Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 07-286204

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Inquiry #1: What is the definition of within the aqueduct? Is it permissible to set beams over the aqueduct outside of the November 15 to December 31 window? Is "within the aqueduct" complete once the panels are replaced?
Inquiry submitted 10/31/2018

Response #1:Please reference the page number where the statement of the inquiry was found in the special provisions.
Response posted 10/31/2018

Inquiry #2: Addendum 1 appears to have moved the bid up to 11/7/18 from the original 11/15/18, please confirm.
Inquiry submitted 11/02/2018

Response #1:The addendum letter was re-issued due to software problem. Please refer to the addendum issued on 11/2/18. Bid Date will remain as 11/15/18.
Response posted 11/02/2018

Inquiry #3: What is the definition of within the aqueduct? Is it permissible to set beams over the aqueduct outside of the November 15 to December 31 window? Is "within the aqueduct" complete once the panels are replaced?
In the Special Provisions page 12
Provision 5-120H

Inquiry submitted 11/02/2018

Response #1:Please Bid Per Plans and Specifications.
Response posted 11/02/2018

Inquiry #4: Addendum No 1 states the bids are open on Wednesday, November 7.
Should this be Friday, December 7?

Inquiry submitted 11/02/2018

Response #1:The addendum letter was re-issued due to software problem. Please refer to the addendum issued on 11/2/18. Bid Date will remain as 11/15/18.
Response posted 11/02/2018

Inquiry #5: 1. Plans reference the existing water level of the aqueduct to be elev. 2940.82. Permit 1626 indicates that the min water level during the construction period will be elev. 2935. Please confirm that it is not in the scope of this contract to dewater as there is no bid item to do so. It is assumed that the DWR will perform this work. Please confirm.
Inquiry submitted 11/13/2018

Response #1:Department of Water Resources (DWR) will not do any dewatering. There will be No Dewatering of the canal at any time. DWR will lower the water level in the canal between November 15 and December 31 of the year of construction. The cofferdam installation shall be done without dewatering the canal and under partial flow conditions. According to the Encroachment Permit: 1626 Special Provisions 6 through 9, Pool 58 will remain in service delivering water during construction. The lowest water demand period is between November 15 and December 31 of the year of construction, this is when the pool may be lowered down to the 2935? elevation, which is the minimum required to continue delivering water. Special Provision 7 allows contractors to request restriction/reduction on flows, however it will be evaluated on case by case basis, but no guarantees that it will be approved. Outside this period DWR must be able to deliver water with no restrictions on flow or water surface elevation.
Response posted 11/14/2018

Inquiry #6: Will the C47C(CA) signs that are required on this project be required to be "NEW" signs upon installation on this project or will used signs in acceptable condition be accepted for use? If used signs in acceptable condition can be used what is the determining factor for "ACCEPTABLE CONDITION"?
Inquiry submitted 11/28/2018

Response #1:Please Bid Per Plans and Specifications.
Response posted 11/28/2018

Inquiry #7: The special provisions incorporate RSP D89 for straight headwall. Using the details and dimensions in the plans and the RSP plan, there is great disparity in the quantities. In addition, many of the "H" listed on the plans have no data on the RSP. What dimensions are we to use for the Straight Headwalls paid under BI 54 Structural Concrete, Headwall?
Inquiry submitted 11/30/2018

Response #1:Please Bid Per Plans and Specifications.
Response posted 11/30/2018

Inquiry #8: Ref. 07-286204, bid items 57 & 58:
Drawing number 152 shows the precast bulb-tee girder depth as 4'-6". The nearest standard Caltrans girder size is 4'-7" deep. Is a 4'-7" deep bulb-tee girder acceptable in lieu of 4'-6" ?

Inquiry submitted 12/10/2018

Response #1:The precast pre-stressed girders on the California Aqueduct Bridge widening are California Wide-Flange girders, not bulb-T girders. Please refer to Note 4 on Sheet 142. Girders depth must be as shown on the plans on Sheet 152. Bid per the current contract bid documents.

Response posted 12/10/2018

Inquiry #9: Is there a Natural Environmental Study for this project available? Are there additional response letters or permits from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board, Bureau of Land Management and/or the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers?

Inquiry submitted 01/07/2019

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 01/09/2019

Inquiry #10: Addenda #4 added duplicate items for:
BI 70 & 113 - Abandon Culvert
BI 71 & 114 - Remove Pipe (LF)
BI 72 & 115 - Remove Headwall

Please correct.

Inquiry submitted 01/28/2019

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 01/28/2019

Inquiry #11: Addendum 4 includes the addition of three new bid items to the bid list 113, 114, 115. These items appear to be identical to items 70, 71, 73 in both description and quantity. Please review and clarify the intent of the three new bid items.
Inquiry submitted 01/28/2019

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 01/28/2019

Inquiry #12: Since Monday February 18th is a holiday can the due date for submission of Good Faith Effort be extended by at least one day? What is the final date for submission of GFE after the holiday weekend.
Inquiry submitted 02/12/2019

Response #1:The due date for the submission of the Good Faith Effort will be the day after the Holiday.
Response posted 02/12/2019

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.