Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 08-1J3304

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Inquiry #1: Plan sheets PD1 & PD2 state that the pavement striping is to be refreshed. When using Two-Component Paint materials, you must remove existing materials from the pavement in order to allow the new paint to bond to the surface. You must either add removal items to the bid, or use regular traffic paint or thermoplastic for the delineation. Two-Component Paint does not bond to existing paint or thermoplastic.
Inquiry submitted 10/09/2024

Response #1:Please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 10/18/2024

Inquiry #2: I am writing to request clarification regarding the requirement for the contractor-supplied biologist
According to the Special Provisions, under Section 14 with subsection 14-6.03D(1), point Number 4 states that the contractor-supplied biologist shall monitor project activities daily to ensure biological compliance measures are being implemented and documented.
My question is:
Does the term "daily monitoring" require the biologist to be present on-site at all times during the entire construction period, or can the monitoring be conducted periodically (as-needed basis) depending on the specific activities?

Inquiry submitted 10/10/2024

Response #1:Your inquiry is being reviewed. Unless an addendum is issued, please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 10/21/2024

Inquiry #3: Hi:
are you planning for job walk or Prebid meeting? if so, what is the date for that?

Inquiry submitted 10/11/2024

Response #1:No pre-bid job walk or meeting is scheduled.
Response posted 10/18/2024

Inquiry #4: We are writing to request clarification regarding the requirement for the contractor-supplied biologist

According to the Special Provisions, specifically under Section 14, sub-section 14-6.03D(1), point No. 4, it is stated that During construction, a contractor-supplied biologist shall monitor project activities daily

Our question is:
Does 'daily monitoring' mean the biologist must be on-site at all times during construction, or can it be done periodically based on specific activities?

Inquiry submitted 10/11/2024

Response #1:Your inquiry is being reviewed. Unless an addendum is issued, please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 10/21/2024

Response #2:Please refer to Addendum No. 1.
Response posted 11/12/2024

Inquiry #5: 1. Is there any Mandatory Jobwalk/meetings for this project?
2. Are there any prequalifications?

Inquiry submitted 10/11/2024

Response #1:No pre-bid job walk or meeting is scheduled.
Response posted 10/18/2024

Inquiry #6: Per General Note #2 on sheet A1-05, "Replace and/or install any stone veneer damage and/or needed as required for new work. Stone veneer must match existing."
Per General Note #1 on sheet A1-09, "Reconstruct and/or install any stone veneer damage and/or needed as required for new job. Stone veneer must match existing."

The extent of replacement/reinstallation is not specified anywhere within the project documents. There is no way to estimate a price for this scope without having quantifiable direction.

Inquiry submitted 10/30/2024

Response #1:Please see the scope of work on GI-1b and the modified floor plan on A1-02. A wall will be constructed enclosing the vending area. Please see section 99-02071 for the requirements of removing portions of an existing facility. Please bid per the current contract documents.
Response posted 10/31/2024

Inquiry #7: Drawing #56-of-#197 - Plan Sheet A1-05, Note #2 which reads:

"Replace and/or install any stone veneer damage and/or needed as required for new work. Stone veneer must match existing."

Please clarify how this scope of work is to be quantified for the bid as the limits to existing stone veneer damage that that requires replacement vs. that which requires repair is unidentified & unquantifiable.

We recommend this portion of the work be captured as an allowance.

Inquiry submitted 10/30/2024

Response #1:Please see the scope of work on GI-1b and the modified floor plan on A1-02. A wall will be constructed enclosing the vending area. Please see section 99-02071 for the requirements of removing portions of an existing facility. Please bid per the current contract documents.
Response posted 11/04/2024

Inquiry #8: The closest concrete plant is in Barstow. The travel time from Barstow to the jobsite will exceed 90 minutes. Will Caltrans waive the 90 requirements for concrete?
Inquiry submitted 11/04/2024

Response #1:Please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 11/06/2024

Inquiry #9: Section 99-10802 - Toilet Accessories:

Project plans only identify new diaper changing stations and waste receptacles.

As an example, existing mirrors over the sinks are damaged & scratched and they are not identified on the plans as being upgraded. The specs also identify additional accessories not identified on the plans (soap, toilet tissue, seat covers, sanitary napkin, mirrors, etc.)

Are we only providing those accessories as identified on the plans?

Inquiry submitted 11/07/2024

Response #1:Please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 11/12/2024

Inquiry #10: Sheet A3-01 - Concrete saddle demolition indicates that the structural assembly is to be removed below the slab to include the saddle footing.

A slab patch detail is not provided to indicate reinforcement / dowel ties to existing slab, concrete patch strength, etc.

Inquiry submitted 11/07/2024

Response #1:Please see hatched area labeled with note 1 on sheet A3-01. This is the area to be removed. Please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 11/12/2024

Inquiry #11: Sheet A3-01 - Concrete saddle demolition indicates that the structural assembly is to be removed below the slab to include the saddle footing.

A slab patch detail is not provided to indicate reinforcement / dowel ties to existing slab, concrete patch strength, etc.

Inquiry submitted 11/07/2024

Response #1:Please see hatched area labeled with note 1 on sheet A3-01. This is the area to be removed. Please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 11/12/2024

Inquiry #12: Could you please let me know if we can extend the project deadline?
Inquiry submitted 11/07/2024

Response #1:Bid opening will not be extended.
Response posted 11/12/2024

Inquiry #13: Per page 87 or Special Provisions,
99-02220C(5) Disposal
Surplus Material: Surplus material from the excavation must be disposed of at the site of the work as
directed by the Engineer.
Surplus Material: Surplus material from the excavation must be removed and disposed of.
Is the contractor required to export surplus spoils, from excavations, or can contractor leave surplus materials ONSITE?

Inquiry submitted 11/08/2024

Response #1:Please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 11/12/2024

Response #2:The surplus material is to be disposed of as directed by the engineer. Please bid per current contract document.
Response posted 11/13/2024

Inquiry #14: Per Sheet SS1-1,
Existing leach lines are to be remove as required, is this material considered Hazardous waste to be disposed of offsite by contactor?

Inquiry submitted 11/08/2024

Response #1:Please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 11/12/2024

Response #2:No leach lines are not considered hazardous waste. Please see section 99-02071. Please bid per the current contract documents.
Response posted 11/13/2024

Inquiry #15: Will onsite water be available for contractor use during construction, for all activities? Or will contractor be required to truck water in from offsite source and store water onsite for contractor construction activities?
Inquiry submitted 11/08/2024

Response #1:Please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 11/12/2024

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.