Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 12-0T3904

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Inquiry #1: 39-2.01C(10) Roadside Paving specifies that Place aggregate base to a minimum compacted thickness of 0.5 foot. Which bid item is this aggregate base paid under, Bid item 44 Roadside paving or Bid item 41 Class 2 Aggregate base?
Inquiry submitted 01/23/2023

Response #1:The unit price of Roadside Paving (Miscellaneous Area), item code 394095, must include 0.5 foot aggregate base as shown in plans and specification.
It is not a separated bid item.

Response posted 01/24/2023

Inquiry #2: Are spikes allowed to climb palms for trimming that are not accessible by aerial lift?
Inquiry submitted 01/30/2023

Response #1:Yes, spikes are allowed.
Response posted 01/30/2023

Inquiry #3: Will aerial lifts be allowed to drive over ground cover area to allow palm trimming?
Inquiry submitted 01/30/2023

Response #1:The existing groundcovers and irrigation facilities damaged by aerial lifts, they shall be repaired and replaced by contractor without additional pay.
Response posted 01/30/2023

Inquiry #4: Referring to the license requirements, "The Contractor must have either a Class A license or any combination of the following Class C licenses which constitutes a majority of the work: C-8, C-27". Will a contractor be allowed to bid if they only possess a C-8 license. Or would the contractor need to possess both a C-8 and C-27 license?
Inquiry submitted 02/01/2023

Response #1:Bid as you see it
Response posted 02/02/2023

Inquiry #5: After a visual inspection this morning we noticed that all the palms have been recently trimmed. Once awarded, is there an approximate date of when the tree pruning will be performed?
Inquiry submitted 02/02/2023

Response #1:Pruned trees will not need further pruning
Response posted 02/02/2023

Inquiry #6: Please indicate size of ball valve on bid item 0040
Inquiry submitted 02/03/2023

Response #1:Please refer to Irrigation Plans and Irrigation Quantity sheet.
Response posted 02/06/2023

Inquiry #7: Please advise on adding Class B license to the qualifications.
Inquiry submitted 02/03/2023

Response #1:Bid as you see in the bidding package.
Response posted 02/06/2023

Inquiry #8: please advise on whether K-rails are used to protect contaminated area and/or lead deposits
Inquiry submitted 02/07/2023

Response #1:No K-rails
Response posted 02/07/2023

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.