Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 06-0U1004

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Inquiry #1: How will CIR placement be considered with the new percent improvement smoothness specification? Is CIR held to the same smoothness specifications stated in the Standard 2018 Specifications or will the existing roadway's smoothness be considered?
Inquiry submitted 12/03/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 12/03/2020

Response #2:CIR compacted surface has different requirement than HMA. According to the current CIR Spec, maximum allowed Mean Roughness Index (MRI) for the compacted CIR surface is 90 in/mi for each 0.1 mile segment regardless of existing MRI of the road. Also areas of localized roughness (ALR) greater than 240 in/mi should be corrected.
However, for the HMA capping (overlay) on top of CIR compacted surface, target 60 pay adjustment table will be applicable. When the project is only HMA, smoothness nSSPs section 36-3 and 39-2 will be needed. If there is a CIR, we add a language for CIR capping requirement to section 39-2 of the special provisions.

Response posted 12/10/2020

Inquiry #2: Special conditions state an opportunity as an HMA layer. Is CIR considered an opportunity to improve smoothness in regards to calculating the Target MRI on the final surface?
Inquiry submitted 12/03/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 12/03/2020

Response #2:You do not need to do any calculation based on number of opportunities for CIR projects. As mentioned the response to Bidder Inquiry 1, CIR smoothness requirements are different from HMA. Regardless of the CIR depth contractor needs to correct CIR surface with MRI greater than 90 and ALR greater than 240. For HMA capping, regardless of the thickness and number of opportunities, target 60 MRI applies and no areas of localized roughness (ALR) over 160 are allowed.

Response posted 12/10/2020

Inquiry #3: Can CIR-FA (foamed asphalt) 30-6 be used in lieu of CIR-EA (emulsions) 30-5 on this project?
Inquiry submitted 12/16/2020

Response #1:Your inquiry has been submitted for review.
Response posted 12/16/2020

Response #2:No CIR-FA cannot be use in lieu CIR-EA. Please place your bid in accordance with the current contract documents.
Response posted 12/21/2020

Inquiry #4: In reference to the traffic monitoring stations, will Caltrans be providing the traffic counters? If not, what is the type?
Inquiry submitted 01/13/2021

Response #1:Your inquiry has been submitted for review.
Response posted 01/13/2021

Response #2:A Traffic Counter will be provided and used by Department personnel for testing.
Response posted 01/13/2021

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.