Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 01-0H0214

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Inquiry #1: For item 53 24" anchor assembly, the special provisions gives an item quantity of 20 each. The drainage quantity sheet gives an item quantity of 13 each. Which is correct? Please advise.
Inquiry submitted 10/14/2022

Response #1:(BI#1)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.

Response posted 10/17/2022

Response #2:(BI#1)-This issue will be addressed under an upcoming addendum.

Response posted 10/25/2022

Response #3:(BI#1)-Refer to Addendum #3, dated November 1, 2022.
Response posted 11/01/2022

Inquiry #2: For drainage system 1, what is the degree of the 24" down drain elbow supposed to be?
Note: Slope percentage for 24" CSP and 24" downdrain not shown on plans.

Inquiry submitted 10/14/2022

Response #1:(BI#2)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.

Response posted 10/17/2022

Response #2:(BI#2)-This issue will be addressed under an upcoming addendum.

Response posted 10/25/2022

Response #3:(BI#2)-Refer to Addendum #3, dated November 1, 2022.
Response posted 11/01/2022

Inquiry #3: For the bid security, do you have a standard form so we can have the bonding company sign it? Or we can just provide our own form from the bonding company.
Inquiry submitted 10/18/2022

Response #1:(BI#3)-Electronic bid bonds are only accepted through a surety agent such as Tinubu: OR Surety2000:

For additional information contact Contract Awards at: (916) 227-6292. Bid Bonds must be received prior to bid opening (2 pm).

Hard-copy bonds can be mailed or hand delivered to:
Office of Construction Contract Awards
1727 30th Street, MS-43
Sacramento, CA 95816

Response posted 10/18/2022

Inquiry #4: how do we advertise or solicit dbe's to meet the goal of 22% as required in this contract?
is there a website so we can fill out request form?

Inquiry submitted 10/18/2022

Response #1:(BI#4)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.

Response posted 10/18/2022

Response #2:(BI#4)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.

Response posted 10/18/2022

Response #3:(BI#4)-Go to any project in the Caltrans "Contractor Corner" web site and there is an option: "Primes: advertise for help". You must be log in to be able to add or edit advertise for help records.
Response posted 10/19/2022

Inquiry #5: NOA exists at Location #2 and Location #4

Please add the standard bid items to cover this work as applicable:

Asbestos Compliance Plan
Dust Control Plan NOA
Sampling and Analysis Plan NOA
Roadway Excavation NOA

Inquiry submitted 10/19/2022

Response #1:(BI#5)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.

Response posted 10/19/2022

Response #2:(BI#5)-This issue will be addressed under an upcoming addendum.

Response posted 10/25/2022

Response #3:(BI#5)-Refer to Addendum #3, dated November 1, 2022.
Response posted 11/01/2022

Inquiry #6: 14-11.10B Site Conditions
NOA concentration data and sample locations maps are included in the Information Handout as specified in section 2-1.06B.
Please provide this document.

14-11.10J Material Transportation and Disposal
Do not dispose of material containing NOA. Haul and place excavated materials at the disposal site shown with the information handout.
Please provide this document.

Inquiry submitted 10/19/2022

Response #1:(BI#6)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.

Response posted 10/19/2022

Response #2:(BI#6)-This issue will be addressed under an upcoming addendum.

Response posted 10/25/2022

Response #3:(BI#6)-Refer to Addendum #3, dated November 1, 2022.
Response posted 11/01/2022

Inquiry #7: Item 62 Prepare and Stain Concrete 2,520 sf
Due to the staining process described in Sec 78-4.04C(3)(b). All rinse water is to be collected. This can be accomplished with the Precast Lagging in a controlled environment easily enough before the items are shipped to the job site. Touch ups are still going to be needed. But the pour in place Waler adds the concern of attempting this Staining process over a running water course. There will be a lot of rinsing water to contain. This Staining in situ seems to be unnecessary. (Local water is already a concern per the Information Handout.)
May we suggest adding color to the concrete mix. All job site environmental issues are erased. The added benefit is the color is through and through. A lifetime of color. At an affordable cost to the taxpayers.

Inquiry submitted 10/19/2022

Response #1:(BI#7)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.

Response posted 10/20/2022

Response #2:(BI#7)-The stain for the concrete waler is a water-based stain. Please refer to section 78-4.04B(2)(a) of the special provisions.
Response posted 10/25/2022

Inquiry #8: At drainage system number 5, the elbow size is described as 30", yet the elbow is to connect a 36" WSP culvert to a 36" APC (CSP) downdrain. Is the elbow supposed to be 30", and what type of material is the elbow supposed to be made out of? Welded steel or CSP?
Inquiry submitted 10/20/2022

Response #1:(BI#8)-This issue will be addressed under an upcoming addendum.

Response posted 10/25/2022

Response #2:(BI#8)-Refer to Addendum #3, dated November 1, 2022.
Response posted 11/01/2022

Inquiry #9: Item 46 - (F) - STRUCTURAL CONCRETE, HEADWALL has a quantity of 2.0 CY. SP D89 indicates this should be 0.448 CY/LF for H=4'-11".

Please verify quantity.

Inquiry submitted 10/24/2022

Response #1:(BI#9)-Your inquiry has been received.  However, please be aware due to the short time frame between when this inquiry was received and the bid opening, there may not be time to provide a response.  If no additional response is posted, please bid per the current contract documents.

Response posted 10/24/2022

Response #2:(BI#9)-This issue will be addressed under an upcoming addendum.
Response posted 10/27/2022

Response #3:(BI#9)-Refer to Addendum #3, dated November 1, 2022.
Response posted 11/01/2022

Inquiry #10: SP 71-6.03D Payment is ambiguous. Please clarify.
Inquiry submitted 10/24/2022

Response #1:(BI#10)-Your inquiry has been received.  However, please be aware due to the short time frame between when this inquiry was received and the bid opening, there may not be time to provide a response.  If no additional response is posted, please bid per the current contract documents.

Response posted 10/24/2022

Inquiry #11: For the deeper holes drilling to depth may not be possible in a 10 hour shift. If temporary casing is used to stabilize the hole overnight will we be allowed to continue drilling the next day to finish the hole and place concrete.
Inquiry submitted 10/25/2022

Response #1:(BI#11)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.

Response posted 10/25/2022

Response #2:(BI#11)-Please clarify the question? Which item of work does this question relate to?
Response posted 10/26/2022

Inquiry #12: For the deeper holes drilling to depth may not be possible in a 10 hour shift. If temporary casing is used to stabilize the hole overnight will we be allowed to continue drilling the next day to finish the hole and place concrete.

This is for Bid Item #42 30" Drilled Hole

Inquiry submitted 10/26/2022

Response #1:(BI#12)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.

Response posted 10/26/2022

Response #2:(BI#12)-Refer to Section 4-1.07B, “Value Engineering Change Proposal,” of the Standard Specifications. Proposals for modifications to the contract documents may be submitted to the Engineer after contract award.
Response posted 10/26/2022

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.