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Viewing inquiries for 03-0G4204

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Inquiry #1: We are requesting that the State include Cold In-Place Recycling with Foamed Asphalt (CIR-FA) as an alternative to Cold In-Place Recycling with Emulsion on the 03-0G4204 project. CIR-FA is an emerging technology with in the State of California and there are many cities and counties that have taken advantage of the benefits that CIR-FA offers which include:
1) Rapid cure times allowing the recycled layer to receive traffic 60-90 minutes after density is achieved.
2) Placement of the overlay or surface treatment within 2-3 days after completing the CIR-FA process. Supplemental compaction is not required which shortens the construction window between CIR and the overlay work.
3) CIR with Foamed Asphalt is structurally equivalent to CIR with Emulsion.
4) CIR-FA has a Caltrans NSSP recently developed in 2017, through the CIR subtask group.

CIR-FA is a practical alternative to Cold In-Place Recycling with Emulsion and there are several companies that currently have the resources to produce CIR-foam; by including it as an option there would be multiple bidders as opposed to a sole bidder, which would facilitate a more competitive bidding environment.
Again, we request that the Cold In-Place Recycling with Foamed Asphalt option be included on this project. Upon request, I am able to provide a table with the expected material quantities per the contract surface area, and the Caltrans NSSP 30-6 for CIR-FA. I can also provide a list of public agency references, contractor experience showing over 500 lane miles of work completed over the last 6 years, and can answer any questions you may have.

I urge you to reach out to Chuck Suszko with CT headquarters, and/or Dave Jones with UC Davis Pavement Resource Center to confirm the new NSSP.


Contact Info:
Dennis McElroy
Cold In-Place Recycling Manager
Graniterock Company
Cell: 408-639-8063

Inquiry submitted 11/20/2017

Response #1:
Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 11/20/2017

Response #2:
Due to the lack of time required to a change of this magnitude, your proposed request to switch to CIR-FA is not possible on this project. However, District 3 will keep this new NSSP for CIR-FA in mind for future projects. Please bid per the current contract documents.
Response posted 11/27/2017

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.