?
Inquiry submitted 10/30/2023
Response #1:Your inquiry has been submitted for consideration.
Response posted 10/30/2023
Response #2:Segment 2 - Stage 2A & 2B: The roadway clear distance (not including the left turn lane) between the face of the median curb and the lip of gutter is approximately 30 feet which verifies the cross section shown on SC-18 & SC-21. Please place you bid in accordance with the current contract documents.
Response posted 10/31/2023
Response #3:Attention is directed to Addendum No. 5 dated November 6, 2023. Please place your bid in accordance with the current bid documents.
Response posted 11/06/2023
Inquiry #10: Addendum 5 added a note for Segment 2 Stage 2A and 2B that states "TRAFFIC IS ALLOWED IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION WITH THE USE OF A PILOT CAR AND FLAGGGING". However, the traffic charts only allow for reversing traffic control from PM 69.40-69.50 and 70.90-71.50. Please provide traffic charts applicable to this change so that we can determine our working hours.
Inquiry submitted 11/06/2023
Response #1:Your inquiry has been submitted for review.
Response posted 11/06/2023
Response #2:Attention is directed to section 12-4.02C(3)(k) “Chart K2” “Legend” – “Provide at lest 1 through traffic lane open in the direction of travel”. If the contractor chooses the option to construct the work according to notes “2 & 3” shown on SC-18 & SC-21 (Addendum No. 5) there must be at least one traffic lane open in each direction of travel. The contractor must provide all required traffic control systems to perform this work.
Response posted 11/07/2023
The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.