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Viewing inquiries for 04-3J7004

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Inquiry #1: Can city confirm that 157 luminaire Roadway 2 units are required for the project?
Inquiry submitted 09/15/2020

Response #1:There are 69 double-mast arm luminaires and 19 single-mast arm luminaires, so there are 69 x 2 + 19 = 157 Roadway 2 units. Confirmed.
Response posted 09/17/2020

Inquiry #2: Per section 50-2.03A(1) the specs call for epoxy coated rebar. Could the state please specify what color epoxy coated rebar is required Green or Purple?
Inquiry submitted 09/17/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/21/2020

Response #2:Rebar may be either epoxy-coated reinforcement (green bar), prefabricated epoxy-coated reinforcement (purple bar), or dual-coated bar reinforcing steel, complying with ASTM A1055. Refer to Section 52-2.01A(3)(c) Certificates, of the Special Provisions, for restrictions.
Response posted 09/22/2020

Response #3:Refer to sections 52-2.03A(1) and 83-3.02C of the special provisions. Epoxy-coated reinforcement must be purple or gray.
Response posted 10/05/2020

Inquiry #3: Per Stage Construction Plan SC-1 its calling out 3 different work plans. Work Plans 1-3. Per the specs it states that work plan 1 must be completed within 100 working days and has a $7,000/day liquidated damages if not completed. Can all three work plans be worked on at the same time? Meaning can all the temporary k-rail be set for the entire project or are the work plans considered stages? If they are considered stages can you work in more then one at a time?
Inquiry submitted 09/17/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/21/2020

Inquiry #4: Drawing SC-1 refers to Work Plans 1 thru 3.
1. Can you better define the work and work limits in each plan?
2. What work is part of Work Plan 3 that isn't included in Work Plan 1?
3. Does all of the work in Work Plan 1 have to be completed before we move to Work Plan 2?
4. Special Provision Section 8-1.10B says that if Work Part 1 (I assume it meant Plan) is not completed within 100 working days, then $7000/day liquidated damages kick in for this interim milestone. Do Work Plans #2 and #3 also have interim milestones and damages?

Inquiry submitted 09/21/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/21/2020

Inquiry #5: Note states that all reinforcing steel is epoxy coated except for the CIDH piles. Is the top of the pile reinforcing that extends into the barrier rail also not epoxy coated or is it coated?
Inquiry submitted 09/22/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/23/2020

Response #2:None of the reinforcing steel for the CIDH piles needs to be epoxy coated; this includes the portion that extends from the piles into the barrier. Refer to the General Notes on sheet 120 of 139 of the contract plans and bid per the current contract documents.
Response posted 10/08/2020

Inquiry #6: The plans call out for scuppers to be in the concrete barrier type 60MS but there are no details for the scuppers dimensions or the scupper placement in the barrier. Can the state provide the construction details for the scuppers that are required for the barriers?
Inquiry submitted 09/24/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/24/2020

Inquiry #7: The plans call out for scuppers to be in the concrete barrier type 60MS but there are no details for the scuppers dimensions or the scupper placement in the barrier. Can the state provide the construction details for the scuppers that are required for the barriers?
Inquiry submitted 09/24/2020

Response #1:Same question as above.
Response posted 09/24/2020

Inquiry #8: Electrical conduit runs throughout the concrete barrier type 60 railing. How is the conduit to run in the barrier where scuppers are required?
Inquiry submitted 09/24/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/24/2020

Response #2:Electrical conduit runs near the top of barrier; refer to No. 9A pull box installation, ES-9D.
Response posted 09/30/2020

Inquiry #9: Can the state provide the variable height information for the concrete barrier type 60MSC? Variable height information is required to calculate concrete quantity and the correct rebar details.
Inquiry submitted 09/24/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/24/2020

Response #2:The Contractor will have to field verify all measurements, but the Concrete barrier (Type 60MSC) varies from 36" to approximately 46", where called out on the plans.

Response posted 09/25/2020

Inquiry #10: Can Caltrans provide us the PPF files ( Existing Pavement smoothness ) ?
Inquiry submitted 09/25/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/29/2020

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.