Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 04-3J0624

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Please provide a Traffic Control chart for the work required on EB & WB Millbrae Ave.

Inquiry submitted 05/19/2022

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 05/20/2022

Response #2:The charts have been added per Addendum 2.
Response posted 06/21/2022

Response #3:The traffic control chart for EB & WB Millbrae Ave have been inserted into the Bid Book with provision 12-4.02C(3)(m) in Addendum No.2
Response posted 06/24/2022

Inquiry #2: Please provide a Traffic Control chart for the work required on EB & WB San Bruno Ave.
Inquiry submitted 05/20/2022

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 05/23/2022

Response #2:The charts have been added per Addendum 2.
Response posted 06/21/2022

Response #3:The traffic control chart for EB & WB San Bruno Ave have been inserted into the Bid Book with provision 12-4.02C(3)(m) in Addendum No.2
Response posted 06/24/2022

Inquiry #3: Please clarify where sheets RS1, RS2 and RS4 are located.
Inquiry submitted 05/25/2022

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 05/25/2022

Response #2:Please refer to plan sheet RS1, pg. 430, RS2 pg. 431, RS4 pg. 433 in the 2018 Standard Plans
Response posted 06/06/2022

Inquiry #4: On plan sheet page X-1, the existing typical pavement structure section 1 shows 0.67’ of PCC. For typical pavement structure section A, it shows that we must cold plane .30' of AC pavement. Can you please confirm if we are cold planing AC or concrete? If it's AC, can you please provide the existing typical pavement structure section for section A?
Inquiry submitted 06/02/2022

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 06/03/2022

Response #2:We will not cold plan PCC, but will cold plan the existing AC over concrete. Please bid accordingly.
Response posted 06/21/2022

Inquiry #5: ITEM #24, REMOVE CONCRETE- 27 LF:
This quantity is shown on the Concrete Barrier Transition and Bridge Railing Chart on Q-6, 231 of 334. However, it does not includes the seven (7) locations shown on Sheet 5 of 15, 324 of 334. Should there be another 7 x 6'-0" = +42 LF included in this Item for a total of 69 LF?

Inquiry submitted 06/09/2022

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 06/09/2022

Response #2:The quantities have been revised per addendum 2.
Response posted 06/21/2022

Response #3:The Q-6 quantity table have been changed to show 69LF with Addendum No. 2
Response posted 06/24/2022

Inquiry #6: Where are the PCMS located? There are none shown on the CAS plans nor are there any shown on the Motorist Information Plan. In addition, Special Provisions missing information on the number of PCMS required for this project.
Inquiry submitted 06/16/2022

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 06/16/2022

Response #2:Item 7, Traffic Control System is Lump Sum, so the actual number of PCMS at any one time is dependent on how many closures the contractor have going at the same time. Actual spacing is shown on the 2018 Revised Standard Plans T20, which is included in the specs.
Response posted 06/20/2022

Inquiry #7: In the special provisions section 12-3.20(3)(c) Indicates that the contractor is to install a minimum of 260 feet of temporary steel barrier, is this the intention of the state to have this utilized on this contract.
Inquiry submitted 06/22/2022

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 06/22/2022

Response #2:This spec basically means “if” 12’-9” Temporary Steel Barrier is used then the minimum length is 260’. This is the minimum length required for that system to work. Just as how the 50’ temporary steel barrier minimum length is 250’ and the minimum length for Type K railing is 160’. So depending on the system they choose, those are the required minimum lengths.
Response posted 06/24/2022

Inquiry #8: Section 36-3.01D(3)(b)(i) of the Standard Specifications states that the contractor is to test pavement smoothness for an inertial profiler except use a 12-foot straightedge for the pavement at:

"1. Traffic lanes less than 1,000 feet in length, including ramps, turn lanes, and acceleration and deceleration lanes."

It appears that Ramp #2(line MA2), Ramp #3(MA3), Ramp #4 (MA5), Ramp #10(SB1), Ramp #12 (WS1), Ramp #14 (SB2), Ramp #18 (NW1), Ramp #23 (MA8), SB101 Off Ramp Connect to San Bruno Ave (NS1), San Bruno Ave (West San Bruno Ave SBA 1), and NB101 ON From Dubuque Ave (OP5) are all more than 1,000 LF.

Since they are over 1,000 LF is an inertial profiler required or is just a 12-foot straightedge required since these are ramps, acceleration and deceleration lanes.

If an inertial profiler is required to test smoothness, please provide the ProVal files for these ramps so that the existing smoothness can be determined.

Inquiry submitted 06/23/2022

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 06/23/2022

Response #2:ProVal files can be found at link:
Response posted 06/29/2022

Inquiry #9: Response to two questions has been to see addendum 2, however no addendum 2 has been posted. When will addendum 2 be posted?
Inquiry submitted 06/23/2022

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 06/24/2022

Response #2:Addendum No. 2 was issued and posted on June 23, 2022.
Response posted 06/24/2022

Inquiry #10: For Item #42 JPCP-RSC Should Dowel bars and tie bars be drilled into the adjacent concrete pavement? There are no drill and bond items present in the bid item list.
Inquiry submitted 06/23/2022

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 06/23/2022

Response #2:Please bid current contract documents.
Response posted 07/07/2022

Inquiry #11: Per Addendum 2 the State has added line items 91-95 Traffic Stripe Tape (warranty).

Can the striping details that are to be installed in Warranty Tape that require a contrast stripe be installed using contrast striping tape? (Caltrans Item Codes 847219, 847220, 847221, etc....)

If so, please revise Item 85 "Contrast Stripe Thermoplastic" total quantity to reflect this and add the Contrast Tape Items to the Bid Item list.

Inquiry submitted 06/27/2022

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 06/27/2022

Response #2:Per Addendum 4, items for contrast striping have been added and the Item 85, Contrast Stripe Thermoplastic quantity has been revised.
Response posted 07/07/2022

Inquiry #12: Please confirm that the proper dimensions/description for Item No. 92 (6" Traffic Stripe Tape (Warranty)(Broken 18-12)) should be 6" Traffic Stripe Tape (Warranty) 36-12.

This is also how it reads on the PDQ Sheets.

Inquiry submitted 06/27/2022

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 06/27/2022

Response #2:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 06/27/2022

Inquiry #13: Guardrail layouts on the plan sheets do not match what is found in the summary of quantity tables. Several bid items quantities will not be correct. Please go through the layout and quantities for all the guardrail items and please get corrected so we are not dealing with such massive quantity changes once the project starts. Very difficult to figure out what is trying to be built at each location.
Inquiry submitted 06/28/2022

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 06/28/2022

Response #2:Please see Addendum 4. Several guardrail item quantities have been revised.
Response posted 07/07/2022

Inquiry #14: Guardrail Removal at locations 38,42 & 45 look to be bridge railing and not guardrail. Please confirm that these should be paid under Bid Item 76 - Remove Bridge Railing
Inquiry submitted 06/28/2022

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 06/28/2022

Response #2:Please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 07/07/2022

Inquiry #15: Please confirm the bid quantity for items 100 and 101.

It seems that these quantities have doubled up. The plans haven't changed but the total LF quantity for the 6" Broken 36-12 has increased by more than double the original quantity for the entire project.

This stands out on sheet PDQ-14. The SB "NE1" line from Sta. 1361+03.7 to Sta. 1375+96.5 has a total of 13,500 LF - 6" White (Broken 36-12).

According to the plans and the existing conditions there is only 4,500 LF.

Inquiry submitted 07/07/2022

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 07/07/2022

Response #2:The quantities have been checked and are correct.
Response posted 07/08/2022

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.