Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 03-4F4004

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Inquiry #1: Please provide the following details for the Hydroseed and Hydromulch bid line items:
(1) Seed Mix
(2) Components and rates of application (i.e. fiber mulch, fertilizer, tackifier, etc.)

Inquiry submitted 06/27/2018

Response #1:
(#1)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 06/27/2018

Response #2:An addendum has been issued to address this bidder inquiry. Please refer to Addendum No. 2, issued on Friday, July 06, 2018.
Please bid per the current contract documents.
Response posted 06/27/2018

Inquiry #2: Is it possible to get the Seed Mix for hydroseeding along with the application rates for Seed, Fertilizer, Mulch, Tackifier? Also, is there Erosion Control Blanket or Netting in conjunction with hydroseeding? If so, please specify what type and which staples or stakes are to be used.

Thank you.

Inquiry submitted 07/03/2018

Response #1:
(#2)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 07/03/2018

Response #2:
An addendum has been issued to address this bidder inquiry. Please refer to Addendum No. 2, issued on Friday, July 06, 2018.
Please bid per the current contract documents.
Response to question "is there Erosion Control Blanket or Netting in conjunction with hydroseeding?" is no.
Response posted 07/06/2018

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.