Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 06-0T2304

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Inquiry #1: Will there be a prebid for this project?
Inquiry submitted 06/11/2019

Response #1:Your inquiry has been submitted for review.
Response posted 06/11/2019

Response #2:There will not be a pre bid meeting for this project.
Response posted 06/14/2019

Inquiry #2: Plan Sheet No. 28 shows details of quick coupling valve and cam coupler assembly, but we could not find the locations to install them. Please let us know where they are supposed to be installed.
Inquiry submitted 06/12/2019

Response #1:Your inquiry has been submitted for review
Response posted 06/14/2019

Response #2:Contract plan sheet No. 28 is a “2018 Revised Standard Plan”. It is included to show the “PVC Pipe Conduit (Sleeve)” detail. See contract plan sheet No. 17 for this bid item quantity.
Response posted 06/18/2019

Inquiry #3: The plan sheet for the chain-link fence detail shows two openings that doesn't included gates, does the fence have the openings or is it all enclosed?
Inquiry submitted 06/18/2019

Response #1:Your inquiry has been submitted for review.
Response posted 06/18/2019

Response #2:Construction Details sheet C-1 shows two graphical breaks in the fence. These breaks are graphical break lines, not openings in the fence. There is one gate for the fenced enclosure. The gate is shown in the top right corner of the plan for the fenced enclosure. The quantities on the same sheet also show the gate.
Response posted 06/19/2019

Inquiry #4: Please clarify the work associated with Sheet A0-3.1. It appears van accessible stalls are being added to both NB and SB rest areas but it is unclear the exact work. It appears ADA ramps and parking bumpers are being added, stripe is removed and replaced, signage upgraded but is HMA work required in the ADA POT or just stripe improvements?
Inquiry submitted 06/27/2019

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 06/27/2019

Response #2:Please refer to Addendum No. 1 dated July 3, 2019. Sheets 46 (A0-1) and 47 (A0-2) have been replaced.
Response posted 07/03/2019

Inquiry #5: Plan Sheet SS-1 (E) Septic Tank and (E) Lift Station as well as Sheet SS-13 do not provide capacities or invert elevation information of the existing structure. Please provide this information.
Inquiry submitted 06/27/2019

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 06/27/2019

Response #2:Please refer to Addendum No. 1 dated July 3, 2019. Sheets 100 (SS-1) and 114 (SS-13) have been replaced.
Response posted 07/03/2019

Inquiry #6: There is no Item for Control wire (C&N Conductors)? Are we to use existing C&N for the two valves?
Inquiry submitted 06/27/2019

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 06/27/2019

Response #2:Control and neutral conductors are existing. Each valve cluster has extra control and neutral conductors.
Response posted 07/01/2019

Inquiry #7: Sheet SS-1-2 states Ponds 2 and 3 do not require sludge removal, but to what extent is clearing and grubbing required? Also can these ponds be utilized for sewage disposal from existing facilities during construction?
Inquiry submitted 07/01/2019

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 07/01/2019

Response #2:Please refer to sheet SS-1 and section 99-02110 of the Special Provisions.

Please refer to section 78-6C of the Special Provisions.

Response posted 07/03/2019

Inquiry #8: Sheet SS-14, Note 1 calls to replace (E) 6" SP and (E) 2" FM however no details are provided on the 2" force main. How much is being removed and replaced? Is this work call only inside the 24" casing and all the other existing 2" FM remains untouched, please clarify.

Inquiry submitted 07/01/2019

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 07/01/2019

Response #2:Please refer to Addendum No. 1 dated July 3, 2019. Sheet 115 (SS-14) has been replaced.
Response posted 07/03/2019

Inquiry #9: Special provisions section 12-3.11C(3) states to install one construction project funding sign. Typically there is one sign installed in each direction of traffic where work is being done. Should there be two of these signs on this project since work is being done on both N/B and S/B?
Inquiry submitted 07/03/2019

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 07/03/2019

Response #2:No additional information will be added at this time, please bid per the current contract documents.
Response posted 07/06/2019

Inquiry #10: Refer to Plan Sheet 65. Please confirm the scope of construction #2 as it only requires a riser with conductors and not a service cabinet. Not enough information to bid this scope.
Inquiry submitted 07/07/2019

Response #1:New service equipment is identified next to the note symbol 2 on sheet 65. Please refer to sheet 68 for associated details of new service equipment. Also refer to sheet 63 for removal of old service equipment. See also Special Provisions section 99-1, subsection 1.8 for utility connections. Please bid per the current contract bid documents.
Response posted 07/08/2019

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.