Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 05-1F6304

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Inquiry #1: The typical driveway section on Sheet C-35 does not indicate the structural section for paving behind the driveway/sidewalk. The typical cross sections and the driveway construction details also do not address. Please clarify the material type and thickness behind the concrete driveways.
Inquiry submitted 10/08/2019

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 10/09/2019

Response #2:Please refer to Addendum No. 1.
Response posted 10/22/2019

Inquiry #2: Please clarify the material type and thickness for the bike path driveways
Inquiry submitted 10/08/2019

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 10/09/2019

Response #2:Please refer to Addendum No. 1
Response posted 10/22/2019

Inquiry #3: Please clarify the project SWPPP risk level
Inquiry submitted 10/08/2019

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 10/09/2019

Response #2:Attention is directed to Addendum No. 1, Special Provisions 13-3.01A
Response posted 10/22/2019

Inquiry #4: Is there a Geo Technical Report for this project that the bidders can review?
Inquiry submitted 10/15/2019

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 10/15/2019

Response #2:No additional information is available for bidders to review.
Response posted 10/15/2019

Inquiry #5: We would like to request the category codes used to establish the 14% DBE goal for the project.
Inquiry submitted 10/18/2019

Response #1:Your attention is directed to Section 2-1.12B of the Standard Specifications. Please bid per the current contract documents.
Response posted 10/22/2019

Inquiry #6: Please provide a more detailed breakdown of concrete quantities by item of work (i.e. Curb Ramp #2) versus the current breakdown by page as is typically provided by the State.
Inquiry submitted 10/22/2019

Response #1:Your inquiry has been submitted for review.
Response posted 10/22/2019

Response #2:No additional information is available. Please place your bid in accordance with the current contract documents.
Response posted 10/22/2019

Inquiry #7: Please reference question and answer #6. Addendum 1 does not provide breakdown of quantities per item of work as requested in question 6. Please provide breakdown of quantities per each item of work for the concrete (i.e. per each Curb Ramp, per each Dwy, per each Bike Path Dwy, etc.).
Inquiry submitted 10/22/2019

Response #1:No additional information is available. Please place your bid in accordance with the current contract documents.
Response posted 10/23/2019

Inquiry #8: On page 13 of the Specifications - 7 Legal Relations and Responsibility to the Public Paragraph 3 "Reuse all of the excavated material on the right of way. The excavation quantities do not include the material required to be excavated to install all storm drains. If all of top two feet of excavated material from the top two feet of the storm drain is deposited in the right of way there appears to be a surplus of material. How do we handle this when the statement is made "all".
Inquiry submitted 10/24/2019

Response #1:Your inquiry has been submitted for review.
Response posted 10/24/2019

Response #2:Attention is directed to Addendum No. 3. Please place your bid in accordance with the current contract documents.
Response posted 10/28/2019

Inquiry #9: Please confirm Bid item 42 and 43 APC as corrugated interior hdpe. None of the manufactures I have spoken with manufacture this type (C) in those sizes?

Inquiry submitted 10/24/2019

Response #1:Your Inquiry has been submitted for review.
Response posted 10/24/2019

Response #2:Attention is directed to Addendum No. 3.
Response posted 11/04/2019

Inquiry #10: For the 30" and 36" APC pipe Bid Items 42 and 43 the chart list RCP, or Type C HDPE, I do not believe Type C HDPE is made is these sizes. Is this a misprint?
Inquiry submitted 10/24/2019

Response #1:Your Inquiry has been submitted for review.
Response posted 10/24/2019

Response #2:Attention is directed to Addendum No. 3.
Response posted 11/04/2019

Inquiry #11: The utility relocation and coordination table provided in Section 5-1.36C indicates the amount of working days required for the various utility owners to perform their work. The Utility Drawings include a legend showing some work to be included in the contract price and some work to be done by others, yet these two pieces of information don't seem to match. For instance, Atascadero Wastewater Department is given 20 working days, yet the Storm Drain Manholes on the Utility Drawings indicate contractor responsibility. Also, Transformer Vaults and Communication Pedestals are rarely adjusted by the General Contractor. Please clarify utility work responsibilities.
Inquiry submitted 10/24/2019

Response #1:Your inquiry has been submitted for review
Response posted 10/28/2019

Response #2:The contractor is to coordinate with the utility owner to perform their relocation within the timeframe given in section 5-1.36C(3) if they have not already relocated prior to construction.
Response posted 10/28/2019

Response #3:Attention is directed to Addendum No. 3
Response posted 11/04/2019

Inquiry #12: Several Business signs and mailboxes appear to be in conflict with the new sidewalk and/or bike path (STA 783+50 for example). If such conflict arises, who is responsible for relocating the signs and mailboxes?
Inquiry submitted 10/25/2019

Response #1:Your inquiry has been submitted for review
Response posted 10/28/2019

Response #2:Attention is directed to Addendum No. 3.
Response posted 11/04/2019

Inquiry #13: We submitted two questions at the end of day Thursday 10/24/19 but they have not been posted. One was regarding utility coordination and the other was regarding sign/mailbox relocations. Did these questions come through?
Inquiry submitted 10/28/2019

Response #1:Duplicate - Your inquiry has been submitted for review
Response posted 10/28/2019

Inquiry #14: It is obvious by your response that the "Current Contract Documents" identify exactly how this material is to be handled. Please clarify which Specification Section and Sub Title identifies with clarity exactly how this material is to be handled.

Inquiry #8: On page 13 of the Specifications - 7 Legal Relations and Responsibility to the Public Paragraph 3 "Reuse all of the excavated material on the right of way. The excavation quantities do not include the material required to be excavated to install all storm drains. If all of top two feet of excavated material from the top two feet of the storm drain is deposited in the right of way there appears to be a surplus of material. How do we handle this when the statement is made "all".
Inquiry submitted 10/24/2019

Response #1:Your inquiry has been submitted for review.
Response posted 10/24/2019

Response #2:Please place your bid in accordance with the current contract documents.
Response posted 10/28/2019

Inquiry submitted 10/28/2019

Response #1:You inquiry has been submitted for review.
Response posted 10/28/2019

Response #2:Attention is directed to Addendum No. 3
Response posted 11/04/2019

Inquiry #15: Will a new bid bond with the updated bid date be required? If so, will you please submit the revised bid bond forms?
Inquiry submitted 10/31/2019

Response #1:No. A new bid bond with a revised Bid Opening date will not be required.
Response posted 10/31/2019

Inquiry #16: In section 5-1.36C(3) of the special provisions the contractor is required to submit a schedule that allows at least the time shown for the utility owner to complete its work. The total working days shown in the table is 180, yet the contract only provides 140 working days. Will Caltrans add 40 working days to allow sufficient time for utility owners to complete their work?
Inquiry submitted 11/05/2019

Response #1:Your inquiry has been submitted for review.
Response posted 11/06/2019

Response #2:It is incorrect to add all the individual working days. There are multiple utility owners listed, and their relocations can be scheduled concurrently. Please place your bid in accordance with the contract documents.
Response posted 11/06/2019

Inquiry #17: The current bid schedule does not include an item for Replace Asphalt Concrete Surfacing. This item is typically used for patch back in front of existing concrete being replaced adjacent to an existing roadway. In the absence of this item, it is unclear in the Specials, Revised Standards, and Standards how this is paid. Please specify how the patch-back in front of new concrete flatwork is paid.
Inquiry submitted 11/06/2019

Response #1:Your inquiry has been submitted for review.
Response posted 11/06/2019

Response #2:Bid in accordance with the current contract bid documents.
Response posted 11/07/2019

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.